Monday, August 31, 2009

Coming Soon: Finding Lost S5!

Hey all! So... the season 5 book has officially gone to the printer, and I saw the full cover the other day (front/spine/back) and it was gorgeous. Just when I thought the s4 was my fave cover ever, this one tops it. The designer put this creepy dark cloud all over the back cover, and I loved it.

Some of you will remember last year that I offered autographed copies of the S4 book if you ordered them directly from me. I had an overwhelming response that was great, and I'd like to extend that same offer. The problem this time around is the S5 is a full two-and-a-half signatures longer (eep). So where the S4 book had been 224 pages, this one is 304 ("Wait, at the same cover price?? Oh, Nikki, you spoil us!"). That also means, however, that it's going to weigh more, and until I have the books in my hand I won't know just how much more. I don't think shipping will be much more expensive this time around, but I'll have to figure out exactly how much more and then I can let everyone know.

So what we can do this time around is, if you're interested in a signed advance copy (I'll have them in my hands about 3 weeks before Amazon will), email me and give me your full address, and then I can keep a list of them so I can figure out shipping costs when I have the book in my hands. This is NOT a commitment from you to buy anything -- if the shipping is more than expected, I certainly wouldn't expect you to pay it. This is just so I have a list, and then I can email you back, let you know the shipping and send you the options on how to pay, and we can get things moving. :)

So send me an email with your address if you're interested. It's $14.95 if you live in the U.S., and $16.95 in Canada (no tax). I'll figure out shipping on top of it. Also, I still have copies of all of the other Finding Lost books, so if you're interested in more than one (a COMPLETE Finding Lost library, anyone??) let me know that, too. :) The first book is $17.95 U.S., $19.95 Cdn (it covers seasons 1 & 2) and the rest of them are the same price as the S5 book.

And in other news, my publicist told me the other day that he wants to do a launch for this book. I was surprised, and said I thought maybe a launch for the final book to sort of celebrate the series, but he thinks the S5 book would be a great one to launch because the show's still on the air, people are buzzing with excitement over the upcoming final season, the Lost rewatch is in full swing, etc. etc. The launch would be held somehwere in Toronto probably in mid-to-late October. So I'm just putting the word out there because I'm hoping some of my dear Nik at Nite readers would be able to make it, and I could meet you for the first time! And then I'll do a long academic lecture on Time Travel in the Land of the Jacobites, followed by a close analysis of Desmond's shirt-unbuttoning. (Wait... stop running away!) OK. Maybe I'll skip the time travel portion of that lecture...

When I know more details, I'll post them, but here's hoping I can finally meet some of you. We could make it a Nik at Nite meet-up!


  1. Sa-Weet! I would so love to come to the book launch, but don't see how I could swing it. I totally want a Nik at Nite meet! That would be cool!

    Off I go to e-mail you my address.....

  2. Boo-yeah! What a great idea!

    Fantastic news and the month of October is now officially circled on the calendar. Oh, but you HAVE to do Time Travel as part of the lecture. You could introduce it towards the end and then tell people that you actually covered it earlier but they must just be 'remembering' it now .....

  3. The Question Mark1 September 2009 at 18:30

    Oh, that is AWESOME news, Nikki! i live in the greater Toronto area, so I could totally make it to this. I'd love to meet ya in person and listen to a lecture about time-travel and Desmond's blue shirt!
    I will be taking a 10-day trip to L.A. within the next month or so, but hopefully I will be in town and won't miss this event.
    Looking forward to hearing more details about it!

  4. I would be so interested in a signed copy! As I read the entry for "Cabin Fever" yesterday, I bemoaned the fact that I wouldn't be able to read the S5 guide along with my S5 rewatch, which I'll be starting soon. Having the book three weeks early would be rockin! Here is where I show how lame I am: where is your email address posted? The clicky click links to your email aren't working for me.

  5. My email address is also on the page under my photo, but it's the same clicky-click thing so it might not work, either! :) It's:


    Remove the slashes when emailing me (I'm trying to keep those spambots away from me!) ;)

  6. I'm interested in the book launching, but unfortunately I'm working up in Sudbury (yikes!) at the end of October. If you have it in November I'd love to finally meet you :)

  7. Nikki, I was wondering if you got my email about picking up a copy of this and a set signed. If not, I can send it again.



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