Tuesday, March 16, 2010

While You Wait for Lost...

First, have you voted for Chris Temple's idea yet today? No... OK, don't worry, I can wait while you do. Just go here, and this post will still be here when you get back. Do-do-do... what are you waiting for? It's for a great cause and he's SO CLOSE and I know we can get him there!! (Oh, and please please if you have a blog please post this on there, too!)

My friend Chris L. (go check out his blog!) sent me the following mash-up that I thought was brilliant. This is a reimagined opening credits for Doctor Who, set to the Angel theme. It makes it look like a tragedy, with David Tennant as a brooding sad man...

And to celebrate the fact that I just got tickets to see Eddie Izzard at Massey Hall in May (YAAAAY!!) here he is doing one of my favourite sketches. This seriously makes me cry with laughter every time I watch it. I hope you enjoy, too! (And I hope I don't offend anyone with it!)


  1. I LOVE me some Eddie Izzard! Got all his DVDs and am anxiously awaiting the next one! :)

  2. Not offended. That was funny. I'm going to find more clips. And so true about the singing. I never understood that...

  3. Thank you for the Doctor Who mashup.


  4. Having trouble with blogger. This is only a test.


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