Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lost Haiku: Dr. Linus

Hello my lovelies. Well, I'm officially back. No more running around to other countries, doing chats from afar, posting late, leaving you guys to yourselves, not responding to comments. I'm here, and here to stay until the end of the season. I can't wait to jump right back into Lost with you tonight for "Recon."

When I was in the UK, I met up with a friend of mine who got talking about my blog and how fascinated he was about it. He said he thought all of you were like my followers, not just online, but like disciples (well, he likened it to "Hitler's Germany in 1934," to be exact) and that whatever I said, you guys agreed with. If someone disagreed, you all tore them apart like a pack of wild dogs. I disagreed with him and said there's a difference between blind following and community, and the group I have here is a community, one that's nice to each other and (he doesn't watch Lost) if he'd actually read any of the Lost posts, he'd see that people disagree with me all the time, but they do so in a kind manner, and often convince me to change my own mind about something. He's an academic and is considering some sort of research paper on this blog. Hm. That might not be good. If he says anything bad about us, I'll set all of you on him like a pack of dogs.


Until then, I went onto YouTube and tried to find an angry Hitler rant of him disagreeing with a commenter on his blog, but sadly couldn't find one. If anyone knows of one, let me know and I'll send it on to him. ;)

Anyway, for my Canadian readers, a heads up that I'm going to be appearing as a guest commentator on Innerspace (Space Network) next week! I'll be chatting up next week's episode and mentioning this week's, and they'll also have me answering viewer mail. So tune in... I'll make another note next week about it. If for no other reason than to see how tarted up they make me this time. ;)

And now, without further ado, on to haiku about "Dr. Linus"!

I went to college.
So do not call me “Mister.”
It’s DOCTOR Linus.

I was wondering...
When Ben changed his father’s tank,
Was it nitrogen??

Richard: “I must go
To the Black Rock and die now.”
Me: “NOOOO!! No no no!!”

Superhero Jack!!
Will the tough-guy persona
Wash away the Jears?


  1. He is the only
    one who will have me, sobs Ben.
    A villain redeemed?

    Who needs Ben's money
    when They Who Shall Not Be Named
    lie waiting for Miles?

    Muppet Richard wants
    to die, but crazy cool Jack
    says "not without Jears!"

    Hurley wants cheese curds
    but the Island only has
    cotton candy left.

  2. Oh, and here's one inspired by the conversation you had with your friend.

    "Hooray! Nikki's back!"
    cry her joyous followers.
    "Now, who needs slaying?"

  3. We are not puppets!
    Tell that guy he's mistaken.
    Wait, my string's tangled...

  4. HAHAHA!! Oh my god, you guys are so hilarious. I'm so sending those over to him.

    Attention minions...
    From now on you shall call me
    Mein Fuhrer Nikki.

  5. A little thing on Jack:

    He no longer has those fears,
    Although he still has the Jears,
    He's remarkable to a T
    Especially with TNT,
    A Jacobian candidate among his peers.

  6. Hi, everybody -- sorry about going missing last week. Stupid work crap... and for my favorite ep of the season, too! Well, on with the poetics:

    convert saves the priest
    role reversal at gunpoint
    light the fuse and chat

    so my rule still stands:
    all it takes is dynamite
    to make Jack badass

    Hurley's poutine dream
    wait -- is he Canadian?
    'Reyes' isn't French...

    what to call Ben's tears?
    Beers? Bears? But all the bears here
    are polar, and dead

  7. Mein Fuhrer Nikki:
    sounds like your friend is jealous.
    shall we hunt him down?

    ; ]

  8. You are mistaken
    O British Friend of Nikki
    Wild? Housebroken.

  9. Some haiku from Matthew - Nikki's London friend and, seemingly, enemy of the blog!

    In the lion's den, I come
    Lost and terrified of Nik-
    ki's loyal army

    Thanks, my Fuhrerlien:
    a ready-made rabble of
    angry strangers: help.

    Nikki is scared that
    she will be crucified at
    Slayage. Come help her!

    So much for the claim
    that what's said in London stays
    in London. Blimey!

    She forgot to say
    that I believe her books to
    be magnificent.

  10. It is interesting that you friend thinks the followers of this blog are like rabid dogs (I now picture all of you frothing at the mouth). I often use this blog as an example of a true community in blogging. I find, as a frequent reader/rare poster, that you are all a very welcoming bunch.
    No haikus yet... I need more coffee.

  11. Mein Fuhrer Nikki,
    I praise thee respectively
    to the end of time.

  12. LOL!! This is so much more fun than haikus about Lost!! And big kudos to Matthew for having the guts to wander in here and offer up his rebuttal. Well done!

    Humanebean, oh yes.
    He is SO jealous of me.
    It's always been clear.

    I can't fault the guy.
    After all, in his land they
    Put prawns between bread.

    Oh come on, Matthew,
    Get a proper login name!
    Don't be Anonymous.

    I should not be harsh.
    His book on Buffy was ace.
    Maybe *I'm* jealous??

    You guys aren't minions.
    I love you all as equals.

  13. Verily Matthew
    You see that we are not dogs
    nor mere sycophants

    We trust and admire
    the thoughtful voice of Nikki
    whose prose led us here

    If we disagree
    with her or one another
    we post, free of fear

    that our words will be
    taken out of context
    or mocked for mere sport

    We welcome you to
    join us in this safe harbor
    for our opinions

    We ask only this:
    if and when you disagree,
    say so with respect

    Pardon us, though, if
    we are suspicious at first:
    you do not watch LOST?

    Oh, the humanity!
    But faith in our fellow man
    gives us hope for you.

    You may yet come 'round,
    and find a source for study
    in LOST ... and not US!

    To be fair to you,
    we, too, are fascinated
    by this show's great fans

    Perhaps your distance
    will show us something we miss.
    Teach on, our new friend!

  14. To annonymous in response to your haiku (please join in more):

    Neither Daniel, nor
    We a zombie army; but
    Come in little fly.

    Thanks, my Fuhrerlein?
    Nikki is Zen Dogen of
    Baseball, Smokie, Lost.

    No need, Nikki will
    Knock them down in Buffy style
    Finish with a stake.

    In London, Blimey,
    Don't you know, on the island
    Nothing stays buried.

    With that we agree,
    And Jacob agrees, though he's
    Asked, "What about me?"

  15. Kudos, too, Matthew
    fan of Orwell AND Bowie.
    Now, to read your work!

  16. Your friend seems crazy!
    Should I be mad? I await
    further instructions.

    (or is it Fuhrer instructions?)

    Alex to Ben:

    They were doing it
    and they're like, old. Isn't that
    gross? ...Um, totally?

  17. A Beddy-Time Haiku

    Listen to Clarie sing
    Catch a Falling Star, dream of
    decayed skull bay-bees.

  18. Who's digging over
    there? Is it Miles on the
    island with diamonds?

    Last week, I made fun
    of Jack's jears; this week he seems
    to have grown a pair.

  19. @ Teebore:
    Not without Jears!


  20. Disagree with Nik?
    All the time! There was… er… um…
    What was the question?

    A pack of wild dogs?
    We’re more like a pack of wild

    Thirties Germany?
    A bit harsh. None of us want
    To invade Poland.

  21. The principal is
    A douche, but Ben didn’t punch
    Him like John McClane.

    “Alex, you’re being.
    Over dramatic.” Really?
    On LOST? No! Get out!!!

    “You spoke to Jacob?”
    “Yeah, he’s dead, but we chat.” “Tell
    Him he’s a dick, then.”

    In Alt-verse, Ben may
    Be a better person, but
    His best friend is Arzt.

    I want a better
    Parking spot! And a skateboard.
    And a fresh baked pie.

    VW: fantick - involuntary facial movements experienced while waiting on line to meet Lando Calrissian.

  22. So murderers and
    Immortals don't get hugs in
    Slow-mo music shots.

  23. I'm no cyborg, but
    Like ah-nold, since jacob's "gift"
    Cant self terminate

  24. QUESTION: Due to travel issues, I won't get home until 30 min into that show we all like. Anyone cough*batcabbage*cough know where I can watch immediately afterwards online? Can anyone help a girl out?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. "He was standing by
    bodies with a bloody knife
    So I'm pretty sure."

    What's left of Jacob
    is in this bag, so can you
    tell me how he died?

    Lapidus slept in
    Missed the first destiny flight
    Got him anyway

    Let's light dynamite
    It won't go boom - I saw my
    home in a lighthouse.

    VW: andle - the thing you 'ave on a pail

  27. When Jack asked Richard
    "Want to try another stick?"
    Richard missed the hint.

  28. Nope, not nitrogen -
    but there's some acetylene
    stashed under the sink.

    Alex goes to Yale
    a happier end for her
    than on the island!

    I want to trust Ben
    'cause he seems like a nice man
    but he lies so well...

    Now, then...will the real
    reality please stand up?
    where can truth be found

    on this strange island
    that we know and love so well
    except when we don't

    the real is unreal
    black is white and North is South
    who knows what will come?

    the writers play games
    to bend our minds to cheese curds
    as answers elude

  29. @ Joan; "Want to try another stick?"



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