Friday, January 29, 2010

Dollhouse Finale Tonight!

I can't believe I almost forgot to post this (in all the excitement over the Lost premiere, I'd forgotten about the Dollhouse finale! Bad Whedon fan!) The episode is called "Epitaph, Part 2," carrying over from "Epitaph, Part 1," which is only available on the Season 1 DVD and didn't actually air on Fox. Could this be the first time a network show has a sequel for an episode that didn't actually broadcast? Interesting. Anyway, it'll be exciting to find out how it all comes down. The last few episodes have been pretty astounding.


  1. I'm so sad it's over, and just when it was getting good! :(

  2. I can't wait!! And yet I definitely don't want it end.....

  3. :( yet another show I love getting cancelled... how depressing

  4. that finale was ... random. and weird. also, random.



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