Thursday, February 04, 2010

Jorge's New Podcast!

I've directed all of you several times over to Jorge Garcia's funny and sweet blog, Dispatches from the Island, where he sometimes talks about Lost, but more often talks about his little dog Nunu and his adorable girlfriend Beth. Well, now Jorge and Beth have their own podcast, hilariously called Geronimo Jack's Beard, and you can listen to it here. They recorded the installments after Jorge had finished filming the episodes, and then sat on them until it was safe to publish. That way they don't reveal any spoilers of upcoming episodes because he hadn't yet seen the scripts. BRILLIANT. I will always push a spoiler-free site, so go on over and check out their first podcast. I'll be listening in tonight, but I'm sure it'll be hilarious!

Meanwhile, Blam is getting antsy about what was in that package. To which I answer, Jacob-like... "Hmmm... what WAS in that package?" Tune in later this week for the reveal!!


  1. Hi Dear Nik!!! How I understand, you are one of the author of Lost!!!??? I am big fan of lost too! Please, look on my last post from my blog!!!!

  2. I just listened to the first podcast over my lunch and it was great! It's nice to know that we're not the only ones who don't know what's going on!

  3. Haha! They are soooo much more confused than we are.

    I understand confusion, but they just seem so out of it!

  4. The Question Mark4 February 2010 at 17:02

    Nice, I can't wait to listen to this! My friend & I just started Podcasting ourselves (we talk a lotta LOST-lol) and it's immensely fun!
    Also, I agree with Blam; what (or as Ben says, hWHAT) is in that package?!

  5. The podcast is great, and their name and logo are awesome. I think I may heart Beth as much as I heart Jorge!

  6. Hi! I told you about the Lost Bar in NYC awhile ago, not sure if you remember. Anyway, I went there for the premiere and took some video of the night. Nothing fancy, but just to show people what the place is like and the kind of atmosphere it is when you're surrounded by Lost nerds. :) I posted it on youtube here:


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