Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Lost S5 DVD Sneak Peek!

Hey everyone! Here's another sneak peek of one of the extras on the upcoming S5 DVD box set (available on DVD and blu-ray on December 8) sent to us courtesy of Buena Vista Home Entertainment. ©ABC Studios. This is a really good one, showing us the writer's room and the final production meeting as they finish working on the script for the 100th hour of Lost, "The Variable." Enjoy!


  1. lovely guys made this decade wodnerful with lost.

    congrats you all and let's wait for next season, the best of all!

  2. I love to watch the behind the scenes stuff. Contrary to those who feel this demystifies the process, I find it utterly fascinating to watch the various levels of decision-making that go into each episode. The sheer attention to detail that is given to minutia is mind-boggling. (Although, this makes it harder to reconcile some rather obvious continuity or production errors from time to time. *cough* Jeremy Bentham's obituary *cough*)

  3. I love special features. As humanebean points out, it's a way to sneek behind the camera. I would watch all of it if they had a making-of for every episode :P


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