Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day Tomorrow!

Celebrate with some Lost fun. One fan has created a bunch of Valentine's cards you can send to your honey (or not). This is probably my fave:

Although the Jack one is pretty awesome, too. Go see all of them here. Thanks to Crissy for pointing me in their direction!


  1. If anyone ever sent me this as a valentine card—my heart would be theirs forever!

    Haha. Hilarious:)

  2. The Question Mark13 February 2010 at 10:25

    LOL I absolutely love the Jack one. I love how he's crying in it. What a great valetine!

  3. These are great! Thanks for sharing. I am going to use one for my husband. I got him addicted to LOST, so he will love it.

  4. The Question Mark13 February 2010 at 11:13

    Oh, I found some more Lost valentines! Check these out:

  5. Ha! I love it! I'll have to remember to post one on my blog tomorrow.

    VW: nodert: no "dert"; a very clean place.

  6. There's an awesome one of "Nina and Pablo". Go here to see it:

  7. Great stuff - and Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

  8. Well, I feel pretty silly now. Running around from store to store, trying to find something for my lady, when all it would have taken was a Benjamin Linus card. I'd say I don't believe in destiny, but John Locke would just tell me that I really do, but I don't know it yet, so whatever.

  9. Ahahahahahaha... NICE. I should get one for my sis.


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