Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Finding Ambivalentman!

I haven't gotten a new Finding Lost reader pic in ages, and then I got two yesterday! I'm going to post this one first and then the next one later in the day. This is Ambivalentman, a.k.a. Jeremiah, whose blog is here (and I hope you visit it because it's great!). I'll always remember him as the guy who came onto the DocArzt site when I'd written a speculatory post and a few people attacked me in the comments, and he gave them the what-for. He was firmly entrenched in my heart at that moment. :) He took this pic at his Lost premiere party (:::tears that I can never have parties because I have to blog!:::) and check out the inflatable palm tree!! HAHAHA! Love it. What a great picture. Happy Lost Day, everyone!!


  1. I like his t-shirt. THAT is awesome.

  2. Not only does Ambivalentman love LOST, but it looks like he's a fan of It's A Wonderful Life as well. Oh Ambivalentman, I think we're soul mates...

  3. Hear, hear! I was just about to comment on the It's A Wonderful Life poster when I saw that Erin had beaten me to it. Well done, you!

  4. Greetings and salutations, AbivalentJeremiah! I also have an inflatable palm tree. Looks good next to the beach ball and plastic pail-and-shovel. Someone once described my decorating style as "eclectic". My point is, I guess we have that in common! (Oh, and I also love It's A Wonderful Life.) Great to see you in all your Lostian glory! :)

  5. There are so many awesome things about this picture!

    VW: Repalse

    It's no big deal, is jussa a li'l repalse!

    That, by the way, was a drunk making his case for why you need to cool the hell out about his relapse.


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