Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Coupla Quick Things

I'm going to be on Jack FM at 11:45 today (that's in 5 minutes!) in Vancouver (8:45 local time). You can listen in live here.

Afterwards, from noon until 1pm, please join me at the Globe and Mail live chat with TV critic Andrew Ryan!! We'll be discussing all the finer points of last night's episode and you can make comments and lob questions at either one of us. See you there!

UPDATE: I just posted my DocArzt column here.


  1. Enjoying the Globe and Mail interview! I tried to post twice but not sure what kind of lag time there is...its 5 minutes later and still haven't seen my question. Oh well...

  2. Gahh! I missed them both while dealing with life. Grrr, stupid responsibilities getting in the way of Wednesday's recap madness.

    I'll have to pay closer attention to what matters next week.


  3. Nice work on the recap and analysis. Did anyone notice the pilot of the oceanic plane was the same actor who plays Matt Parkman on heroes?

  4. Hey Aaron, yep, that is indeed Matt Parkman on Heroes. I heard him do an interview that he was going to be back this season. I'm not sure if that just means as a voice over or he is going to show up again in person.

  5. tanyam: Could you tell me more about this "life" thing of which you speak?? ;)

  6. @ NIkki: Hahaha!, Well, it's something I do in BETWEEN tuesday nights, (and wednesday mornings). I'm sooo self absorbed!


  7. I missed these, but caught most of the interview last night. Yeah! So excited to see your name and books being promoted! :D

    verification: twityril - someone getting too detailed on Twitter

  8. LOL The reduced shakespeare company doing Lost seasons 1 - 5 in ten minutes with an intro by Darlton

  9. I flipped on the TV today while I was getting ready to go out - and there was Nikki on InnerSpace. :)


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