Friday, August 28, 2009

Lost Characters as Superheroes

You have to check this out. Not only did this blogger manage to come up with superhero identities for every character on Lost, but he even found a photo of the character or actor that looked EXACTLY like the pose of the superhero. It's pretty amazing. And he didn't choose them based on the pose -- their qualities match the superhero he's talking about. Take Ben, for instance:

Guided by an incredibly warped and twisted view of the world, he actually believes his actions are justified. Constantly putting his arch nemesis "Jackman" into impossible moral quandaries, he seems to be in control of even the most out-of-control situations. Also a regular visitor of my nightmares.

Ha! Go check out the entire post here. My favourite: His nomination for Eloise Hawking's alter-ego. Heehee!!


  1. Oh that was great! I loved Eko's too!

  2. Oooh that was cool. I especially liked Jin as Daredevil. Daredevil is blind, and it sort of ties into Jin's inability to communicate with—or for that matter, understand—everyone else one the island.

  3. Oh that's great, love all the comparisons. They were right on !

  4. That is an amazing site. Everyone fit their superhero counterparts exactly. Eloise Hawking/Aunt May was actually the only one I disagreed with. Aunt May is sweet, kindhearted, and a good parental figure. Eloise is like...the exact opposite of that! BAHAHA! It's just funny and coincidental that they're both old ladies! :)

  5. I love Eloise's the best. Because Aunt May the polar opposite of what Eloise is like. Nikki, I pre-ordered your season 5 book at Chapters today!

  6. This was pretty good, unlike most attempts at Lost humor.

  7. My favourite was Rose and Bernard.

  8. Wow, two of my favourite things in the one post - Lost and superheroes! And Jack was Batman! I'm over-excited now. Sayid as Wolvie was a no-brainer, really, wasn't it? They should have had Sayid pop his claws into boy Ben instead of shoot him, it would have worked then. Snikt!

  9. I see Eloise as more of an Agatha Harkness.


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