Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Lost Haiku: The Package

Sorry guys, I completely forgot about the haiku this week! And... to remind me, humanebean's been haikuing like a crazy man. So now I shall post his and you can respond with your own!!

You'd think that Nikki
wouldn't miss a chance to say
"Yay! Desmond's package!"

All I need to hear:
"Whatever happens, happens"
*sigh* I miss Daniel

Always good to see
Sun play peek-a-boo with Jin.
Sorry - chest kidding!

Bon Anniversaire!
I couldn't be happier
if it was my own!

I always knew that
if I waited long enough
you'd be Apple Cool.

Now, can we expect
video podacsts right from
your sweet new iPhone?

And now from me (and to explain humanebean's last 3 there):
Mentioned on Facebook:
I got an iPhone for my
birthday. What's an "app"?



  1. Not taking the bait.
    I know you know ... but really
    "there's an app for that" ; ]

  2. How cool would it be
    if Desmond used an iPhone
    to 'capture' Smokey?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Unfortunately
    the Island is all PC.
    Old technology.

    Although the Frozen
    Donkey Wheel looks like a big
    Safari icon!

    Maybe that's IT, then.
    "Two sides: one light, one dark". Ha!
    Apple/Microsoft. ; ]

  5. In X, Jin's sperm worked,
    No need for an island tryst,
    Nor condom, it seems.

  6. Mikahil is alive!
    and has both eyes! Good for-
    Wait. Not anymore.

  7. Sawyer wants cocoa;
    Claire wanted peanut butter.
    Where is Charlie, man?

    Sayid cannot feel
    Anything anymore, which
    makes me very scared.

    Unbutton your blouse,
    Sun, again and again and--
    Daddy won't find out...

    Sun can't speak English
    Now. Is this important, or
    a lazy plot tool?

    Jin saw Ji Yeon
    for the first time in his life--
    My heart leapt with joy.

    Jack got Sun to join
    Team Jacob; those two are both
    stubborn tomatoes.

    I think the package
    Widmore was talking about
    Is in Desmond's pants...

    That was very lewd--
    I hope you weren't offended,
    But girls? Think I'm right?

    Haiku's are such fun,
    Moreso when combined with LOST.
    Here is my last one:

    Mr. Paik sucks balls
    for making Jin pay out his
    bouty to Keamy.

  8. Naveen Andrews' role
    Cut back; how much skill to be
    A vacant zombie?

    Desmond's next week, in
    LA X. Whom will he meet
    We already know?

    Charlie, based on Miles.
    Penny no doubt. Ms Hawking
    May yet have her say.

    Or one with red shoes,
    Who this time does not get killed:
    Hoping it's Frogurt.

    So much depends up-
    on a package locked in a
    sub's room glazed with rain.

    Widmroe says to Black:
    Walk with me along the beach,
    We've much to discuss.

    You were nothing more
    Than myths and jungle noises.
    You look somewhat stressed.

    Black: Nope, not me. But
    Don't tell me what I can't do.
    It's my destiny.

  9. Poor, Zoe! You've become
    season 6's Nikki &
    Paolo for some fans.

  10. "Chest kidding!" I groaned.
    And then I tittered. Get it?
    Tittered? Never mind.

  11. run run run run run
    run run run run run run run
    run run run TREE! bonk


  12. Maybe that's IT, then.
    "Two sides: one light, one dark". Ha!
    Apple/Microsoft. ; ]

    Only problem with
    That analogy: Steve Jobs
    Is the Man in Black!

  13. We interrupt tonight’s haiku revelries to bring you an observation in plain old humble prose. It has to do with numbers. Not HURLEY’S numbers, but I just thought it was cool that today’s date is 4-6, and Nikki, you posted this at 4:06. That really appeals to my sense of order. :) AC-shoo-ally, if you multiply 4 X 6, you get 24, which is 42 backward. (I’m sorry. I’ll stop.) We now return you to Hilarious Haikus, in progress...

  14. Oh, you Man in Black,
    Even though he's dead, Johnny
    Cash wants his name back.

  15. I see your point, Blam
    Now I picture Smokey in
    a mock turtleneck

    Perhaps Smokey is
    Steve's Evil Twin? The horror!
    Curse you, Gary Troupe!

    And by the way, Blam
    ROTFL at your
    last pun. Breast one yet!

  16. Lisa(until further notice)6 April 2010 at 20:55

    Waiting till the end
    To make my final judgement
    Haven't been steered wrong yet

  17. Lisa(until further notice)6 April 2010 at 20:57

    Desmond is a dream
    Can't wait to see him on screen
    He will guide us home

  18. Lisa(until further notice)6 April 2010 at 20:58

    3 minutes to go
    Can't wait to see Desmond
    Will Penny be far behind?

  19. Breast one yet! Thanks, bra...
    And folks who know me think I'm
    Just so buttoned-down.

  20. In the bust of all
    possible worlds, my cup runs
    over. Such a boob!

  21. If you're a boob then
    so am I. We must be twins,
    my bosom buddy.

  22. Okay, I'm going
    for it: Jin looked like a deer
    caught in the headlights.

  23. Blam: run run run run run
    run run run run run run run
    run run run TREE! bonk



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