Saturday, December 05, 2009

Lost University Sneak Peek

Sorry to take so long to post this; it was emailed to me yesterday but I was away in NY for a day. (And I've told this to just about everyone in my family and it's always met with a blank stare, but maybe I'll get some understanding here: I stood next to Stephen Fry in the customs lineup!! Exciting! The guy is like 7 feet tall.)

Anyway, here's a sample of Lost University, Physics 101. And interestingly, he explains the wormhole concept the way I imagine the "wrinkle in time" from that old season 1 book. In that book there's an explanation that an ant could spend a long time walking across your skirt. Or you could wrinkle the skirt and now the ant could get from Point A to Point B in no time, and that would be the same as making a wrinkle in time... or, in this case, a wormhole.


  1. Nikki, when I read the name Stephen Fry, it seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place him. So I Googled, and instantly recognized him from videos I've seen in the past year on YouTube, and then spent a few hilarious minutes watching some Fry & Laurie sketches. I only learned about Fry & Laurie this year, but something tells me you've been a fan for a very long time. Anyway, did you get to speak to him, perhaps say something totally off the wall? (Maybe he gets tired of off the wall.)

  2. Holy freaking crap! Stephen Fry! You lucky, lucky, lucky thing. Did you talk to him? He is completely brilliant. From playing Lord Snot in the Young Ones episode 'Bambi', to Melchett in Blackadder, to the Inspector in Gosford Park, I love everything he's been in. Wow. I'm sure you acted better than I would have. I probably would have giggled, said 'You're a GENIUS!' real loud, and then run away, still giggling like a loon.

  3. Stephen Fry! I am so envious. My best was seeing Liam Neeson on stage playing, ... hold on to your seats ... Oscar Wilde. So when you arrived home did you immediately watch Jeeves and Wooster? Ah, Stephen and Laurie together, an inimitable pairing.

  4. See, I knew you guys would get it. :) My husband just went, "Huh" when I told him on the phone, and then my brother stared at me. Blankly. Sigh. Dude... JEEVES. Oscar frickin' Wilde!

    Batcabbage: Oh, I can't say I acted much differently. I was standing in line listening to the woman with the customs agent telling him how brilliant the Twilight book was that she was reading (SERIOUSLY) and trying not to vomit, when I glanced over and he was standing right next to me. Towering over me, I should say. He looked right at me and smiled and I smiled and looked away quickly, then glanced back and he was still looking at me, smiling. I smiled back again and then was called up to the agent, and that was that. I forced myself not to look back again.

    I'm not one of those people who's ever engaged a celeb in conversation, because A) I think they should be left alone, and B) I'm always scared they'll be a complete ass and ruin my picture of them. I was in a bar in Athens, Georgia once and Michael Stipe wandered in and sat at the bar stool next to me, and I didn't say a word. I'd heard he could bite off people's heads, and I wanted him to remain perfect. So I just sat there watching the show, and he sat next to me rocking out, bopping his head all over the place. It was pretty awesome. :)

  5. Gordon Gordon(y'know, from Bones)!!!!

  6. Is this on the special features?

  7. Nikki, meeting celebs can be worse than just disappointment of having them bite your head off. I heard the story of one airline passanger who found himself aseated next to Pierre Trudeau. Trying to make conversation while they waited for take-off, the passanger said to Trudeau, "It's raining outside." To which Pierre replied, "It usually does." That was the end of that conversation.

  8. Stephen Fry.....legend. You guys should really check out a comedy quiz he hosts called Q.I (Quite Interesting)..its comedy with education.

    Also BIG thanks to my copy of Finding Lost Season 5 late on Saturfay evening and I was more than impressed that my comment on your books was in there, I sprnt the whole evening telling my friends " I am in a book don't you know ".....brilliant !

  9. 24 hours to the DVD release!

    On the Lost University controversy: I tread carefully here, for fear of being branded a blu-ray snob (guilty!), but I'm aware that there are mixed feelings about a feature being available "only on the blu-ray version". Previous ARG's for the show have been available to all during the hiatus. (well, all those with a computer and fast internet service) Certainly, there are lots of LOST extras out there for those who want (or can afford to) spend the extra $$. T-shirts, memorabilia, etc. I put the Lost University feature in this category.

    Yes, it is a substantial investment and not one that many people are likely to make simply because there is something they want to see on the upgraded disk. But put yourself back in time a bit and ask yourself if you would feel the same way if, when VHS was all the rage, you would have been upset to learn that people paying more for the DVD were going to get extra features that were not available on the VHS. In hindsight, this seems acceptable.

    I have a feeling that this content will later be made available to the wider audience but may be an "early-adopter" bonus for now.

    BTW: Stephen Fry! Wicked cool. My previous brush with greatness - David Lynch on my flight from Boston to NYC. Although, on a more pertinent wavelength, I once saw Goodwin Stanhope (Brett Cullen) in the airport at Long Beach, CA. FTW!

  10. @Humanebean....I agree with pay more why not expect more.
    BTW did I mention I was in the Finding Lost Season 5 book !!

  11. I'm unable to watch the video - says I have to accept you as a friend to watch? How do I accept you, Friend?! Also, maybe I'm just doing something wrong but I can't access the LOST University at all. I only get a home page with short blurbs and nothing else. I signed up and have a number but I can't seem to go anywhere with it. Is it necessary to have the dvd to play? If any kind soul has info I'm all ears!


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