Tuesday, February 02, 2010


. . . just arrived at my office today in a mysteriously wrapped package. What could it be? Tune in later as I unwrap the package and see what's inside. . . .

Wow... today really IS like Christmas!!


  1. Pretty suspicious-looking, if you asked me. I think I'd get someone else to open it, if I were you...

  2. I volunteer! I'll take one for the team. Stay right there, I'll have a courier come over and pick it up!

  3. The Question Mark2 February 2010 at 13:16

    Wicked! But I agree with Joshua, this looks like the work of Benjamin Linus to me!

  4. This is awesome-looking if you ask me. No need to even open it, just display it as is on your shelf and it'll do!

    word verif: phorkin = phoenetic of forkin'

  5. I think the anticipation of finding out what this is is almost outweighing my anticipation for tonight's episode! Thanks for giving me one more reason to do little to no work today!

  6. Wait! Does this mean we get another PODCAST!!!!!!!!!!? Then bring it on!

    verification: swedsh - Patchy's cousin from Sweden. Why? Because he has no i of course :P


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