Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's the Nik at Nite Lost S5 Contest!!

As we've already discussed on here, Lost Season 5 will be released this December on Blu-ray and DVD, and Buena Vista is offering a limited edition Dharma Initiative Orientation box set. Season 5, in my mind, was the best of the series so far (here's hoping Season 6 tops it!) and I can't wait for the box set, just as many of you can't wait for it either.

Well, I have some good news for two of you. Starting on Monday I'll be posting special preview material from the extras that will be available on the season 5 box set, and I'll be putting up a new clip every three days or so, depending on how often I'll be getting them from Buena Vista. Next week, however, along with Monday's clip I'm going to post a question. Another one will be posted on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. When all of the questions are there, you have to email me your answers to all five questions by midnight EST on Friday. I'll go through all of the entries and choose two winners on Saturday who will be the proud recipients of a copy of the limited edition Season 5 Orientation Kit DVD set!! I need to get the names and addresses of the winners to Buena Vista by December 1 (so keep an eye on your email on the weekend) and they will ship the winners' copies out December 7 to arrive at your house the next day, with any luck.

The only catch, sadly, is that these are region 1 DVDs, and therefore the DVD portion of the contest is open only to entrants from Canada and the U.S. I apologize to my other readers, but what we'll do to level that playing field is, if you'd like to enter from outside the U.S., I'll open the contest to you and your prize will be a signed edition of my book. Not exactly the glamour of a DVD box set, but at least this way we all get to play!!

So come back tomorrow and every day after that until the DVD's release, for a chance to win one of two copies of the season 5 DVDs and preview clips from the extras on the DVDs, which I'll post until the DVD's release on December 8! (And just in time for our S5 rewatch, which begins the following week!) Good luck to all of you! Spread the word and send people over here throughout the following week.


  1. This is so awesome!!! I once won a cz necklace at Zeller's. Typical - used up all my win-juice on a chintzy bauble.

    (Between you and I, $99 value my ass!)

  2. The special features for the UK DVD are brill, although I wish I'd waited for the Dharma box set instead, I'm a little jealous of how cool it looks.

    The brits getting the season 5 book may be better anyway, I haven't been able to order a copy for a while now and I don't quite know why. Thanks for the update.

    (and what is your opinion on Desmond's status in season 6, I'm intrigued?)

  3. Oh, very nice! I look forward to it. :)

  4. Yes, No, his left hand, 7, and "Cobb salad".

  5. Blam, no fair getting ahead of the rest of us! (Also, the answer to number five is "German style coleslaw.")

  6. Dammit, Blam, stop turning the FDW and jumping ahead of the rest of us! Now I have to come up with five new questions. ARGH.

  7. For those of us not lucky enough to win one of Nikki’s sets, we can buy ours here:

    Available for pre-order from

    Lost: The Complete Fifth Season Dharma Initiation Kit [DVD version]
    $77.99 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping

    Lost: The Complete Fifth Season Dharma Initiative Orientation Kit [Blu-ray]
    $89.99 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping

    Listed in the Holiday Gift Guide 2009: Treasures from your local Costco warehouse:
    Lost: The Complete Fifth Season Dharma Initiation Kit [DVD version]
    Costco item #442690 available 12/8, but no price yet published.

  8. Nikki-this sounds awsome! But I'm not sure what e-mail I am to send my answers to. Can I get that from you please?
    Thank you!

  9. Gosh, I remember you posting this box set a while back, but I just couldn't make my DVD collection sporadic by purchasing something that looks different from the rest of my babies.

  10. Silly Blam! Simply by attempting to answer the questions before they were posted, you've caused the course-correction to kick in.

    Besides, I'm pretty sure it was a Waldorf Salad. I ordered one from room service the last time I stayed in the penthouse suite at the Hotel Earl ...

  11. Hey Nik, I'm sad that I was working up in Sudbury and didn't get a chance to enter your contest. Looks like lots of fun! I'm so looking forward to Lost, I just heard they are putting Glee against it. Decisions, decisions LOL...Lost it is!


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