Saturday, April 03, 2010

I'm in the New York Times!!!

So excited!! I've been quoted in the NYT today (well, I think it was actually yesterday but I didn't see it until now) talking about Jen and Ryan Ozawa, who run The Transmission podcasts. Ryan is the angel who takes all of those amazing Hawaii Lost location photos and lets me run them in the book. I love both of them and think they're amazing and I'm so proud of them!! (And happy to have gotten one of my quotes in there!) :) Happy day!


  1. This from somebody who doesn't write about anything but TV shows. Geez. Get it together Nik!
    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S
    N I K K I !!!!!

  2. Lisa(until further notice)3 April 2010 at 11:54

    I read the article, Nikki. It's a great mention. NICE JOB.

  3. Good job. And thanks for making that point: do we stop talking about books after we've read them? Do people stop writing about movies after they've left the cinemas?

  4. What a nice treat in your Easter basket! Congratulations, Nikki!
    ...and, what Megan said. ;)

  5. This is very exciting :D

  6. Wow! It's so cool! My congratulation for you too! Yohoooo! ;)

  7. Receiving a mention in the NYT is a great way to get your name out there -- but more importantly, the superb quality of the writing you do every week on LOST. It is a very well developed show, and it has received its best critic and "advocate" in the person of Nikki Stafford!!

  8. Good on ya! Congratulations!

    VW: Child. Those little people who are so darn cute.

  9. Way to go, Nikki! Happy Easter to you!!

  10. Great article! Your quote made me a little not-so-sad about the end of LOST. But just *a little*. :)

  11. I don't know if this interests any of you, but Nikki was also quoted in the german magazine "Space View".
    In the last issue they dealt wiht "Flash Forward" and the good and bad ideas in it. They quoted Nikki's opinion about Olivia's flash.

    Space View, issue 1/2010, page 27, if there are other Germans around.

  12. Great mention!
    Congratulations! :)

  13. Very, very cool. Congratulations and happy Easter, Nikki!

  14. I also just saw you in the Toronto Star!!!

    Our Nikki is BIG!!! *weep*

  15. I haven't seen anything in the Star... what was it? Wow, I'm in places even *I* don't know about! :) (Hm. That's probably a really bad thing.)

  16. Hey Nikki, it was an article on the End of Lost, and how us viewers will be "relieved' can't seem to find it now, but it mentions you! From April 5th I think....


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