Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Happened...

The opening scene of the premiere of season 6 has been leaked. But I am going to be strong. I will resist. I will NOT go to that link. Let's see if we can do it together. We'll be like our own little AA group. If you're feeling weak and really want to check it out, come to us first and we'll remind you how long you've gone without a fix, and that you just need to go a little bit longer. You can do it!!! And for those who just don't have the strength... sorry, I just can't bring myself to post the link here. You'll have to go to another dealer. But I urge you not to. We can hold it together. Don't look! Don't spoil yourself or others! WE CAN DO THIS. Jeff Jensen at EW probably has his copy of the entire first episode by now and is whipping together one of his brilliant blogs. But for the rest of us? It's waiting time. Let's make February 2 completely special and not know ANYTHING that's going to happen.

I think Evil Blam's behind it.


  1. Argh, I just told my husband that the opening scene is up and he's like, "GO WATCH IT!!" I said no, that this must be what alcoholics feel like when they have a drink plunked in front of them. So he says if I don't watch it, he will.

    I think this is grounds for divorce. What do you think? ;)

  2. Noo, don't divorce just because of that :) I'm sure he won't spoil you. But I feel the same way as you. I could walk into a room right now and say "Hello, my name is Telmo and I'm addicted to Lost!"

    But I will resist, too :)

  3. Lol, Just watched it. No offense but it doesn't tell you anything you didn't already know if you followed the set reports, casting calles and episode titles. It's the least spoilerish leak possible in my opinion.

  4. Nooooooooooooooooooo!

    Grounds for DIVORCE? Heck, that's grounds for a savage biker beating in most states! I'm pretty sure that, should the gun go off while you were, er- "cleaning it" ... we could get you off with justifiable homicide!

    In Texas, they have a 'neededkillin' defense. If you can prove they had it comin' .... no worries! To have waited this long, rewatched FIVE seasons in 4 months ... to approach the finish line and then now have to deal with THIS? Having to avoid the usual LOST sites that you were counting on to build the anticipation to excruciating levels in the days leading up to the premiere?


  5. Um, MattDykstra, with all due respect (and my rather over active lost brain) what you've just said is too much...

  6. Tell your husband you are going to go all Benjamin Linus on his Jacob ass if he dares watch it! :)

  7. I'll join you Nikki ... I have remained COMPLETELY spoiler-free for the past year, so I'm not about to start now!! We can do it ... only 4 more days.

  8. Oh dear. Why on earth would anyone want to ruin it for all the rest of us? Gaah! It is mildly tempting to head over and watch it, but the regret would be instant, and awful.

    We have waited patiently for months and months and months... We can do this. We can get through the next 4 days, together!

    Because seriously Nikki... if we can't live together, we're gonna die alone.

  9. Do you remember when you saw T2 for the first time? I would turn the commercials off so I wouldn't be spoiled. It made it so much better when for the first half of the movie, I had NO IDEA which terminator was the good until Arnold said "GET DOWN" in the back hallway of the mall.

    That's how I want to feel when I watch the premiere.

    NO SPOILERS!! We can do it!!

  10. this is sending me into tears!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Where were you four hours ago?? I watched it. I simply couldn't resist. I need help.

    When the new footage started I could feel my heart stop for a second as I watched it. I want to save that feeling for Tuesday night. So from this point on I am going spoiler-free; I am going off the grid until Wednesday morning. Your site will be the first one that I visit when I resurface.

  13. You saved me. Had I found the spoiler before your blog post, I would have watched. But you are right. I need to be strong. I thank you for saving me. My Tuesday night will be special.

  14. My brother has buffered it downstairs, watched the first second and then shrieked and knocked it off...the equivilent of an alchoholic throwing a glass of beer against the wall. It was funny to hear from upstairs

  15. Not gonna watch, not gonna watch, not gonna watch..... it's my mantra for the last remaining days.... we'll all be strong (uh, well, most of us)together! :-)

  16. I AM WEAKKK!!!! dont follow my example! i watched it!!! i wont spoil it for yall! but AHHHHHHHHHH!

  17. Oh, good gravy. Does this mean I can't visit Fishbiscuit or The Tail Section for four days?!


    Spoilers: LOVE/HATE relationship!

    Nikki will keep us strong! (I'm glad I'm not you; what if someone posts a spoiler here? You can erase it before the rest of us see, but you have to read it first! OMG! Hope it doesn't happen.)

  18. I couldn't wait! i had to watch it! i think it's better if everyone watched it now, because we can speculate what will happen in the episode itself rather than speculate what will happen in episode 3 :P
    besides it's like what MattDykstra said, it's the least spoilerish leak possible!

  19. Spoiler!!! Oh, for a second, I thought Darlton had filmed a short segment that looked like it could be in the opening to LOST, but was completely apocryphal. There would be so much hype. Well, if there is a false Locke, why not false openings. Here's some ideas for spoilers that aren't spoilers:

    1) 1 min. Focus on Jack's eye opening. It's dark. Jack shifts, and gets up out of bed. He is sleeping beside Achara. He gets up, walks across the room and opens the door. There is a sound of an airline engine. Jack suddenly awakens on the Flight 316. Ben leans over, "Does Kate know who Achara is?" (end)

    2) 57 sec. Opening scene, party. Looks of horror on Nik at Nite bloggers who have met for a opening Season party. Evil Blam leans over someone's shoulder, touching them. He says, "You don't know what I have gone through to get them here." Cut to the beach. A mound of sand. A hand pokes through, then a head. Two figures rise out of the sand. They are Paulo and Nikki. (end)

    4) 1 min 10 sec. Opening scene on the beach. Jacob is sitting watching the horizon. MiB appears and sits next to him. MiB: "This used to be such a nice island, until they came along. I don't have to ask. You brought them here." Jacob: "How could I have done that? I never touched them." Camera pans down the beach. Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof are seen sitting on a log. They wave. MiB: "I have to go. Ben's making smoores." Jacob: "Oh, what the hell. Care if I join you?" (end)

    Only a few days left to wait. I agree with everyone who is waiting. It will make the Season opener that more exciting.

  20. I watched it too before seeing your blog post, and it really isn't that bad...just like MattDykstra says. Actually, I'm fully prepared to believe that things are not as they seem in the clip.

  21. I found the link before coming here but I said to myself "I'll first see what Nikki has to say about that" and now come the most painful 4 days of my life :) I will not see it. I can't see it. I want to make Feb 2nd special and this is the only way. LOST is my no 1 show of ALL TIME and I will not cheapen this experience that is the last season by watching the first minutes in some crappy bootlegged version...will not do it. I am too weak to give up smoking (I tried like a hundred times) but I will fight this. Thanks for the motivation Nikki.See you on Wednesday;)

    PS Maybe not grounds for divorce but a few solid days of silent treatment at the very least;)

  22. I don't think it really qualifies as a leak... it was a contest prize, so surely ABC and Damon and Carlton knew this was going to get out. ABC is now saying it's OK to embed it on web pages.

    I watched it with the sneaking suspicion that the whole thing is a massive mindscrew. If I tune in Tuesday and see something completely different, it will have been totally worth it.

  23. I too have managed to stay spoiler free for a many many months and I am not going to succumb now at the final hurdle.

    It's easy enough to do - go out, keep busy, maybe get drunk (but not drunk in charge of a computer because that could lead to wild uninhibited surfing)

  24. @ Anonymous I watched it with the sneaking suspicion that the whole thing is a massive mindscrew.

    You may be right and if you are that will be so cool and I will love Darlton even more than I do already.

  25. Oh Nic... I'm so sorry. I feel like you came here, reached out for help, and we weren't able to convince you not to do it. But thank you for letting us know about your example!

    We can do this, we can do this!!

    As for everyone who's watched it, let's just try to keep from saying anything, even whether or not you liked it or whether it's just them screwing with us or whatever. It'll make things very hard. Again, it's like walking into an AA meeting and saying, "You know, I just had a light beer and honestly, it's not REALLY falling off the wagon. Here... try it."


    Hello, my name is Nikki and I'm a Lost addict. It's been 247 days since I last saw new Lost footage (and yes, I'm such an addict I actually just went and counted the days). I'm feeling weak because there's new Lost footage floating around and I SO want to watch it, but I know it'll ruin my blissful spoiler-freeness. So... I'm here. My husband has threatened to watch it, but that threat has been eradicated by a tire iron. Er... I think I've said too much. Next person, please.

  26. To everyone breaking out in cold sweats and hand tremors at the thought of having to stay away from all Lost sites until after the S6 premiere on Tuesday, here’s something that may help. If you’ve never discovered Zap2it’s Guide to Lost or Eye M Sick, there is some wonderful reading available over on those sites. Ever since the S5 finale, there have appeared many well-thought-out and thought-provoking essays on these 2 sites. And Ryan at Zap has just rounded his up in one easy-to-find place with handy links to all of them. If you can’t bear the thought of going cold-turkey on all things Lost for the next few days, this might be an extremely entertaining and enlightening alternative. “How not to get Lost catching up on what you might have missed” 1-27-10 and “Your one-stop shop for the final season of Lost” 1-28-10 The entire 2009 archive is wonderful, in my opinion, but my favorite is “Three Black Swans” dated 6-3-09.

  27. I refuse to go to any Lost site except this one anymore. I just can't take the thought of seeing more than I wanted to.

    I was devastated when I read my most recent TV guide and there were, what I consider, spoilers for the season. Nothing too major, but some cast references and such that literally still make me a little sick to my stomach that I know that much now.

    So, I guess I went cold turkey from other sites last June and am still going strong. Ya'll can do it!

    (At work we now have a nice pool of Losties. We all walked around all day saying to each other, "Four more days!" and then everyone else rolled their eyes shook their heads and promptly left the room as we began discussing doppelgangers, alternate timelines and dead fathers. HAHAHA!)

  28. 3 days left for the priemere!! which will be early wednesday morning here in Dubai, so no school for me!

    I just hope the same thing doesn't happen like it did with the season 5 priemere where the second episode was for download and the first episode wasn't available till the next day!

  29. We only have three days left. Think about it in perspective: We've waited 248 days, we only have 3 left until LA X.

    I said on my blog that I thought Smokey was probably behind it, but maybe it's both Smokey AND Evil Blam.

    . . .
    verification word: Copper. Kinda disappointing when you get a real word.

  30. I have remained spoiler free. I am pretty good about avoiding spoilers, except when I accidently encounter them. Then it's too late for me. But I don't go looking for them! :) Thanks for the heads up!

    Verification word: seeze.
    Some of us want to seeze spoilers, some of us don't want to seeze spoilers.

  31. Okay I'm posting because I just got an urge. Nope, not gonna do it. Nope. I think I'll go to bed actually..that sounds like a good remedy! LOL!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Dear TPTB,

    I have managed to stay major-spoil-free, i.e. I know the rumors and have some ideas based off of interviews and what not. But have steered clear of filming updates and purposely avoided spoiler sections of websites, especially since the new footage started making the rounds from the ABC contest and Sunset on the Beach. And I appreciated the "heads up" that new footage was going to air during 'Desperate Housewives' so I could leave the room in case the wife watched (but she usually just DVRs and then watches while I'm at work - but I warned her, too).

    SO, imagine my horror as I had Barefoot Contessa on the Food Network in the background while we were eating lunch today, and I hear the familiar LOST sounds but don't recognize any of the dialogue or images. It took me about 5 seconds of screaming and closed-eyed fumbling for the remote to get the channel changed - actually the TV completely off! The wife panicked and the baby got scared that something was seriously wrong, but a MAJOR crisis IMHO was averted. I can't swear I didn't see anything new, but I did the best I could, and at least safely feel I have no clue what I saw or heard.

    HELP ME, ABC! Do you not know that there is a large population of even the most die-hard fans that don't want to be spoiled?! I have even said that I won't watch the "next week" snippets at the end of each episode that preview the next week's show this season. As my good friend DASH says, it's not that I'm not excited, but it's my last chance to be surprised by the show. And the shows that can really surprise you are few and far between, probably the thing I'll immediately miss the most about LOST. No other show's got that going for it right now.

    So, ABC, if you're reading this, at least give the fans a fighting chance at being purists if we chose to be. At least for this season. After all, that's not only the creators' wishes, it's the FANS'. Thank you.

  34. Wow, the Food Network? Really? That's insane!!!

    I just got this week's Entertainment Weekly and Lost is all over the cover, with the giant headline saying, "Find out what secrets will be revealed in season 6!" I turned to the page with only one eye open and there's a huge "Spoiler alert!" across the top of the article, so I closed it. Great. I can't even read the article AT ALL and won't know when it's safe to because I don't know how far into the season EW has spoiled. Argh.

    One more day, guys. We're SO CLOSE!!

  35. The EW article is safe for anyone who's caught up through the end of season 5. It hints at some of the theories that are out there, but doesn't confirm anything.

    Can we develop a spoiler-safe scale? How about 1-5, where 1 would be an episode title, 2 would be official press releases, 3 would be upcoming week's previews, 4 would be anything outside of the scope of official releases (filming reports, insider info), and 5 would be explicit details about what will be seen on-screen in upcoming episodes.

    There are TV ratings, so I think it's time for pre-TV warnings!

  36. My coworkers left a copy of EW on my desk at work, just TEASING me to open it. I have resisted so far, but now I'm tempted if you say there aren't any spoilers in it. But no! I WILL be strong. I will most likely buy it, but may not allow myself to read it until some time in the future.

  37. The TV Guide article with 13 questions that I saw online today was the most spoiler-ish (but not really) article I've seen that was unexpectedly so. So if you've read that and weren't spoiled, the EW article is fine.

    And after the season premiere, you're WELL in the clear with the EW article.

    Now if I can just get ABC to stop surprising me with these commercials. NOW THEY'RE ON ESPN! WHAT'S A GUY TO DO?!?

  38. It happened to me too! I've been tainted against my will... I was watching the Discovery Channel and all of a sudden a commercial came on for Lost. I had NO idea it would be new footage. I just thought (in all of 2 seconds) "oh it will just be promo stuff using last season's footage as usual". Then...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....I saw new footage! I too was fumbling but alas, too late. My eyes, my eyes!! I'm SO upset! *raises fists* Curse you, Discovery!!

  39. ACK!! just delivered the sneak peek directly to my INBOX!! I felt like my one hand was like the black-gloved hand of Dr. Strangelove, moving the cursor over to the link to click on it while my other hand desperately pulled it away as I shouted, "NO! NO!!"

    I think I'm going crazy.


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