Sunday, September 13, 2009

True Blood Finale Tonight!

In honour of it, check out this awesomeness (mild spoilers if you haven't seen Season 2 yet!)


  1. That was terrifying and awesome at the same time. I've never seen that show...I think I have too you and innocent a mind for that one though so I'm probably going to hold off. The song was all like "I could corrupt you" and I was like "nahhh, think I'll pass on that one". Haha. Ha. Ha...okay mostly that was terrifying.

    Was that Ana Paquin though? The one blonde girl?

  2. Um...I meant to say too "young and innocent a mind" I noticed that right when it was too late to change.

  3. So excited for the finale. This season has been so crazy! Can't wait to review it.

  4. As much as I LOVE this show, I didn't love this finale. I am so glad all the Maryann stuff is over. However, the ending did set it up for all the awesomeness coming in S3. I read a great interview with Alan Ball and he explained his process of how he interprets the books, what he feels works, doesn't work, etc. It's what makes the show so great and yet different from the books. He did say which characters from the next book he can't wait to cast so I'm excited about that. Gives me hope that they'll cast carefully. They've done a fantastic job thus far, except for the Queen. I don't know if it's the actor or the direction she was given but she sucks. LOL


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