Sunday, December 06, 2009


I found out a couple of days ago that I've been nominated for a Canadian Blog Award! I have no idea who nominated me or how that even works, but I'm very touched. I don't have too many details, but from what I've gathered, round 1 runs until December 12, and I think you can vote once a day or something. The link is here, and to vote for me you go to Popular Culture, and then you'll find Nik at Nite listed there. There's a drop-down where you'd vote for me in first place (because, who else would you vote for in first place?!)

While you're there, feel free to throw a vote in my friend Jeremy's direction: he runs the amazing Popped Culture blog, and he's the one who let me know about the nomination in the first place! I doubt I'll last until round 2; apparently the other bloggers have been announcing this on their site and getting people to vote since December 1, but hey, it's worth a shot. And the northern bragging rights that accompany it. :) Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to go over and show me the love.


  1. I voted. Yay! Hope you get through to round 2, Nik. Everyone else vote too!

  2. Hey Nik - It is unclear about the voting. They claimed it was going to be one vote per user, but anytime I have returned it appears you can vote again. Maybe it only registers the first time.

    Anyway, thanks for the shoutout! Let's own the (Canadian pop culture) blogosphere.

  3. You had me at "nominated". You got my vote Nikki! You've made Lost so much more fun for me because my heathen friends don't watch Lost(!) and there was no one to discuss the episode with.

    Not just stopping at Lost, it nice to find other people who have an appreciation for Joss Whedon.

    I came upon your Lost articles on Wizard's website, and your blog has been bookmarked ever since.

    Congratulations Nikki, and keep up the good work!

  4. You most definitely have my vote. Here's hoping you trounce the competition and win it all! (Trounce - v. 1. to thrash 2. to defeat heavily)

  5. FYI: It appears that you can vote almost as often as you'd like. I got this message when I refreshed the page after my second vote today: "Our records show that you have recently voted.
    Please wait a few hours before casting another vote."

    A few hours! Go, Nik at Nite fans, go!

    Verification word: "sunmom". n. maternal figure seen at the beach while children dig sand castles nearby. Alt., female parental unit successfully escaping family at tropical beach resort, poss. with an umbrella drink nearby.


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