Sunday, November 22, 2009


This is my new favourite thing. Christopher Walken, appearing on Jonathan Ross's show on the BBC, was asked to read the lyrics of Lady Gaga's "Poker Face," not knowing the song at all. This is the result:

Then, one brilliant fan put together this mash-up of the Walken bit over the actual song, and it's genius:


  1. Haha! A perfect start to my morning!

  2. Thank you Nikki - a joyful end to my evening! (Matthew here, btw... was gonna not tell you and keep my own p-p-p-poker face but couldn't do it!)

  3. I hate that song so much.

    Is there anything Christopher Walken can't make better?

  4. I've always loved Christopher Walken, but now I know that he is BRILLIANT! Thanks so much for posting this, best birthday present I received so far today.


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