Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Love You More than Nikki and Paulo


  1. Ha! Love the poisonous, paralyzing spider on whatshisname's shoulder!

  2. The Question Mark14 February 2010 at 23:58

    HAHAHAHA Golden. I love how even the valentine itself doesn't remember the names of the characters!
    I wonder if Season 6 will feature them in any way. It may be worth it, just to see them get killed in a new way all over again! :)


    That just made my Valentine's Day!

  4. Nikki and Paulo seem to be making a lot of reappearances.

    You do realize that this means subconsciously we want them to make an appearance.

    Prediction: we'll see Nikki and Paulo again in side-world.

  5. I'd love a "side-world" scene in which the dastardly duo fights in the airport over who gets to carry the diamonds, resulting in them spilling out in a spectacular shower in front of a burly security guard who divorced his wife because she watched too many episodes of "Expose."

  6. All of these are brilliant. I like roses are red, violets are blue, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.

  7. Hey now, Nikki and Paolo are not forgettable! There is loads and loads of evidence to the contrary; they have made an indelible mark on all the fans of the show, and this valentine is just ironic proof of that.

  8. Ha! This is too funny! Although I think JJ makes a good point. We just CAN'T forget about them, can we?

    I forget who it it was who said about Paris Hilton: "She is only famous because we talk about her. If we stop talking about her, she will go away."

    BUT…Nikki and Paulo are our favourite Lost characters that we love to hate, right? :)

  9. HA! No explanation needed obviously!


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