Tuesday, February 02, 2010


That's right... the groundhog is going to come out of his hole and tell us how much winter we have left!!! I'm so excited. What a big day.

So. Anything else happening today?

OK, seriously, did anyone else have trouble sleeping last night? I went to bed early thinking I'd need more sleep to stay up tonight and then I just laid there... and laid there... and couldn't go to sleep. And this morning I woke up, thinking I'd be groggy, but I practically leapt out of my bed. I am SO. EXCITED. As I was saying in an interview yesterday, this is the first time we've entered a season KNOWING that we're going to get answers. Every other season, we just assumed we'd be handed more questions. But this time around is different.

And then, to make this day EVEN better... mgkoeln emailed me to say that I HAVE to go and see Jeff Jensen and Dan Snierson's first installment of this season's Totally Lost. So I went and checked it out... and screamed out loud at around the one-minute mark. Go check it out and find out why.

This day is getting better and better. I'm going to overlook the fact that Puxatawney Phil saw his shadow this morning...


  1. . . . 42 . . . 23 . . . 16 . . . 15 . . . 8 . . . 4 . . .

  2. Ahh! Las tnight I kept screaming to my mum and dad "One more day! One more day!" and they stared at me EVERY TIME and asked, "What are you talking about?"

    Verif Word: gaterove - a place of roving gators

  3. Hey, last sunday my priest included a shout out to LOST in his sermon. You can find it at www.reverendkyle.com. It's at the begining, so you don't have to listen to the whole sermon if you don't want.

  4. Congrats, Nik! Awesome to see the book (and your name!) featured so prominently in the Totally LOST video. You may want to mention, though, that there are teasers included ... not really "spoilers" per se, but hints at what is to come tonight.

    Verification word: "tringlyi" the feeling of electricity I have running through me in anticipation of tonight's premiere!

  5. I fell asleep alright, even though I went to bed early last night thinking I'd be up late (waiting for blog posts, ahem!). Then I woke up at 5:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep! It's going to be a long day!

  6. In the mountain time zone for work, does anyone know what time lost airs in said time zone? Can't find the answer, anywhere. Thanks for any help!

  7. I spent my evening last night rewatching "Pilot" and "The Incident" to prepare for today so I was super excited by the time I got to bed. When the alarm went off this morning, the first thing I said to hubby was, "It's LOST day!" He does not share my enthusiasm and is currently looking for somewhere to hang out every Tuesday night!

  8. Congrats on the mention, Nik! Whoo-hoo!!

  9. You have finally made it Nik...weep...I'm so damn proud...weep (wiping a proud solitary tear streaming down my cheek)....

  10. ashlie: You and me both. My brother emailed me this morning to say if it's going to 11 that's really late so he'll just watch it later in the week (to which I responded, "You are not my brother.")

    I emailed my husband the EW link and said, "Go here and watch it and see if you see anything interesting!!" He called me after watching it and said, "That was funny." I said, "Did you see it?" "See what? The Man in Black? Yeah, that was funny." "No... OK, go back and watch it!!"

    See, this is why he's a golf/music journalist, and I look for Easter eggs. The only Easter egg he needs to follow is a small white ball flying down the fairway. ;)

  11. Awesome on the appearance.

    I spent last night reading through sections of Finding Lost - Season 5 by Nikki Stafford, you may have heard of it, while a rerun of Castle was one. Saw a trailer for tonight's eps: SO. FREAKING. EXCITED!

  12. AAAAHHHH!!! I can't contain the excitement!

    (Oh, and congrats on the EW shoutout. 'Bout time, I says.)

  13. YAY!!!!!

    Christmas is here!!!

    @Nikki - you may have jinx us by saying we will get answers. What if we don't??? OR don't get the ones we want??

    I have successfully remained spoiler free, technically. I did read comments to a "preview" video and that alone blew my mind. I was like "hhhhWhaaaa??"

    old word verification - houlag - hootenanny at the gulag.

  14. Can't. Wait.
    Must. Have. Lost.

    And that jensen thing was hilarious

  15. Hey Nikki! Glad you liked it :-)

    And I so envy you guys! Over here in Germany this horrible sleepless night is still ahead of me, before I'll finally watch the premiere with a bunch of friends in about 27 hours from now. I just bought a buckload of microvave meals to serve them a genuine Oceanic Airlines dinner ;-)

  16. Oh yes, and another good chunk of my evening was spent watching the promo footage that was on during Desperate Housewives. I had it saved on the DVR and literally spent probably close to 15 minutes watching the 30 second commercial! Rewind, pause, rewind, pause, slow-mo...yeah, there's a divorce in my future for sure!

    @ Nikki - your husband's reaction is priceless!
    @mgkoeln - love the microwave meal idea!

  17. We're having tacos! I hope we actually get to eat them... the shocks & thrills may leave them splattered on the plate.

  18. check out teefury.com for a cool Lost T-Shirt :) - Today only!!

  19. It was my very first thought when I woke up this morning. THIS IS IT! TODAY IS THE DAY!!! I am counting down the hours until I can apply my Dharma tattoos, pour my Dharma beer and sit down to see what happens next!!!

  20. Is it 9 pm yet??

    Verification word: ruders, a ruder is a device used to steer a ship, boat, submarine, hovercraft, aircraft, or other conveyance that moves through a fluid, just in an unpleasant way.


    Aaaaahhh! So awesome!!!

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  23. Congrats Nikki! I'll have to watch that later :)

    I could NOT sleep last night at all. Thinking and thinking and thinking and counting the hours. I don't think I have EVER been this excited and anxious.

    8! MORE HOURS!!!!!!!!

    My sister and I may have to do something drastic, because we both will be home by 5:30 and that is just too many hours to while away until the premier starts

  24. @andrew/abc: IF my searches are correct, I believe the Mountain time airing to begin at 9:00 with Lost: The Final Chapter a recap up to now followed by LA X, from 10:00 to 12:00.

    This is simultanous to Pacific time which would be 8-11. It's analogous to the 8-11 airing Eastern with 7-10 central. Eastern and Pacific are the main scheduled feed while Central and Mountain 'piggy-back' off of those feeds respectively.

    If you have digital and subscribe to time-shifted channels, you would be able to get the Eastern time airing, which would be 5-8 Mountain time.

    Hopefully this helps!

  25. @adc: My appologies for calling you abc, must be too caught up in the network thing!

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  27. Nikki, I felt like cheering at the one-minute mark! Totally Awesome that you were (fleetingly) featured on Totally Lost! And honestly, that was by far the best one that Jeff and Dan have produced thus far. May all the rest of them be as good.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Nice Finding Lost Cameo!! They highlighted it!!

  30. It took me about a half-dozen tries, but the video finally reached the FL cameo before it stalled again. Congrats! Seriously, though, you had to know he read them. 8^)

  31. I keep posting on my face book status the hour count....I'm giddy with anticipation!

  32. Congratulations on a super cool product placement/shout out!

    I too woke up and thought: " Squee! this is IT!" I'm glad I'm not alone out here. I feel I may pee my pants a little before the day is through

    I remain totally spoiler-free, so I was a little worried about watching your link. I soon realized you would never do such a thing. My husband, on the other hand, looked up the leaked episode last night, and began to play it with the computer screen tilted in my direction saying "oops!" Grrr! He turned it off before I could see anything but come on! Divorce.

    Only 5 hours and 15 minutes to go before happiness can begin again!


  33. I have been waiting for this day since May 13. Seriously, I cannot wait another minute. I thought my head would blow up from excitement.

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  35. It's 2 a.m here in Oman, 3rd feb.... lost is going to air in 4 hours, but still i have to wait till it gets loaded on the internet to actually get to watch it!

    i've been trying to sleep but i can't, i'm too excited. decided i won't go to school.

    Btw, watched the season priemere trailer and it blew my mind!

  36. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3i8decb5ca03594f570ac6d77a6e4b2d74?imw=Y

    The fans have won! Now let's hope our patience and resilience has paid off...

  37. So it's been all over the news and in conversations today...LOST has really taken over the world! :)
    Case in point: I go to a pizza place to grab a sub. I'm sitting, waiting for it so I can leave and the youngish girl behind the counter says to her boss,"OMG! Lost is on tonight!" (My antenna goes up.) Her boss doesn't really react more than an "oh yeah?" She continues in a perky sort of way...."Yeah! And we're totally going to get answers this season, I can't wait!" (subtle smirk from me) Her boss said something about not really watching the show. She continues..."Well here's what I think is going to happen: I think that at the end, Jack is going to wake up and it was all a dream. Yup, I do. The plane never crashed." (Me, trying not to roll my eyes) Her: "I just think none of it was real and Jack is going to be fine and so is everyone else."
    To me, "Your sub is ready." (I go up to pay.) Her boss: "Jack? Is he the older guy from the crash?" (Me, in my head...No! That's JOHN LOCKE!Get it right!) Her: "No, silly. That's not Jack...Jack is the main character on the show." (me, um ONE of MANY!)Boss cuts her off: "Jack Bower?" Her: "LOL! No...wrong show!..." (Me, walking very fast to get the hell out of there before I interrupt and do a recap like those hilarious ones did to their girlfriends. *sigh* Amateurs.

  38. Jazzygirl: HAHA! Great story. And you know, my head's in such a strange place today that when the girl said to me, "Your sub is ready," I would have looked up and said, "How? I thought John Locke blew up the sub!"


  39. Toward the end of my shift I actually broke out in a rash, which I didn't notice until one of my coworkers said something and then they immediately chalked it up to my Lost anxiety! LOL! I agreed they were probably right :P


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