Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Media Update

For everyone in London listening in to Tucker & Taz, despite what I was told (that it was a live segment) they just phoned me and recorded it to use in a broadcast the week before. They didn't tell me what day (they didn't know) so unless you listen in regularly, you'll probably miss it. Sorry about that! Here's hoping the 11am will actually be live (I'm told it will be!)

UPDATE: My publicist just contacted me with an apology and telling me the Peace River one will be taped, too! I guess that makes sense... people are getting their segments ready now to run the week before Lost, but in these cases I can't tell you when they're going to run. I always prefer live ones, but I'll probably have a bunch of those in the week leading up to it.

Anyway, enough of this... back to us rewriting Lost characters making sandwiches!!


  1. Argh! Well at least I will forever know Tucker's disdain of Christmas lights being on in January.

  2. Hah, phew, I was wondering what the hell was wrong with me - why can I not get the computer to produce Nikki's voice!

  3. I know, I was just sitting here at work listening and listening and nothing! I'm sure I'll catch it later though!

  4. Ha! I was in a meeting at 9:00, and was bummed because I thought I'd missed you.

    However, I do regularly listen to Tucker and Taz, so I am sure that I'll catch your segment when they decide to broadcast it!

  5. Good- I kept thinking it was me.
    Ok- hopefully will catch you at 11.

  6. Wait! You mean they recorded you TODAY to use in a broadcast the week BEFORE? Is this some sort of FDW chicanery? Does this mean that NEXT week, we will have to turn the wheel and go back to THIS week (either the one we are now having or the alternate timeline in which I heed my New Year's resolution and leave the Ho-Ho's on the supermarket shelf) to hear what you said LAST week even though NEXT week is now THIS week?

    *sound of neural synapse attempting to fire (sounds remarkably like a butane lighter with no flint)*

  7. In "On Writing" Stephen King uses an example of time travel, saying he's writing these words in one time for you to read them in the future, and by the time you're reading them it's like he's projecting them from the past. So... consider this my time travel moment!

    But here are some highlights: Three hosts, only one of which watches the show, all talking over each other. I'm introduced as "Nikki Stafford, who, for want of a better term, is a professional blogger."

    (With no ads, and no revenue. In other words, as a "professional" she makes about as much as Desmond Hume does in a month.)

    So I corrected them, saying that the blog grew out of the books. He said, "Uh... books?" and didn't realize I'd written any. He said it wasn't in my bio.

    Me: ..... ?! Dude, that IS my bio.

    After, I asked my publicist, who confirmed that the same host not only knew I wrote the books, but requested a copy of the book and confirmed receipt of it. It was rather zany.

    Questions include: "Do you ingest major amounts of LSD to watch Lost?" No, but apparently you did while reading my bio. ;)

  8. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!

    Oh, that's SO not funny. I say we bombard the show with Neil Sedaka requests. That'll learn 'em!

    Verification word: "hiest" - the superlative of "hier"

  9. Three hosts, only one of which watches the show, all talking over each other.

    And I'm sure they thought they were hilarious and had a show with all the depth of a kiddie swimpool.

    This is why I switched from FM to AM around 1990... before seeing AM morning talk get overrun by ranting conservatives (at which point I just gave up.)

    But anyway, since we can't listen to Nikki today, how about listening to me talk about my book on Fictional Frontiers! The podcast is here: http://www.fictionalfrontiers.podcastpeople.com/posts/36495

  10. Hmm.. the numbers dropped off... you need to add /36495 at the end of the URL I gave above. So it should be /posts/36495

  11. Nice job on the podcast, JW - just finished listening to it!

    Verification word: "dists" lists of people in dire need of being referred to sarcastically.

  12. Was that whole exchange on Tucker and Taz? Yeah, they can be a bit much to handle some days, but overall I enjoy them. My husband can't stand them though. @Jenn - I didn't know you were a fellow London area person! Wortley Village, represent!

  13. @Ashlie

    East London, born and raised:)

  14. @Jenn: On a playground is where she spent most of her days!
    Chillin out maxin' and relaxin' all cool and shootin' some b-ball outside of the school...

  15. When a couple of guys (who were up to no-good) started causing trouble in my neighborhood!

  16. I got in one little fight, and my mom got scared! She said you're movin' with your auntie and uncle in…

    St. Thomas?


  17. Hey, there's 25% more life in St. Thomas!

  18. Ooh... St. Thomas. Now that WOULD be a punishment! I guess you could hang out at the fancy new Shopper's Drug Mart there? Heehee...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @ Jenn and Ashlie

    LOL! I thought you were talking about London, England and then I googled 'Wortley Village' and realised it's London, Ontario! You learn something new every day (especially here)

    I was confused because I used to teach at Wortley High School in Leeds (Northern England)

    Coincidence or not?

  21. @ Ali Bags, there's a lot of things in London, Ontario that are from London, England - we have a Hyde Park and a Covent Garden Market too!

  22. And don't forget the Thames River that goes right through the middle of it. And it's about an hour from Cambridge. ;) (And Oxford County.)

  23. Yes, London, Ontario prefers not to come up with anything original! Why bother when you can just copy other cities?!

  24. @Ashlie, Nikki, and Ali Bags:

    I believe we have stolen a good number of our stret names here in London, Ontario from the London on the other side of the pond.



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