Wednesday, December 02, 2009

My Christmas Wish List...

Dear Santa,
Please get me one of these bobbleheads for Christmas. I just found them on a site and laughed harder with each one. First, the beat-up Ben one:

He might be sporting a broken arm, but that doesn't mean he'll be missing his plane! Or how about Richard Alpert:

His eye makeup is perfect, he's got his tiny torch, and hey, if you want to know the answer to the question, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" he's already got it written on his little stand. And then there's Daniel Faraday:

Complete with his trademark pencil tie, he's holding his journal that he got from Eloise in one hand, while Eloise the rat (named after the woman who so warmly led him right to the spot where he'd be gunned down by her... while also being a fetus in her womb -- maybe you had to be there) sits perched on his shoulder.

Brilliant! Don't worry, Santa, they won't take up too much space in your bag, and you can easily order them here (for Alpert), here (for Faraday) or here (for Ben). I promise I've been a good girl all year... well, except for the time when I... um... never mind.


  1. Woo-hoo! Collect 'em all! Amaze your friends!

    Too bad - they missed a chance so far. They could have had one for Locke, and had everyone else's head bob up and down and had HIS only go side to side ...

  2. The Question Mark2 December 2009 at 17:14

    Wicked! I hope they make a bunch more of these!

    Speaking of Lost merch, does anybody remember the Lost board game? I bought it for my mom, and the game turned out to be really complex & strategy-oriented, which was cool, but the game's structure was very poorly designed and it just stopped being fun. I remember they were also supposed to release expansions to keep the game's content updated, because it only covered Seasons 1-2, but they never did.
    And the playing "pieces" where just cardboard squares with pics of the characters on them, and you had to put them inside these tiny clear plastic boxes...only they gave you less boxes than there were characters, so it just made no sense at all!
    Has anybody else played that game?

  3. Nikki, if I had any money I'd buy you one right now;)
    Those things are awesome.
    I'd want the Richard Alpert one because in my opinion he is the best non-series regular character on LOST.

  4. Paul: Aw, so sweet! Thanks for the thought! :)

    humanebean: I would love a Locke one... he and my Locke action figure would just glare at each other.

  5. Awesome! I knew about the Ben one, but not the others. I'm dying for all of them!

  6. @Question Mark: I have that game (in the yellow box). I got it from a neighbor's garage sale a year or so ago for a couple bucks. She had put it in the sale because she could never find anyone to play it with. I didn't know her, but we exchanged phone numbers and said we would get together to try it out. So far, we haven't. *sigh* Maybe some day.

  7. Question Mark/Marebabe -

    I have the game too, but also have been unable to find anyone to play it with me!

  8. @ashlie/QM: Oh, yeah. Now I remember. When I was talking to the previous owner of my Lost game, I told her the reason I'd never bought it before was that I couldn't think of anyone to play it with. Are all Lost fans as lonely and alone in our fandom as we are? Is that what draws us to fansites like this one, because we have no one else locally to share in our obsession? That's just sad. ;)

  9. @Marebabe: Are all Lost fans as lonely and alone in our fandom as we are?

    I am glad I am not the only one who feels "Lost" when it comes to finding other fans. Until this year when I finally converted my parents and a coworker, you people and my sister were the only ones I had to talk about Lost with. It was lonely.

  10. And I LOVE the bobble heads. I had seen the Ben one somewhere, but I'm dying to have all three now. Love Faraday and Richard. These are like, my 3 favorite characters in the Lostverse :D

  11. I want a bobble-head smoke monster. Oh, wait, that's a cigarette.

  12. You know he'd be yours if I was your Secret Santa...

  13. I have the game too. Came in a nice tin case and all. I tried to figure it out as my grandson will play anything with me if I can tell him how to play (he's 8) but alas I could not figure it out and no one will help me :-( How sad is that. I want to have a season premiere party this year and play the game but first I have to figure out how it is played and then I have to find people that would want to come to the party !! Sigh.

  14. Yes, it looks like we're all lonely LOST fans! I don't really know anyone else (in real life) who watches LOST like I do...there' a couple of coworkers who watch it casually, but when they have so use phrases like, "What's his name", I lose my patience! One day I'll play that game!

  15. Haha, I've thought about collecting bobbleheads related to TV shows. The Office ones are pretty good too, but this is priceless.

  16. @ The question Mark/ Marebabe/ashlie re: the Lost board game:

    I have that game too. I got it for my 15th birthday. We only played it once, and that was it. It was too confusing.

  17. Well, we may all be Islands in the Stream of LOST but the fans are out there, for sure. My UPS delivery guy is a big fan, a fact I discovered one day by going to the door in my Dharma Jumpsuit. ; ]

    I have the game, too - I guess we know what one of the activities will be at Nikki's Grand Finale Party ... whenEVER she has it! Right in between the Pin-the-tail-on-the-Benry game and the Charles Widmore PiƱata.

  18. @humanebean: lol your very own Dharma Jumpsuit. LOLZ Charles Widmore pinata! (I hope I get an invitation to this party.)


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