Monday, March 22, 2010

Nik at Nite Meet-up??

Hey guys: I'm going to be in the Big Apple in the first week of May, probably from May 5-8. I was thinking if there were a few of you who lived in NYC and wanted to actually get together and talk about Lost in person (!!) maybe we could all do dinner somewhere on the Friday the 7th, if that works. If you're interested, email me off the list and we'll figure out something. I think I've already got Sonshine Music interested (and hopefully AchingHope, too!), so let's see who else wants to come out!

I wish I was coming in the night before, and then we could actually WATCH an episode of Lost together!! :)


  1. Oh! I wish I could come! But Victoria to NYC is a bit of a drive... Sigh.

  2. I wish I could but as I'm in's a tiny bit out of my way. :)

  3. Aw, too bad. The timing is a little off. I actually lived in New York 24 years ago! My husband was a contract engineer working in aircraft, and we lived on Long Island for awhile. Six months in Bethpage, and later on another six months in Bay Shore. I hope you all have a mega-fun time!

  4. Were it not for the small matter of the Atlantic in the way, deffo! (Though my Lost talk would be... well, I could always buy drinks and get drunk...) Have fun y'all. (Matthew here, btw).

  5. Get out! I'm actually in Washington D.C. on business most of that week ... but now I will have to see about stopping off in NYC on the way back ... hmmmm...

  6. This is awesome! I am nowhere near there but I think you guys should take a lot of pics and post them! I demand to see Sonshine, Achinghope and you singing "Don't Stop Believing"* at a karaoke bar :D

    *so I can look at them while I do the my basement. "Aren't we having a great time guys! Guys?"

  7. Hmmm...will have to think about this. I'm only in Boston so it's not THAT far. However it's a tough time for me to take off work since my students will be graduating only a few weeks later. But, the chance to meet you? I think that might trump my school obligations! LOL! I'll have to check my community band schedule too for that weekend. Tempting!!! :)

  8. I agree with Joan!
    And I think you should do something like this in Toronto!! That would be A lot of fun! You should do it on a Tuesday so we can all watch an episode together!

  9. I just want to make sure everyone knows that tomorrow's episode of Lost is going to run SIX MINUTES LONG. That's right, 1 hour and 6 minutes. So if you rely on a pre-set DVR, be sure to program it so you catch every precious minute. I can't imagine how frustrating and infuriating it would be to miss the last 6 minutes of such an epic installment.

  10. Sweet muffins! AchingHope and I are so there, we might as well be camping outside the restaurant right now. Or wherever we're meeting. Or what.ever.


    I so hope some other people can come.

    No, wait. We could have Nikki all to ourselves. mwa hahahaha

    Okay, I think I need to NOT type comments this late when I am obviously overtired.

  11. Thanks Marebabe!! I HATE when that happens! Stupid DVR's are supposed to record a show, not cut off on the hour! I usually have it set a few minutes late to be safe. Actually my cable company is revamping itself so I have to double check my settings today anyway since they said the maintenance might delete recording schedules! My DVR has actually be acting up lately. Thankfully I've been home to watch LOST but for a couple of weeks it automatically cancelled the recording and I had to manually hit Record. I had plenty of space so not sure what's going on. It happened last night with another show too. UGH technology!

  12. Alright, that's it, time for the Nik at Nite world tour, in which Nikki travels the country to various reader hotspots. :)

  13. @Teebore: You're thinking too small. It should totally be a WORLD tour! I would promote that. ;)

  14. Marebabe thanks for the info. How in the world did you find it out?

  15. @Susan: I was web-surfing yesterday and saw the alert at Lost For a Reason. You can see it for yourself:

    Hopefully, EW and lots of other sites will be putting the word out today.

  16. Jealousy! I so wish I could be there, but woe, is Georgia far away. Don't get me wrong -- ordinarily I'd be, like, "Eighteen hour drive? Whatever, dude, I'm changing the oil and stocking munchies!" but I'm supposed to be vacationing with my in-laws that week, and... wait. What were my choices again?

    WV - untsy: very uncomfortably antsy

  17. Thanks Marebabe!

    Yay if it means a longer episode (and not just longer commercial breaks) but not so yay for those trying to record it without having this information.

  18. I wish I could come but I can't. It's a bit of a drive to NYC from where I am.


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