Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lost Premiere Date Announced!

Season 6 will officially begin on February 2, 2010 with the two-hour premiere, in the 9pm time slot (thank goodness, since last week 10pm was being touted as the possible time), following a recap episode that will kick off the season an hour earlier at 8. This means Lost has officially moved to Tuesday nights, meaning our discussions will be held on Wednesday mornings here (does that seem wrong to anyone else? I always enjoyed our Thursday morning, and it'll just seem weird to be discussing it a day early... oh well, I'm not complaining!) You can read the full press release here.

Now this comes a week later than we'd originally thought it was going to air, and if Lost is also going to be taking off two weeks in February for the Olympics, as Carlton Cuse announced recently, how will that work? The Olympics begin on February 12. Does that mean they're airing the premiere plus one extra episode and then taking two weeks off? Or has ABC scrapped that earlier idea?

What we know is that season 6 will be 18 hours long. If the premiere is 2 hours, then that puts us at May 25 for the finale, but that's ONLY if there's no recap episodes in between, no weeks being taken off, and no break for the Olympics. However, I'm thinking the finale will be 2 hours long, which will give ABC one free week to run a recap episode. OR... if they take two weeks off for the Olympics, then they might double up episodes on another night. But considering the timing of the premiere, I don't think they'd run two episodes and then stop there, and maybe they've changed their mind about the Olympics (here's hoping the ratings for Lost will be able to hold up against them) and it'll end nicely on May 25. Fingers crossed.


  1. Still on that May 25th hey... hopefully it'll be all nice and neat for a great finale!

    By the way... looking at the Hawaii Conference as a semi-holiday trip!

  2. Premiering on Groundhog Day? Maybe another clue to Lost hitting the reset button after The Incident.

  3. You know what could work? Because the Olympics start two weeks after the premiere, they could air back-to-backs on the first two weeks (that's 4 eps) and the remaining 14 on the following weeks (13 weeks - 2 ep finale) and they would end on the 25th!

    Let's keep hoping...

  4. haha, jason, i noticed it premiered on groundhog day too, and thought that MUST have been on purpose! ;)

    i don't care how they set the episodes up -- i'm excited! it feels more "real" now that we have an actual premiere date! although, tuesday was my one, sacred non-TV night of the week ... guess that's shot now!

  5. re the Olympics...I think the press release that announced the premier date also stated that there will be no break during the Olympics.

  6. My apologies, I reread the article and they were speculating on whether or not the Olympic break would take place.

  7. @Nikki: How prescient were the writers of LOST. Of course bad things come from Canada--the Olympics prove it, don't they? They must have known there'd be this hiatus years ago, and worked it into their storyline. Either that or they're great followers of South Park. Will Sawyer make a remark about a business associate whose got a sweet deal at the Olympics? Oh, I can just see it. Or Hurley trying to ski down Whistler? Perhaps we'll discover Nikki and Paulo had plans to escape to Vancouver after landing in LA? Or that the Dharma Initiative had a station in the Yukon (where did they get all those polar bears from anyway)?

    Okay, let's all sing together the South Park "Blame Canada" song during the hiatus of LOST.

  8. I try to stay away as far from spoilers as I can, but after reading the press release I was a little bit shocked, that Henry Ian Cusick isn't in the main cast anymore. But I'm happy to read that Nestor Carbonell finally got a part in the maincast...

  9. Why the change to Tuesday? Because of Flashforward? Hmph.


  10. Aw, Tuesday nights? That sucks.

    That's my poker night. So I either have to skip poker or watch it a day later, which isn't that big a deal, but I'll miss out on all the fun here.

    Boo, ABC, boo! Any day'd be better than Tuesday...

  11. This is not good news 4 the brits. I already had to stay away from the internet from Thursday until Sunday n now two extra days have been added on. My head may explode.

    I'm also a little disapointed that Desmond isn't a main cast but this may change like Charlotte and Jin's status was always changing last year. But it's not as if we're never gona see him again I suppose.

    Still good to have an official date but now I have to take a couple of days off with the rewatch or ill finish three weeks early. It is way too close!!!!

  12. I'm so excited to get an official start date, but Tuesday kind of stinks. I almost always work a mid shift and my sister has classes until late :( Guess I better stock up on tapes (We haven't gone digital yet).

  13. Wahoo! I can't wait to get my 2010 calendar and circle Feb 2nd with a sharpie!!!

    I'm happy about the Tuesday night change (though it will seem kinda weird)... I have preschool meetings two Wednesdays a month and was thinking how much it was going to suck having to wait until I get home at 9:30pm to see the latest episode.

    So, how many of you are having a big premiere party on February 2nd???

  14. I've got a headache. That schedule speculation is too complicated. ;)

    So, if the Being Erica season is over, I'll still have something to watch on Tuesdays. And if Being Erica is still on, I can time-shift it to 8pm.

    Plus, it won't be on a night I'm going to NYC to see James Marsters.

    Go Tuesdays!

  15. Of course bad things come from Canada

    Well, that's a nice thing to say in a Canadian's blog.

  16. Perhaps CANOC should have foreseen Nikki's Lost series finale dilemma years ahead of time and bowed to the other contestants!

    But then again, evil would have just come somewhere else. We may as well do it justice... mwahahahaha!


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