Tuesday, September 15, 2009

RIP: Patrick Swayze


Rest in peace, Johnny.


  1. I am shocked at his passing; I knew he was very sick but I was under the impression he had "won" his battle. What a likable guy that Patrick Swayze was:(

  2. Dirty Dancing & Ghost were awesome, but I remember Patrick most from a TV mini-series about the Civil War called "North & South", where he played a southerner named Orry Maine. Does anyone else know that show?

  3. “Love - it's the one thing you can take with you when you die”:


  4. That's the third time I've come on this website and saw a great man has died, first Patrick McGohan and then John Hughes

  5. You bet Question Mark! It was a great mini series, even if they weren't as true to the books as they should have been. I was in college when the mini series took place. He was one of the main characters. I liked Patrick Swayze and admired him and his wife for their long marriage and faithfulness to each other. It was very refreshing for a Hollywood couple. I saw the Barbara Walters interview with the two earlier in the year...I don't know how she will handle things without him there anymore.

  6. Only the good die young it seems...

  7. I agree with The Question Mark and LVGirl: "North and South" was brilliant. I seriously only watched the three book adaptations last week (Patrick wasn't in the last one, save for one scene), and over that week my girlfriend and I had begun referring to Patrick as 'Ori'. I'm deeply saddened by his passing. "The Beast" has only just begun to screen in Australia, and it's gratifying (not to mention inspiring) to see a man who was so sick, and yet delivered some of his best work in a great career. He will be missed.

  8. I was greatly saddened by this--we've lost a great talent. I always wish he'd worked even more than he had, which I guess is the best compliment I can give.

  9. Count me amongst those that dug "North and South" too-I even have it on DVD.

    @Loretta: Agreed. I would have loved to see even more from him.

  10. primeiro quem falou quem foi a bsta burra que falou que esse cara algum dia foi ator ninca foi nao tinha talento para isto nunca teve so conhecemos ele por causa e no filme dirty dancyng achamos ate que ele era morto pois nunca mais vimos ess e drogado sem talentooo sei que ele fez filmes porcarias frcassado como sua vida como um tal ghost dizem que e nojento vomitavle brega e a ultima dança que e outro lixo porco sem toteira uma loira horrivel atua com le sem quimica os dois duas mimias dançando bale chatoo sem nexoooo nenhumm como tudooo que le fez nessa podre vida dela nao tinah talentooo para nada so para beber se drogar e fumar inclusive maconha ois so conhecemos ele de dirty dancyn unico unico filme que presta dele pois jennifer grey carregou ele no rasto de su talentooo no filme enao tinha sido outro frcasso como todos que esse sem talentooo fez na vida ,drogado bebado e inutil nem filhos teve .era um nadaaaa um ninguemmmmmmm se morrreu ja estava mortoooo logo apos dirty dancyng pois nao lembramos desse cara nem conhecemos sua podre figura so que ele fez par com JENNIFER GREY EM DIRTY DANCYNG SOOOOOOOO,ja era morto para o mundooo desde1987.texano sem talento burro chucro drogado bebadoo e sem talento nem pra ser lixeirooo em hollywoodd ,porco podre sem talentoooooooooo.


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