Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Why I Love Lost's New Timeline

Did you all see this, posted by Benny? (Thanks, Benny!):

(click on the image to enlarge): Desmond is wearing a wedding band!! That's right... in the alternate reality, he is actually happily married to ME!! Thank you, writers! Just let me know when you need me to come down to Hawaii to film my scenes.


  1. Congratulations Nikki - you could have invited me to the wedding but I won't hold it against you.

  2. Aw, congratulations, so that's where you've been all day :)

    Good spotting, Benny!

  3. Hate to break it to you, Nikki, but your husband, Desmond, is a polygamist, 'cause he's actually married to me. And I'm pretty sure I got him first, which would make you wife #2.

  4. Hahahahahahaha!

    Wait ... it's past 8pm - shouldn't you be in BED by now, young lady? ; ]

  5. Come on.

    Six seasons of no shipper comments and now we get one picture of Desmond's finger and everyone's fighting over him...

    Guess that tells you something about Jack and Sawyer, huh?


  6. good eyes benny!

    Penny is gonna be jealous

    i'm wondering if Des is flashing like he did after turning the failsafe key

    in my mind it was a failsafe key or turning the FDW that caused the whiteout at the end of S5

  7. Joan... LOVE your new pic (and caption)!

  8. Ali Bags: You WERE at the wedding... you just don't remember because it was in the other timeline. But over in THAT timeline, you were there. And you moved to Canada and live right near me.

    Joan: So THAT'S what you were covering up with my book!!

    Karyn: No, he's your husband in the third alternate dimension. In this one, he's MINE.

    humanebean: I had a nap this afternoon. Now I can't fall asleep. SO typical of me. ;)

    Jo: Who are Jack and Sawyer?

  9. Nikki, is that the alternate timeline where we all live on the same block and spend all our time dissecting Lost without having the REAL world interfere?

  10. fyi:

  11. ...oh, podcast by jorge garcia

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @ Nikki Ali Bags: You WERE at the wedding... you just don't remember because it was in the other timeline. But over in THAT timeline, you were there. And you moved to Canada and live right near me.

    Cool. Am I having a torrid affair with Sawyer and eating as much as I like without getting fat as well?

  14. Jo Thornley: You just made me flash back to shipper posts from the Buffy days. But, does the ship count if it's between a certain writer person and a character?

    And Nik, I finally got your Finding Lost for season five and love it. My highlighter got plain worn out.

  15. Desmond is married to Nikki?

    Poor Paulo. ;-)

  16. That's okay, cause I'm married to Sayid. Though I don't know why he keeps looking at that picture of our bridesmaid Nadia.

    Hm, post about Sayid and my verification word is bedness. Hmmmm...

  17. Ali: Cool. Am I having a torrid affair with Sawyer and eating as much as I like without getting fat as well?

    Yes. Yes you are. Isn't this the greatest alternate universe EVER?!

    Verif word: Flyan. What Oceanic 815 was doing right before it was crashan.

  18. All right. I'm feeling generous: I'll let Karyn and Nikki be Des' wives if I get to marry Charlie and Sawyer. Then everyone will be happy. ;-]

  19. @Ali Bags: I guess we'll have to share Sawyer. Oh, well, he's worth it.

  20. Since we're dividing things up so equitably, I CALL DIBS ON SAYID!!


  21. Too late, Tanyam. He's mine. :)

  22. So now there will be Nesmond shippers? (It worked a bit better than Dikki)

  23. @ redeem147: Damn! I checked, but missed it. I guess I'll have to go for the new aggressive Richard before Joan snaps him up. We like 'em mean!*

    *and maybe a little emotionally unavailable?


  24. Oh, I hope a jealous golf writer doesn't go Elin on him in that alternative universe.

  25. tanyam: Oh, I hate to disappoint you, but while I'm married to Desmond, I'm having a torrid affair with Richard. Sorry... I totally fell in love with him last season, and I was the one who created this new universe where I could have both of them. Des is actually OK with it, and actually, one time... well... I've said too much already.

  26. AliBags, you'd better not be having a torrid affair with Sawyer. Because he's in love with me!!!

  27. So far, we're all sharing Des, Sawyer, Sayid, and Richard. Sooner or later, it'll be really confusing.

  28. "I could have both of them. Des is actually OK with it, and actually, one time... well... I've said too much already."

    Miss Nikki - my word! I dare say our company is corrupting you!

    Not that I can talk, as I am a zombie and am now Sayid-Zombie's bride. Word - you heard it girls. Go build yourself a time machine! Until then Sayid and I say "BRAAAIINNNNNNSS!"

  29. @ NIkki:

    You can have your torrid affair with last season's milquetoast Richard, but at the end of the day season 6 assertive Richard comes home to ME!

    We are such a bunch of generous people. The world should learn from our example ;-)

  30. @Erin you'd better not be having a torrid affair with Sawyer. Because he's in love with me!!!

    That's OK - I don't want to marry him or anything, I'm just using him for his body (on weekdays that is - weekends are devoted to Richard, who must be worn out with all the ladies HE is seeing)

  31. The extremely palatable Claire and I will be giggling as we watch you all scramble among your tents, hatches, and Dharma vans from the porch of our New Otherton bungalow, reassuring one another that ain't neither of us sharin' each other with nobody. ("It's not cheating if it's just an alternate-universe Goth version of you, honey...")

  32. So far, we're all sharing Des, Sawyer, Sayid, and Richard. Sooner or later, it'll be really confusing.

    You sure this isn't a Caprica post?


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