Monday, February 01, 2010

I Screen, You Screen Interview

I was interviewed by Amanda, who runs the "I Screen, You Screen" blog, some time last week. She first interviewed me for the first Finding Lost book in 2006 and she opened the interview by saying that she'd read every single one of the books that popped up on the show, and we immediately went off on a tangent talking about those books. It was one of the most enjoyable interviews I've ever done, and I think I've talked to her on every Finding Lost book since.

She's just posted the interview that we did last week, and it's the only one on this go-round that really captures the spirit of the discussion we had (in many of these interviews, I'm laughing as much as I'm seriously answering a question, and I actually got the feeling that we were two big fans chatting about our favourite show in this one). So be sure to go and check it out! And I hope you continue to check out her blogs; she's able to cover WAY more TV shows than I ever can, and her Mad Men recaps were brilliant.

Thanks for the great piece, Amanda!!

Also, if there are any Montrealers out there who will be awake at 6:17 am EST tomorrow and listening to CJAD, I'm going to be on the morning show for about 4 minutes chatting about Lost. If you're outside the listening area (and actually awake) you can go here and click on the blue "Listen Now" button. But with it being that early, what you might hear is, "Yeah, Smokey is the Man in... Locke Jacob, um... cabin... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...."


  1. Luckily insomnia has gripped me tonight, thank you for giving me something to do instead of watching repeats of Fringe.

  2. Does anyone know what time Lost will air in the Mountain time zone? I'm here for work and have no clue what time to catch it. Thanks!

  3. I read the interview! Congratulations on all these interviews, Nikki, as you most certainly deserve them :)

  4. Two blogs I love to follow :)


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