Monday, March 01, 2010

Let's Help Local Artists!

Hello everyone! This doesn't have much to do with Lost, but it's a plea from one of my readers, and it's for a great cause, so I'm really hoping some of you will help out with this. This comes from Chris Temple, who is one of my regular commenters on Lost and has been a part of this site for a few years now. I'll let him explain the cause to you:

I am trying to start an art gallery coffee house in Sacramento, CA for local artists called LOCAL CREATIONS. I will also provide free art lessons to children, have art supply drives for local schools, and donate a portion of the profits to local charities. To help get the funding I need to open my gallery I entered Pepsi's Refresh Project which is giving away grants to people with ideas that will benefit the community. The winners are the ideas that get the most votes at the end of the month (they are doing this every month and giving away millions in grants). I was wondering if you could mention my idea and post the link to my idea on your blog? I would greatly appreciate it. I know you have alot of loyal readers (me included) and I need to spread the word to help my idea win. Voting begins on March 1st and I need as many people to vote as I can get and for them to vote daily.

The link just went live at midnight last night. You can go here to click and vote, and please vote every day until March 31! Let's help get kids some free art lessons. I know many of you have blogs of your own, so please go ahead and either link here or lift this post directly and post it on your site if you'd like to help promote the cause. Thanks for contacting me, Chris, and good luck!


  1. Thank you very much, Nikki! I really appreciate your help. You are AWESOME!

  2. Hope you win this, Chris. This is a great idea! Life without art is colorless. ;)


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