Saturday, March 13, 2010

Reminder: Let's Help Chris!

I blogged a couple of weeks ago about one of our regular readers, Chris Temple, attempting to get a $50,000 grant to start up an arthouse coffee place in Sacramento, California, that would help showcase local authors while also giving free art lessons to kids. If he ends up in the top 10, he'll get the money. Right now he's moved up to 17th place and has held steady there, so I'm really hoping Nik at Nite readers can rally together and get him right up to the top and get this coffee house started! You can vote every day (and I have!) if you just go here and click on the link. It'll take a couple of seconds out of your day... let's see if we can do it. Can Lost fans help a fellow fan get his dream off the ground? As they say on Bob the Builder (15 times a day in my house), "YES WE CAN!!" You can vote EVERY DAY, so please do. I know we can do this!


  1. I'm voting every day, too. Good luck, Chris!

    "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." - Aristotle

  2. I live in Sacramento. Go, Chris!

  3. I voted! I'll keep voting, too!!
    Great and wonderful concept.... :)

  4. It's the power of word of mouth…or in this case…the post! :P

    When Nikki posted, Chris was in 17th, but by the time I headed over to Pepsi to vote for Chris again, I noticed that he is now in 16th.

    Good luck Chris, and I will continue to vote. It's a great idea:)

  5. Thank you so much your your help! I really appreciate all the support from Nikki and my fellow LOST fans. It definitely makes a difference! Please vote everyday and spread the word to your family, friends, coworkers, and enyone else who will listen. This is for a good cause. Especially since schools have been cutting art budgets.

    If anyone has any ideas on how I can spread the word it will be appreciated. I have already been on the morning show Good Day Sacramento, CBS 13 News at noon, and have passed out flyers all over town.

    Thanks again, Nikki and everyone!

  6. Done today...and will vote the rest of the month as well. Good luck, Chris!

  7. I voted and also posted the link on my Facebook page; I am an artist & so are several of my friends, so hopefully that will help.

    Chris, try contacting people through art-related sites; artists will almost certainly want to help you.


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