Sunday, April 04, 2010

Fingertag Me on YouFace!

So, I've been getting these strange messages saying So-and-So added you as a friend on Facebook. I've heard there's a ton of spam out there purporting to be Facebook, and since I don't have a profile I had no idea how these people were adding me. And then I started recognizing some of the names. So I finally followed the link... and realized I must have actually started to set up a profile once, and there it was!

So... it's bare, and probably won't have much there that I don't have over here, but hey, if you want to be my pal on Facebook, I'm there now. Boldly walking into five years ago... ;)

The direct link is here.


  1. I am now officially the last person on the Earth without a Facebook:P

    Kidding—I'm sure there's a few out there like me. If I ever create an account, I'll be sure to "friend" you.

    Yes, because "to friend" is a verb now.


  2. Congrats... I guess?

    But hey, at least you have that twitter account... so you were still within the social media boundaries!


  3. "Fingertag Me on YouFace!"
    ... Ew?


  4. No, Jenn, I'm not on Facebook yet, either — much to the chagrin of friends and family. It's probably inevitable, if only so that I can see loved ones' photos and stuff. Mostly, I'm resistant to signing up because I don't want to deal with people I haven't seen in forever thinking I don't like them just because I'm not replying to them at the speed they might expect.

    VW: comotin — 1. A rather abbreviated commotion. 2. The metal box in which Perry Como was buried (apologies to Mr. Como's family).

  5. I searched for you, Nikki, but I found 318 Nikki Staffords...And I looked at the first like 30 and couldn't find you....could you put a link or something?

  6. I can't seem to find you on there. There's like over 300 Nikki Staffords and no Nik at Nite that matches you. :)

  7. I wondered why you hadn't friended me back before now - that explains it. :)

  8. Blam: I'm assuming by your reaction that you're not a fan of 30 Rock? ;)

  9. Hey guys: Sorry about the gabillion other Niksters out there... I've provided the link now.

  10. I think that it's funny you had one without knowing you had one...

  11. The Question Mark4 April 2010 at 23:05

    Hooray! I shall add you post-haste!

  12. @Jenn & Blam: Me neither. :)


  13. Nikki: Blam: I'm assuming by your reaction that you're not a fan of 30 Rock? ;)

    Actually, I'm a huge fan of 30 Rock, but also way behind on it — plus, I don't have the retention for zeitgeist phrases that I used to. Blurgh!

    VW: lubjus — French beef stock used to reduce friction during lovemaking.

  14. @Blam

    Your word VFs kills me!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. @Jenn : I am now officially the last person on the Earth without a Facebook

    Nope, join the crowd of non-Facebook users. It's not that I'm a luddite (hey, I'm on Google, and I haven't even worked in that field for years), but I just don't care to be electronically connected. Besides, the internet last forever, while a phone call dies when you hang up.

    @Blam: Mostly, I'm resistant to signing up because I don't want to deal with people I haven't seen in forever thinking I don't like them just because I'm not replying to them at the speed they might expect. Agree. And I think the art of letter writing has been lost. I always love writing friends a recap of the year at Christmas. Enough of my ranting.

  17. @Nik: Hey guys: Sorry about the gabillion other Niksters out there... I've provided the link now.

    Don't apologise, Nik. THEY are the ones who.. should be... sorry. YEAH! FACEBOOK! WOOOOO!

    ....What's facebook again?

    VW: diseacry - what you do when you find out you've got syphillis.

  18. Hey Nik - my problem with facebook is that people from work want to friend me, and those that have now know what a LOST FREAK I am. For you, I would recommend a fan page. That way you can promote new posts on blogger, and you do not have to worry about "friending" anyone. And you can keep personal from professional.

  19. @JS: Given that Nik's job IS Lost, I don't see her having the same issue you have... that being said, sometimes a fan page is indeed better for interacting with fans and keeping the personal separate from professional.

  20. I was reluctant to jump on the Facebook bandwagon as well, but I caved (mainly so I could pimp my blog), and I have no regrets.

    Basically, I just don't give a toss about whether people think I'm responding fast enough to them or not. I block out all the annoying games people play. I find it to be very configurable as far as being "friends" with work people but then limiting them to what of my personal life to which they're privy.

    And I do find it a nice way to stay in touch with relatives, and with distant friends whose life and activities I'm still interested in but who aren't close enough to warrant a phone call (and I am NOT a phone person).

  21. JS: Great idea, and I actually had one of THOSE going, too, but never published it (I think I was drunk-facebooking one night or something... sheesh).

    And I'm not being 100% sincere... I've been on Facebook for a few years now, but under another name, with a smaller private account just for family and close friends. So I know the ins and outs of it, but I've never used it for the book stuff.

    What I'm enjoying about it so far is actually seeing so many of your real names... and faces!! :)

    And now I can read up on everything YOU are doing. I think you guys are the ones who should be scared, really... ;)

  22. To quote Admiral Ackbar: "IT'S A TRAP!"

    We've been had... unfriend, unfriend!

    Just kidding!

  23. Nikki the Silent Stalker!

    It's been interesting to me to see how the protocol of Facebook has evolved over time. In a society where we increasingly remove ourselves from the sort of interpersonal contact that was the norm some years ago (at least in many communities), we still seek out these forms of communication. I've read a bit about folks agonizing over what to respond to, when and how ... and I certainly have shared some of those sentiments.

    The best advice I'd heard was simply to inform work colleagues or other acquaintances that your Facebook page was just for your extended family and not to worry about ignoring a friend request or other artificial expectations of your time. Still, I've watched as one old 'friendship' blew up over political differences ... and scratched my head as people I haven't spoken to in eleventy-bajillion years sent 'friend requests' without so much as a note of "hello and how's yer wooden leg" message alongside.

    But, Nikki Stafford for Cyberstalker on the Internets? Boo-yeah!


  24. Jenn: Your word VFs kills me!

    Thanks! I really lucked into lubjus and I must admit I'm rather proud of it. 8^)

    VW: eusnots — Stuck-up folks from abroad.

  25. @Benny - yeah, all my privacy settings are in place, and I don't accept requests from colleagues I wouldn't want to have lunch with in real life. Its less about LOST (they already know I'm a freak) and more about worlds colliding.

    @Nikki - I'll look for your fan page!

  26. Gonna add you for sure Nikki, its a great social network, but you have to be careful of putting anything incriminating on there (not that there would be any of that stuff, Nikki? LOL)

  27. What, no The Package haiku this week? Jeez, since Nikki went all 'Facebook' on us, the bottom fell out!

    You'd think that Nikki
    wouldn't miss a chance to say
    "Yay! Desmond's package!"

    ; ]

  28. All I need to hear:
    "Whatever happens, happens"
    *sigh* I miss Daniel

  29. Always good to see
    Sun play peek-a-boo with Jin.
    Sorry - chest kidding!

  30. Bon Anniversaire!
    I couldn't be happier
    if it was my own!

    I always knew that
    if I waited long enough
    you'd be Apple Cool.

    Now, can we expect
    video podacsts right from
    your sweet new iPhone?

  31. "Chest kidding!" I groaned.
    And then I tittered. Get it?
    Tittered? Never mind.


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