Friday, January 29, 2010

Reminder: Lost Chat Today!

Hey all! This is just a quick reminder that I'll be conducting the first Lost chat with Globe and Mail TV critic Andrew Ryan today at noon (that's in 45 minutes!) I hope some of you will be able to join us! It should be fun. The chats will continue every Wednesday at noon... today's chat is in anticipation of the season premiere, and from here on in they'll be chats about what happened the night before.

You can join in the discussion here! I hope to see some familiar faces. :)


  1. Great chat, shame I won't be able to chat on Wednesdays, being a brit and all, but there were a lot of good theories floating around.

  2. Nice job on the chat, Nik! I'll have to pencil in the regular Wednesday chat with the Globe and Mail during the season.

  3. Nice to have this. I'll definitely try to stop by from time to time during the season!

  4. Some people might say it is a bit obvious spoilers would be discussed, but I didn't see any warnings and now know about two characters returning. Would have really liked that to be a surprise. Oh well.

  5. I know, sorry about that. I tried to steer the discussion far from that as soon as it was posted, but it couldn't erase that it was already said. I'd already seen those 2 characters mentioned everywhere, and i wasn't thrilled I knew about them, either. What's a spoiler to us is just normal news to others, so I don't fault Andrew for saying it (it's his job to report things like that). But I'm sorry it was a spoiler for you. :(

  6. Well, to be fair, anonymous, there comes a point where information that has been in the public domain for months, discussed not only on fan sites and entertainment blogs but reported in the mainstream media ... then is indicated in the official press materials for a major network television series ... that you can't really refer to these things as spoilers any longer.

    I can appreciate your disappointment in learning something you might have hoped would remain a surprise well into the final season of LOST - but I might suggest that the weight of probability was against you on this minor score.

  7. Not to worry, its not your fault - just posting a comment by way of warning in case someone else was thinking about taking a look!

    It's my own fault for being addicted to all things Nik at Nite / Lost, find it difficult to not click on things!

    Keep up the good work Nik ;). Name's Pete by the way, I need to get the hang of this blog commenting thing!


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