Sunday, March 14, 2010

Buffy on MuchMusic!

I haven't seen Buffy in syndication in a LONG time, so when I just saw the news on Whedonesque that Buffy is going to be syndicated on MuchMusic (in Canada) starting today, I was very excited!! Apparently the first five episodes of season 1 will air today starting at 2pm, and then after that it'll be on weekdays at 6pm. Every day. Wicked!! You can read all the deets here.


  1. LOL, Who's crossed off in the picture and why? Is that Angel?

  2. Riley's been scratched out!! Why??

  3. Oh, that is thoroughly acceptable. I did NOT like Riley. Argh, stupid Riley. Now I'm all pissed off, better not try to do the dishes.

  4. Hannah!! Are you the Friendly Neighbourhood Palindrome in the Lost discussions? And here I thought it was an Otto or Anna. Hahaha!!

    And no, I would never, ever cross out my Angel. It's an long-standing joke on the blog that the best pic I can always find of the cast seems to be S4, but my dislike of Riley runs deep, and I refuse to let him be part of the cast. ;)

    That said, I actually liked him a lot in his return appearance in "As You Were," but maybe that's because I knew he wasn't coming back for good. ;)

    Nikki: I hope I haven't offended you!

  5. Yes, I get mistaken for Otto all the time. Damn you, Otto!

    I have commented on some Lost discussions, very few though because by the time I get to the bottom not only am I 10 years older, but I'm dumbstruck by all the genius comments and have nothing constructive to add. You know, other than, I heart Lost which is obvious. ;)

    I'm so glad you would never cross out Angel *sigh*. I would sell the other half of my soul for him...the other half is already spoken for sadly.

  6. I am finally getting onboard the Buffy wagon - my sister and I just watched like half of the first season and I am LOVING it :D

    They had every season of Buffy and Angel on super sale at Borders a while ago and I bought them without ever having seen an episode mainly on your word alone, Nikki. I am SO not disappointed.

  7. Ha! I love the scratched out Riley. I refuse to acknowlege him too. ;-)

  8. Riley sucks. Though I was kinda starting to like him when he was getting sucked - just before he left. He seemed more human.

    Then they brought in back in AYW, and it was terrible and he was Captain Cardboard, and I washed my hands of him.

    In closing, Spuffy rules. ;)

  9. Riley sucks. Though I was kinda starting to like him when he was getting sucked - just before he left. He seemed more human.

    Then they brought in back in AYW, and it was terrible and he was Captain Cardboard, and I washed my hands of him.

    In closing, Spuffy rules. ;)

  10. I wish there were some way to delete posts, but I can't see one. It tells me it hasn't posted, and when I try again, it posts twice.


    It was so good to see Buffy on TV again. Saved me digging out my DVDs. :)

    Since it's been 13 years since it first aired, I'm hoping it brings in a new generation of fans.

  11. Nikki- I was wonder if you've seen this woman


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