Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lost Haiku Time! "Recon"

OK, I'm so sorry guys but this one is going to be super-quick. I'm so incredibly busy today I can't even keep my head straight, so just one haiku from me and you guys can take over, as usual.

Also, a quick note (thanks for mentioning this Marebabe!) but tonight's Lost episode is scheduled to run 6 minutes overtime. So please make sure your PVRs and DVRs and TiVOs or whatever you use is recording for an extra 6 minutes (make it 10 just to be on the safe side). I'd like to say I hate it when they do this, but it means more Lost time so yay!!

Briefcase full of dough
Sawyer’s the same. Wrong! But now...
Cops hear him have sex.


  1. O Charlotte, you are
    a vision in green and red
    Want some chocolate?

  2. Marsky and Sutch make
    a really cool team. All they
    need's a cool theme song

  3. Sideways Sawyer is
    conflicted and secretive.
    Hmmmm ... such a big change.

  4. Smokey tells Kate that
    his mama was crazy. HA!
    Look who's talkin', bud

  5. Guess I should stop now
    and join Tiger in rehab.

  6. Not a Haiku, but re: tonight's episode:

    Ab Aeterno - Since the beginning of time. That is quite an epic title for an epic character. Hopefully the episode delivers on its implied epic-ness.

    I want to know it all. Everything.

    - WHO (are you, really? and Who the heck is Smokey? Say his name!!),

    - WHAT (happened to get you to this island, and the ship to the middle? WHAT did Jacob say your purpose was? WHAT were you supposed to do with the leaders? WHAT was the purpose of the lists? WHAT did you see when you said you watched [the Losties] die? WHAT do you know about he time traveling properties of the island?),

    - WHERE (are you from? and WHERE are your other shipmates? Dead?),

    - WHEN (did you get to the island? and WHEN did Jacob “gift” you? and WHEN are you going to confront Ben - you have some unresolved issues!?)

    - WHY (are you the “advisor” and the only one allowed to talk to Jacob? WHY were you in chains (assuming it was not recreational)?)


    - HOW (are you so fierce across time)!!!

  7. Poor JS! You want
    answers to all your questions?
    Have you SEEN this show??

  8. TiVo? DVR?
    Oh, to have that kind of tech.
    VCR for me.

  9. PS: If you must
    Know why I'm stuck in the past:
    Comcast is Satan!

  10. But Blam, Comcast has
    DVR -but not in your
    neighborhood? Bummer.

  11. T-shirt? Help yourself...
    It's the top draw'r on the right.
    What the — ?!? Right! Right! Right!

  12. They call me LaFleur
    'Cause of my huge sunflower
    Nudge nudge nudge wink wink

  13. In my neighbhorhood,
    Yes, but not my residence.
    Why? Poor signal strength.
    Whose problem is that?
    Supposed to be Comcast's but
    They haven't fixed it.
    All they're doing is
    Losing out on extra dough
    That we'd be paying.
    Now they've moved even
    More channels to digital
    Leaving us bereft.
    Would we like to have
    On Demand and DVR?
    Yes, but Comcast sucks.

  14. Excellent point, H
    though nothing is forthcoming
    doesn't hurt to ask

  15. @JS: to be more specific, Ab Aeterno actually means "from the eternal".

    "since the beginning [of time]" is another meaning that has been tagged on. Not inaccurate in any way but not the same either.

    "since the beginning" could mean the story since the beginning (of Jacob/Richard)

    "from the eternal" could mean from someone eternal, a gift from Jacob?

    both apply equally to Lost and we'll only know the actual meaning from tonight's episode (spoilers aside)!

  16. Sawyer in a chase
    Gosh, I wonder who this is
    Well hey there Freckles!

    VW: gnayba - Australian dialect for "good neighbor".

  17. @Blam:
    Wow, I weep for you
    my friend. But I share your love
    for Comcast's service.

    The Powers That Be
    rule the cable world with a
    frightful arrogance.

    Have you considered
    forsaking their putrid wares
    and sampling The Dish?

    I feel your pain, too
    So much that we want to know
    and so little time

  18. Provider change Blam,
    Attempt he be wise to make;
    Angry letters come next!

  19. Poor, poor Blam - the curse
    of old tech: tonight's my first
    ep to watch HD!


    Claire! Is that a knife?!?
    Psycho squirrel baby mama
    quelled by God's backhand

  20. Widmore on Hydra?
    *gasp* Does this mean that he is
    the REAL sub-stitute?

  21. "The Fight"

    Why did you lie, Jim?
    I'm sorry and you're pretty,
    Miles. Forgive me?

    Of course! I really
    just wanted some Dimple
    Attention from you.

    Don't lie again, Jim!
    ...You really think I'm pretty?
    Jim? JIM?! Answer me!

    *note: I have no idea what "Dimple Attention" is; it is some undoubtedly creepy inside joke of theirs.

  22. Sayid is not well
    he's got the darkness in him
    he still likes chick fights.

    Sawyer loves to read
    does he ever read new books?
    Finding Lost a must.

    Miles and Sawyer
    sitting in a tree K I
    S S I N G.

    Go back to Freckles
    her hair will de-frizz at home
    humidity sucks.

    Charlotte is a fox
    a bit out of Sawyer's league
    guess I'm just jealous.

  23. @Benny - another definition I have seen is something like "outside of time", or in another dimension, some how not obeying the laws of time. verrrry interesting

  24. Is that the sound of
    Smokey roaming the jungle
    or my heart pounding?

  25. Lisa(until further notice)23 March 2010 at 17:04

    Sayid's checked out now...
    Watching as Claire takes on Kate
    Kate’s all WTF?

  26. TiVo? DVR?
    Oh, to have that kind of tech.
    VCR for me


    I feel your pain, Blam.
    I am low tech, it's also
    VCR for me

    - - - -

    Claire's a crazy Mom
    One minute she wants to kill;
    next she wants a hug

  27. Miles and Sawyer
    Act like they are married now.
    Go get a room, boys!

    Tina Fey guest-starred
    in "Recon," but forgot to
    say "blurgh" on the beach.

    Ajira people:
    Too bad (so sad) none of you
    Could be candidates.

    Kate's tears look so real
    As she spills them over Claire.
    She sure needs a hug!

    Sawyer thinks his con
    Will get him off the Island.
    Hey, good luck with that!

    Oh, I'm still so LOST--
    Still so confused. Let's hope to-
    night gives some answers!

  28. No ‘previously
    On’ this week. Just Sawyer, Jin
    And the Un-Locke-ettes!

    You thought I was still
    A con man, didn’t you? Ha!
    Take that, audience!

    “You can’t con a con
    Man’s wife!” “Really? I did. Coz
    I’m a cop, baby!”

    “Claire, what’s that skull thing?
    Can I see? AH! MY EYES! THE

    Sayid turned towards
    Claire and Kate fighting. And then…
    The dead eyes opened.

    “Why’d you become a
    Cop?” “Bullit.” “Tell the truth!” “’Kay.
    Beverly Hills Cop.”

    Un-Locke took control.
    “Claire! What did the five fingers
    Say to the face? SLAP!”

    “Kate, are you alright?”
    “No! Stabby McNutbag just
    Tried to kill me, John!”

    “Who the hell are you?”
    “The only one left.” “Good. Don’t
    Need new characters.”

    “My mom was crazy.”
    “Really? My mom dimed me to
    The cops.” “Woah. That sucks.”

    "Hello, Mister Ford.
    My name is Charles Widmore." "I
    loved you on 'Neighbours'."

  29. Tina Fey guest-starred
    in "Recon," but forgot to
    say "blurgh" on the beach.

    Ha ha ha ha ha
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    Ha ha ha ha ha!

    Did you think Two-Fer and Lutz
    Would be on the sub?

    VW: hingmate The, uh, mate of, um, a hing. Sorry; kinda slow tonight.

  30. If this week's show does
    Not live up to those coming
    Attractions, Who dies?

  31. Guys... I'm 45 minutes into the episode and am practically breathless with excitement. AAAAAHHHHHHH... sorry, just had to jump on and say that.

  32. Lisa(until further notice)23 March 2010 at 20:44

    Quoting my husband
    "It's just getting sloppy now.
    Where are the answers?"

  33. Aha! Further proof
    Canadians are evil.
    Nikki rubs it in!

  34. Awww, Nikki!... Wanted to watch the Canadian feed, pre-write comments the rewatch, but got caught doing chores around the house till 7:30 :(

  35. Lisa(until further notice)23 March 2010 at 20:54

    Charlotte, take the beer.
    Jim and his sad sunflower
    can come to my room.

  36. Lisa(until further notice)23 March 2010 at 20:56

    Six minutes to go
    Will Richard really tell us
    things we need to know?

  37. Oh and just a note: please don't leave anything in this thread about the episode... my post will be up soon.

  38. Sawyer has a choice
    a criminal or a cop
    either way he cons

    so now he's a cop
    with sad puppy-dog eyes and
    a sad sunflower


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