Tuesday, February 09, 2010

"LA X" Haiku Time!!

It's time to jumpstart that tradition from last year: Haiku that followed each episode! I'll start things, but I always find the ones you guys come up with to be far more entertaining. :)

He just looks SO sad
Isn't there a universe
Where Jack is happy?

Rose comforting Jack;
Desmond there; Shannon is not;
What is going ON?!

Richard was in chains?
Metaphorical or real?

Thought the guitar case
Would contain something wondrous?
I think we've been ankhed.

I've seen John Locke brave,
Enlightened, and sad. But now?
He's effing SCARY.

Smokey's in a rage
Kills everyone, even Bram
While Ben pees his pants.


  1. I do not tell lies.
    Am I lying about that?
    I am Ben Linus.

  2. Fair enough, Dogen.
    But English on Freckles' tongue
    tastes like strawberries.

  3. Dharma shark returns.
    Gonna need a bigger boat.
    (tuba, cellos play)

  4. New reality?
    New chance to see Frogurt hit
    with flaming arrows.

  5. @Trace: All great, the first absolutely brilliant!

  6. Nikki and Paulo
    God help us, somewhere out there:
    Nikki and Paulo

  7. Oops! I just realized that only works if you say "Paulo" with a lazy diphthong ("Pow-lo") and not -- assuming Portuguese is as syllabic as Spanish -- properly ("Pa-oo-lo).

  8. I can hear it now
    The Skaters and Jaters are
    revving their engines

  9. Sayid is dying!
    No! He's alive! But where is
    his torcha scrunchie?

  10. @Blam, your poem gives me chills. God help us all indeed. And Nikki said "Pow-lo", so I'd say that pronunciation is canon. But just to be sure, let's ask Paolo himself:

    "Pa-OO-lo," he cries.
    Too bad nobody hears him
    through six feet of sand.

  11. "Did bomb work or not?"
    the producers sit and say,
    "why not just do both."

  12. Hark! Sayid's last words:
    glub glub glub glub glub glub glub
    (deep breath) "What happened?"

  13. Here at The Temple,
    We have a jacuzzi
    Use at your own risk

  14. I just had a flash
    but I thought sideways was the
    movie about wine?

  15. "You look familiar."
    "Sorry, dude, wrong universe."
    "Oh." "Honest mistake."

  16. Now I get to see
    so many friends from Deadwood
    on another show

  17. Good Locke evil Locke
    Brain is hurting like always
    Help me understand

  18. I think I get it
    alternate reality
    is like real life, squared

    Verification word: "baskate" the kind of case you are if you think getting hung up on a fickle fugitive is a good idea

  19. Nifty! Two timelines!
    We can lit'rally have our
    cake and eat it too!

  20. Jin is such a jerk,
    are you really that surprised
    Sun Paik stayed single?

  21. Haiku for Juliet:
    She's going going
    going out for coffee dutch
    going going gone.

  22. Ah, Richard, Ben lied,
    The Shadow Seekers were fried,
    "It worked." Not this side.

    With Nemo it lies
    Beneath the sea, shark included.
    Only for our eyes.

  23. Blam, you're killing me, here! You rock.

    I felt bad for Ben,
    I did for a while, but now
    he needs a beating

  24. ...
    So the bomb went off
    but we're all still here and in
    Two Thousand Seven?
    Apparently the
    energy ripped a hole in
    reality's walls.
    I'd love for Daniel
    to explain but here he's dead
    and there, never born.

  25. I dunno, HB; nothing beats that jacuzzi line.

  26. I bet these comments
    hit 108 before Lost
    even airs tonight.

  27. Please don't tell me that
    we're going to learn that Richard's
    into S&M

  28. "You're the monster?" "Let's
    not resort to name-calling,
    you bug-eyed liar."

  29. One hundred and eight,
    I'm sure that our haikus will
    add up to that soon

  30. Oh no! Jacob's dead!
    We're now at Smokey's mercy!
    Time for fireworks!

  31. I think Blam and I
    are just a little obsessed
    with haikus today

    I think I need a break
    otherwise nine o'clock will
    find me still typing

    Blam, do you suppose
    that tonight's episode will
    surpass the premiere?

  32. I can guarantee
    that it will be surpassed by
    at least seven days.

  33. Last one for now, possibly influenced somehow by Evil Blam:
    Oh, Silly Marshal.
    Even ladies make some noise
    when they go tinkle.
    You know you were all thinking it.

  34. I bet that Smokey
    celebrates the Mardi Gras
    and not Ash Wednesday

  35. Pa-OO-lo," he cries.
    Too bad nobody hears him
    through six feet of sand.

    Hahaha! This really tickles me for reasons I can't quite put into words! And I will forever pronounce his name
    "Pa-OO-lo" in a desperate voice.

    Sayid is dying!
    No! He's alive! But where is
    his torcha scrunchie?


    Oh, Silly Marshal.
    Even ladies make some noise
    when they go tinkle.

    Haha! You know, I saw a thing on Oprah once about how freaked out women were about peeing in public restrooms. These women (quite a few admitted to it) said they won't pee until everyone leaves or they'll pee on piles of toilet paper to muffle the pee sounds. Whereas men will happily crap away in public. Guys should be thankful for that freedom. Poop freedom.

  36. @HumanBean

    Here at The Temple,
    We have a jacuzzi
    Use at your own risk

    Hahahhahahhahahahhaha! Love it!!

  37. The Island is now
    underwater. How far? Far...
    Yet only one foot!
    Now I'm done. Really. 'Til later.

  38. No haiku yet, but yes Joan, I'm one of those. In college, I would line the inside of bowl with tp to hide all sounds. BY the way- i love your blog- very funny.

  39. The temple dwellers
    look very much like pirates
    said my 5 year old

  40. Blam and humanebean
    Will get these comments up to
    108 for sure!

  41. @humanebean:

    Please DO tell me that
    we're going to learn that Richard's
    into S&M

  42. Strange graveside service.
    Sawyer buries Juliet.
    Miles offers, "It worked."

    Verification word: mastrat - Rodent on a sailboat

  43. Desmond is married
    as to whom we are not sure
    my guess is Nikki

  44. It is fun to write
    Haikus about the best show
    that is on t.v.

  45. I'm not really sure
    how the writers will answer
    everything in time.

    okay, I think I'm done...

  46. First was the fan fic
    then came the revelation
    Nik is scaring me

  47. I have to rethink
    Juliet wrapped in chains was
    tragic and kinky

    ; ]

  48. One more...

    Sawyer broke my heart,
    when he cried for Juliet.
    Can I take her place?

  49. Rose and Bernard make kissyface.
    Pigheaded Jin tells Sun to button up.
    She shows too much clavicle.

  50. Evil Locke is mad
    In all, he's disappointed
    Tell me what that means????

  51. Desmond's on the plane.
    Wait, who's pressing the button?
    Hang on, what button?

    What's that old saying?
    Water, water everywhere,
    Island in the drink!

    Rose is calm in flight.
    Jack's the one who is frightened.
    A role reversal.

    Dharma Losties live.
    Seems that maybe Jughead was
    Past his used by date.

    Who rules the Temple?
    Bow down before the might of
    Ghengis Otherton!

  52. Ricardus in chains
    All sweaty, hot and bothered
    Does guyliner run?

  53. The love quadrangle
    Is no more since Juliet
    Plans on coffee, dutch

  54. Is it possible
    that jears will not be shed in
    every episode?

  55. When will Evil Locke
    have cross time line battle with
    Adorable Locke

  56. Let's just not resort
    To name calling while Smokey
    is away from home

  57. Sayid can't succumb!
    He's got a class to teach in
    Bad Ass MF-ry!!

    (spell it out, not in front of the kids)

  58. @JS

    Ricardus in chains
    All sweaty, hot and bothered
    Does guyliner run?



    Sayid was left to
    bleed and maybe die, instead
    he took a gross bath

    guess Smokey doesn't
    like his new little nickname
    no name-calling, please

    Charlie, you are alive
    choking on your heroin
    can I get a pen, here?

    Oh torcha scrunchie
    us ladies will miss you so
    Oh torcha scrunchie

  59. Hurley has a gun.
    And he knows how to use it.
    Ooh I'm really scared.

  60. There once was a plane
    with misfits galore on board
    what really happened?

  61. Hey Richard , you get
    the chains and I'll slip into
    something less comf'table.

  62. I know there will be
    a convergence of timelines
    somewhere in the past?

    Verification word - holyp - what happens when the pope uses the restroom

  63. Next time I get off
    a plane I want a dreamy
    theme to be playing

    and everyone to
    disembark in slow motion
    looking all wistful.

  64. @Stacy - Thanks :)

    @Jenn - Oh torcha scrunchie
    us ladies will miss you so
    Oh torcha scrunchie

    Haha, I loves it! Is it really the end of the Torcha Scrunchie ;_;

    @Alibags - Brilliant! I love how "expressive" we girls are here ;)

    VW: Narawee - How the priest from the Princess Bride says 'narrowly'.

  65. Hey Ilana, what's
    up with your lame ass guards?
    Now Jacob is dead!

    Ilana's guy, named Bram
    Got killed with a wooden stake
    Nice ref Darlton

  66. So palatable
    Sayid, Sawyer, Richard, Ben(?)
    Oh, just form a line

    VW: Breddit

    How my Daddy told me we done got the stupid out of our family - breddit out.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. So sorry, Jack Shephard,
    this line is for men only.
    Here, have this tissue.

    VW: Allmollmi

    What my Ma called the $36 a month she got from my Daddy.
    "Batard better not be late with my almollmi!"

  69. @Joan

    Part two of your haiku made me laugh so hard!

    As for the end of the torcha scrunchie, I guess we'll have to see if Sayid remains the torturer that we all know and love:)

  70. Smokey hates Richard.
    Look out, he’s gonna hit him!
    Hit him back, Rich- … Aw.

    So Jacob is dead.
    Hurley sees him, but Jin can’t.
    So why disappear?

    Sayid’s almost dead?
    We’ll bring him back with drowning!
    That should – no, wait. What?

    Hurley sees dead folks.
    So does that mean back then Dave
    Was just some dead guy?*

    *Not really a LA X one, but I’ve been thinking about that for the past week.

  71. @Joan: Here, have this tissue


    @Jenn: oh torcha scrunchie

    a tear came to my eye....

  72. @teebore: Nice. Joan Crawford will appreciate that one ;)

    @trace: Ahahahaha... "Pa-oo-lo"

    And everyone else, Brilliant! (I would name you all by name, but I'm just waaaay to lame and lazy.)

  73. Sad when Claire disappeared
    But happy once again
    Emilie de Ravin back in main cast.

    Can someone tell me what the heck a "torcha scrunchie" means? :)

  74. I LOVE Lost haikus!

    Here's a couple (man I have a lot to go back and read)

    This one is in honor of my sister:

    Bram, Bram, muffin man
    We barely knew thee, strange sir
    Your name made us laugh

    And this one's in Nikki's honor:

    Desmond's on the plane?
    And now married to Nikki?
    I can't believe it!

    And here's a couple more for fun:

    Charlie in the loo
    The drug addict's back again
    "Should have let me die"

    Jack on a plane
    Need to fix things hasn't changed
    Jears firmly intact

    Sawyer's heartbroken
    Juliet dies once again
    Pain fills his blue eyes

    Foot underwater
    With really bad CGI
    It's NOT Atlantis

    Hurley's guitar case
    Holds a giant wooden ankh
    Which holds Jacob's list

  75. @Mark - "Torcha Scrunchie" is what we call Sayid's hair tie that he wears when he goes to work. I am pretty sure Ack made it up :)

  76. @Trace: Frogurt! hahahaha

    @Blam: N&P! hahahaha

    You are all brilliant! Curses upon work for making me wait so long to come post!

  77. @Joan C. Thank you. lol. That's what I thought, ahhhh...torcha short for torture. Got it, got it! :D

  78. Back of Dharma vans
    Hold an awful lot of chains
    Bumpers super strong

  79. Juliet dead because of Jack
    Jack's dad Christian missing
    Expect lots of Jackface!

  80. What part of "Don't come
    back!" and "Don't follow me!" do
    these people not get?

  81. Okay, we didn't get
    to 108, but I had
    things to do. Sorry!

  82. Ah, Claire. Blond, goth, or
    soot-faced in next week's promo
    you're palatable.

  83. Sayid's hairstyles:
    Torturing, scrunchie. Being
    , Jheri curl.

  84. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  85. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  86. @Joan: The sad truth is that I have found Ethan palatable since S1. True. Everyone else is like EVIL DEMON and I am like, you can kidnap me anytime. ;) Wait, did I just admit that out loud?

  87. @Sonshine - Ahhhhhhh! I have to say, I really respect this Sonshine, and I am more than a little impressed (and creeped out) :D

  88. The sad truth is that I have found Ethan palatable since S1.

  89. I have to join my sister on that one ;)

  90. Ethan Rom, Ethan
    Rom: He's almost as creepy
    as his cousin Tom.

  91. @Achinghope - The infection is spreading! You girls are awesome. I find this whole thing so goddamn delightful :D

  92. @Blam: Best haiku EVER

    Verif word: tribler, someone who collects tribbles

  93. @Blam: bwa ahahahahaha

    But wait, Ethan and Tom are not cousins. I refuse

  94. Joan: You, SonshineMusic, AchingHope, and Evil Blam all deserve one another. I'm staying far away.
    VW: dinwarch — Thuh tahmpiece on muh wrist that tells me when thuh grub's reddy.

  95. oof. He just lost a little palatability. Man, now every time I see his face I'm going to be thinking... not TOm! Are you sure that wasn't EvilBlam posting just now, trying to spoil my moment of openness?!

    VW: ressive - the opposite of passive

  96. We have strayed so far
    From Lost haikus on this post
    Everyone else left

    VW: amodes - with ice cream?

  97. @Sonshine: Every time I see his face, I'm thinking, "Actually, I'm kind-of impressed you didn't try to fix any of that before looking for work in Hollywood." He was pretty good in In the Bedroom, though, and of course is requisitely creeptastic on Lost.
    VW: cratedam — 1. What keeps the barrels from invading the other half of the store. 2. What you need, along with a cratesire, to make baby crates.

  98. Little miss Sonshine,
    I'd be commenting haikus,
    but I don't know how.

    VW: belog, saying 'belong' with a cold

  99. Yeah. Nikki's clearly
    too busy with the recap.
    She won't be amused.

  100. @AchingHope: varrry niiice :0)

    And I love the fact that we are typing these comments sitting about 3 feet from each other, each on our own computer. Ah the age of technology :0

  101. Nikki will have a
    lot of bizarre things to read
    when she comes back here

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. NOT three feet away
    From anyone but you, sis
    Who else would be near?

    Some smoke monster, eh?
    Bloggers from across the world?
    Or an un-dead Locke?

  104. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  105. Are you sure that wasn't EvilBlam posting just now, trying to spoil my moment of openness?!
    Nope, it's just me, Common-Sense Blam, who finds Ethan only a few notches of skeevy below any character played by Jake Busey.

  106. Actually, I'm kind-of impressed you didn't try to fix any of that


  107. I've heard that if you say "Evil Blam" thrice, he appears. How many times has it been?

    And Blam - I am sure you have had crushes on unique people. I myself had my first crush on cartoon Batman. And it feels good to say it:D

  108. Wait! Are we turning this into a tell all? hmmmm.... I think I have my next blog post - "SonshineMusic's Top Palatables" haha :D

  109. I love the fact that "palatable" has now become a working part of our vocabulary used both on and off the screen. Ummm... you guys use that word in regular conversation, right? RIGHT?!

    VW: jebowl - the big French sports occasion

  110. You think that I sit around all day waiting to be summoned, eh, Joan Crawfish? Perchance Evil Blam has better things to do than play Am I Palatable or Not will the silly picture-box characters. However, I have heard inklings that this other Blam of whom you are so fond once harbored twitterpation for the myopic Miss Velma who kept company with that cannabis-addicted Great Dane of Saturday-morning "ghostbusting".
    Verification word: Jinkies!

  111. AAAAahahahaahah! "...Am I Palatable or Not will the silly picture-box characters"

  112. "will the silly picture-box characters"
    Hurrm. That should have been "with", eh. I am currently replaying the day's Access Hollywood and was distracted by the Greek-American enchantress Maria Menounos' staccato laugh. Is it nasal? Is it glottal? Nay, it is both, and therein lies its aphrodisiac quality!

  113. I am sure you have had crushes on unique people. I myself had my first crush on cartoon Batman.
    Did I enjoy Yvonne Craig's shiny, skintight Batgirl outfit while not quite old enough to understand why? Sure. Did I take one look at Middle-of-the-Night Supermarket Psyche-Not-Claire and think, "You can find me wandering in the produce section anytime"? Uh, no.
    VW: blych — The appropriate reaction for the turn this comment section has taken.

  114. Did I enjoy Yvonne Craig's shiny, skintight Batgirl outfit while not quite old enough to understand why? Sure.

    I felt the same way about David Bowie's tights in Labyrinth!

  115. I am currently replaying the day's Access Hollywood and was distracted by the Greek-American enchantress Maria Menounos' staccato laugh. Is it nasal? Is it glottal? Nay, it is both, and therein lies its aphrodisiac quality!

    This is why we summon Evil Blam!

    VW: mcness

    What they will call the burgers they make out of the Loch Ness Monster once they find him. And we, by God, we will!

  116. @Sonshine Music and Joan Crawford

    I am so sad that a few days ago I actually checked on the noun version of 'palatable' and you'll be glad to know that both 'palatableness' and 'palatability' are correct, although somewhat of a mouthful.

  117. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  118. Hey all: I'm so sorry for the deleted posts, but there was a rightful complaint on the post for "What Kate Does" saying this post had haikus to do with episode 3, when he hadn't yet seen it. I'll be opening up the haiku mania every week right before the new episodes, so if we could always keep to last week's show and save the haikus for the current show to the following week, that would be aces.

    I deleted haikus from Ali Bags, Sonshine, and JS, but I'll save those in a separate document and repost them on next week's post so they don't get lost. Any other deleted comment was just a reference to "What Kate Does." Sorry, guys!! I'll be more explicit in the instructions next week. :)

  119. Batty: I've removed the offending haikus (but I'll repost them next week) and let me know if there were any other posts where you saw spoilers. Again, I'm sorry!!

  120. Gotcha Nikki :) Like I told BatCabbage, we kind of got... carried away (as you could probably tell) but will keep to current and not new stuff in the future.


    VW: cooffe - what you say when you really need a cup-a-joe

  121. Sorry Miss Stafford. Won't do it again.


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