Monday, May 24, 2010

Another Point of View

Many of you probably didn't like the finale, and I don't want you to think you can't post on here about those thoughts... negative thoughts about the finale are as welcome here as positive ones. Just because I enjoyed it doesn't mean you can't.

So I decided to venture out there and find some not-so-glowing responses to the finale for y'all to read and see another point of view, and I found one I actually really liked. In "Lost was the ultimate long con," io9 writer Charlie Jane Anders talks about why not just the last 15 minutes, but the majority of the episode, was a major letdown. She actually does so in a funny and reasonable manner, reinforcing that this is just her opinion and urging people who haven't watched it not to read because she doesn't want to sway anyone's opinion. It's a really well written piece, and I actually found myself agreeing with a few things she says in it. Check it out for another point of view.


  1. I read the article, and there were a few points I agreed with. But I still love LOST and overall, really loved the finale. Here's one of the comments from the article that I thought was especially well written, and that reflected my own feelings about last night's amazing episode. I'm sorry that I missed the name of the person who wrote it!

    "I honestly feel bad for people who weren't satisfied with this ending, because the show was a big committment. And I am soo glad I am not one of them, becuase I was honestly worried all season. But, I fucking loved it!

    I am so thrilled to learn that the sideways was not "real", and thus the action there did not cheapen the island story, or contradict "what happened, happened". It was simply a place that these souls constructed and needed to pass through before "moving on" becuase they still had things to work out. Now everything that happened there makes sense and becomes more poignant. Honestly, tears well up in my eyes everytime I think about it.

    And I liked the ending to the island story. It was simple. They were brought there for a reason. They were meant to fulfill a purpose, to save the island, which is the source of all life. And they accomplished it together.

    I imagine Hurley took over and became a awesome leader, throwing Dharma-style barbeques and kindly coaching the next set of candidates over the next 200 years, "good guy" Ben at his side until they passed the torch.

    Jack died (sob!) but I love that the last thing he saw was the Ajira flight leaving. He always wanted to get everyone home, and this was accomplished in the final moment (except those who wanted to stay).

    Kate completed her mission and took Claire back to Aaron. I imagine the struggle it was to work out the terms of their new "triangle".

    I imagine Richard moving in with Miles and getting a job as a carpenter, living a quiet little life, and finally dying a grey-haired man, going directly to be reunited with Isabella in the light.

    And (shockingly) I am completely happy with which mysteries were resolved and which were not.

    Lost has been two things for me:

    (1) an interpretive puzzle, that I spent many hours attempting to work out. I honestly don't want anyone to put that puzzle together for me. So many years in, that would be like handing it off to someone to finish just when I got all the pieces in order. I want to chew on these mysteries for years to come, rewatch and gain new insight etc.

    (2) Lost has been an emotional tale of characters that I have to come to truly love and appreciate in all their many flaws over 6 years. The character stories were what I needed the writers to resolve, and they did that perfectly for my taste. There were not perfect happy endings for these characters in life, just as there aren't for most of us. But, like Charlie said, what is really important is whether they felt love, becuase that's what carries you into the next life, where there is a reward for all our sacrifices and healing for all our losses.

    I don't see how that's a cop out. As a woman of faith, this is actually what I believe. We have no way of knowing our purpose in life. We don't get to see the impact of the seemingly insignificant choices we make everyday. But it's all part of a plan. And a journey. And that journey ends in the light.

    I really can't criticize this ending in any way, and I expected to, believe me. I thank God it turned out that the writers and I are totally in sync on what we wanted from the finale."

  2. I did not hate the finale as much as the author of this article, but I'm still not happy with it. Especially the FSW thing. That was a total con-job. Although the resolution was emotional, I felt emotionally manipulated. Which is not necessarily a bad thing; any story that causes an emotional response is by definition using emotional manipulation. I just don't appreciate being keenly aware of it even as it is happening. And I don't like the feeling that I need a shower afterward.

    I'm still OK with the wrap-up of the island story; I even liked it, though there were some lingering questions that I wish they had addressed. But the FSW undercuts some of the strongest aspects of the series, and ultimately cheapens the experience for me. I'm open to changing my mind after a rewatch, but I don't really expect it.

    Maybe it is because I am a woman of science, not of faith...but resorting to faith to wrap a show that was thoughtful and worked so well on an intellectual level just doesn't work for me. And to pitch out the tension between science/rational thought and faith at the end feels like a betrayal.

  3. I do agree that “...the ending to the island story [was good]. It was simple. The [characters] were brought there for a reason. They were meant to fulfill a purpose, to save the island, ...and they accomplished it together.”

    But I disagree that the ending to the LOST series was “good” or “satisfactory”. It failed as effective storytelling because there were too many plot holes, dead ends, and story lines that did not resolve. For that reason, I feel cheated and conned.

    A good story, cleanly written, ties up the “loose ends” – the whats and the hows. It can leave many of the whys to the reader’s interpretation.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @Erin: for the record, those comments on the article Nikki referenced were made by a person identifying themselves as "Sandie75".

    I agree with her comments far more than I do the article itself. As I've said, I have quite a few issues with the way the finale unfolded but very, very few of them are with the ending and the resolution of the storyline as a whole. I understand and respect those who feel as though important elements of the story that telegraphed an eventual payoff were left dangling. And, I also appreciate those of differing points of view who feel that the ending somehow invalidated their estimate of the show - even though my criticisms of the finale do not even approach this level of dissatisfaction.

    Where I struggle is with the interpretation of some that so radically diverges from the parts of the ending that seemed clear to me. I didn't read it as "Jack's story" alone, nor did I see it as 'unreal' and overly sentimental. Certainly the reunion or awakening of the FST characters was laden with sentiment and charged with emotion - to me, these emotions did not play false, even as some of the dialogue was a bit too 'on the nose' for me.

    Discussion of an afterlife, a purgatory, an alternate reality, a spiritual obstacle course, etc. seems to automatically raise the hackles of a certain segment of the fanbase. I respect that, being a skeptic myself, but I don't happen to agree with it and certainly not in the service of an allegorical series rife with descriptions of 'faith vs. reason' and mythological elements. For me, the show has often been about the distance between perception and mutually accepted reality. This ending was consonant with that; our Lostaways 'created this place' ... 'to remember and learn to let go'.

    One could easily be talking about the psychological responses people have to trauma or the demons that plague the dreams of troubled minds. That we were talking about deeply flawed individuals who survived a horrific plane crash on a remote Island and had to endure savage beasts, vicious natives, confounding elements and a frightening 'Smoke Monster' seems to fit in nicely with this description.

    Fear. Courage. Greed. Selflessness. Isolation. Communion. Cruelty. Nobility. Shame. Redemption. These certainly strike me as issues to be worked on and hopefully addressed so that one can evolve to a higher state of being, should such a thing be possible. Count me in.

  6. I've been stewing over my thoughts and I'll admit up front that I didn't read the comments on your original post, so I might be repeating what other people said.

    I didn't hate the finale. I found it satisfying and effective insofar as it was a chance to say goodbye to the characters. But at the same time, I found it deeply dissatisfying, and I've enjoyed just about the whole series (with a couple of exceptions in the Nikki and Paolo era). I enjoyed Lost the most when the characters were vehicles to explore the island and the mysteries of the island. In the finale, Darlton made it clear that it was supposed to be the other way around--that the island was not as important as the character arc. There's room for character arc in the mystery side of things, too, but it was always in the backseat. Watching the finale made me feel like I'd been wrong all the time and that the creators were saying, "No, here's what the show's really about, and all that other stuff doesn't really matter." I never expected explanations for anything. I liked speculating more than any answer that they provided. But I still wanted it to be about the mystery. I wanted to learn about the history of the island. I didn't care where the statue came from but I loved that it was there. But the finale sort of said that it doesn't matter that the statue is there. And in the end, what was the point of the time travel? I'm okay if they don't explain how it happens, but they did a disservice to their own creativity by saying "Well, that was just so Sawyer and Juliet could get away from Kate long enough for them to fall in love."

    I'm also so not buying that the flash-sideways wasn't real or was purgatory. It's a space outside of time but I don't think that means it isn't real.

  7. I got an uneasy feeling during the Times Talk Live interview when Damon talked about what a huge David Lynch fan he is. I realized then that the finale would not leave some people with a satisfying sense of finality.

    VW: repante...Vincent's final business

  8. Honestly, at the end of the finale I was left annoyed. I really wanted everyone back on the island together with a last shot of them all back on a plane to undo the doing of the bomb. I also thought the end reminded me way too much of Titanic.

    But after sitting and thinking and talking it out with people last night, I've come to terms with how it ended. It ended the only way it could have - with everyone together, remembering the time they had, and moving on. Which is exactly what we as lost crazies need to do - remember what we did once a week for 6 years and find something else to occupy our time. sad face...

  9. I agree with a lot of this article, I'm afraid. Although I wasn't quite as disappointed as the writer (I was still on the edge of my seat for much of it as it was quite emotionally involving). I have only watched it the one time and I suspect a second viewing will be more disappointing.

    I am left with the feeling that the sideways world was not planned from the beginning. I heard Dalton say somewhere that they had come up with a new way of telling stories in season 6 (after the flashbacks and flashforwards) so doesn't this mean that this was just a narrative device? And then to end the whole thing with the resolution of this narrative device (that lasted only one season out of 6) seems a bit of a cop out.

  10. I find it interesting that out of all the people I know who watched LOST regularly and who watched the finale last night, the ones who liked/loved it are the ones that have faith and attend church on a somewhat regular basis and the ones that didnt...well you can guess.

    I wonder if Darlton planned this?

  11. Amy Lynn: I am an atheist, I've never been a church-goer, and I loved the Lost finale. I also loved the BSG finale.

  12. A lot of sites are talking about a wreckage strewn shot during the credits at the end? Did anyone see this? In Canada all we got was the "next on CTV" credits version.

  13. Amy Lynn, I do attend church regularly and was not a great fan of the finale.

  14. What I learned from Lost....not to invest so much time in a tv show that eventually will break your heart

  15. Amy Lynn: "I find it interesting that out of all the people I know who watched LOST regularly and who watched the finale last night, the ones who liked/loved it are the ones that have faith and attend church on a somewhat regular basis and the ones that didnt...well you can guess."

    Maybe my husband & I are the exception. We are faithful Christ followers, in fact he's a pastor. We both felt quite the same way the author of the article described. I am quoting another article below, because the author of the NY Times article also echoed some of my thoughts, and put them more clearly than I could have.

    NYTimes wrote:

    "But when the entire island story line we had been following for six seasons turned out not to matter very much within the internal organization of the show’s narrative — to be largely disconnected from that final quasi-religious resolution of the plot — it was deflating, despite the warm feelings the finale otherwise inspired."

    "Meanwhile, the island story, in keeping with a season-long trend, was eventful but strangely thrill-free."

    I wanted to be more moved than what I was. I wanted to get it and like it, but I don't.

    Of course there were parts I liked.

    I think Kate's just jumping in the churning ocean was the most unexpected and thrilling of all the scenes. And it shouldn't have been - really many other more important scenes should have grabbed me/us fans.

    I am OK with Sayid and Shannon. Nadia was his great, unrequited, unattainable love. He learned from her how to be a good man. With Shannon, he had no past and he could BE that man.

    There was something sweet and profound about Vincent being with Jack when he died. Alas, he was not alone.

    I loved Ben and Locke's scene in front of the church.

    I am softening towards some of it as I read the posts and comments of those of you that are satisfied and even thrilled with the finale. There is a certain elegance to some of it.

    Overall I am "deflated."

  16. Amsted"A lot of sites are talking about a wreckage strewn shot during the credits at the end? Did anyone see this? In Canada all we got was the "next on CTV" credits version."

    I saw that too, and last night I took it to mean everybody died in the plane wreck, right then and there, and this was the passing stages of the passengers/castaways from death to afterlife.

    Now I am not so sure. Jack had a suit on in the premiere episode. Not what he was wearing in the finale. Also I believe the shoe on the tree was worn and not so worn in the premiere. Many other fans, as well as the series itself say that what happened on the island literally happened, in addition to the limbo-dream/ alt. reality.

    Am I getting it right??? Jack survived the plane crash, lived on the island, and was killed by the smoke-monster's stab wound after he corked up the hole. (If the electromagnetism don't kill ya, the stab in the gut will.)

  17. I think the creators did a great job of passing off the puzzle into us, the dedicated watcher. We are now left to ponder not the mysteries of the Island, but the mysteries of the experience of Lost itself. What does it all mean? What does it mean for you? Or you? Or me? I watched the finale and think over the last twenty four hours I felt all the opinions I have been reading today, both good and bad. I spent the first five hours post finale staring at the ceiling, tossing and turing and trying to make some attempts at internalizing the experience, trying to rationalize why I had this knot in my stomach. I realized about mid afternoon today that I was actually mourning the loss of these characters, and that's when I accepted that the notion that the Island was not what the story was about. It was about people, flawed, normal people, finding meaning in life. They weren't Lost geographically, they were Lost emotionally, and for some, spiritually, whatever that means. Accepting that gives the finale so much more meaning, at least for me. Which I guess is the whole point.

    Thank you Nikki for the last year; I wish I knew you before this season. I hope your commentary will be around when the boxed set arrives in my house in August.

  18. Thank you for posting the link to that article. I agree almost completely with everything he said. When the island started to crumble, I didn't care all that much. Mocke's death was rather satisfying after we had to suffer the loss of Sayid, Jin and Sun, but all along I thought the "sideways" world was real, and that it represented what would have happened had Jacob not interfered in their lives. To find out it was all some made-up mumbo jumbo was very disappointing, especially in that it meant our beloved Sayid, Sun and Jin were really, most sincerely dead.

    And Jack's death was devastating. He led a crappy life mostly devoid of joy, and what happens? The very moment he fulfilled his "destiny" on the island, he dies, never having the chance to revel in his new-found sense of purpose. Never got to leave, to be with Kate, to *really* have a son, to have a normal, contented life. That disturbed me more than anything.

  19. I loved the entire series of LOST and the ending was fantastic. Being a man and being shielded by anonymity via these series of tubes I admit that I was smiling from ear to ear and tearing up for all of the finale's sweet spots and it was just great.

    I really enjoyed the notion of LOST being part, mostly, or all an afterlife. Maybe the island is part real world - part afterlife. Who knows? But it was great, and at the end of the day it was just another excellent way to pass the time and make one think about what drives us, with some life messages thrown in that we should already know.

    However, shows that lead people to consider the possibility of a supernatural and a meaning to life will always set themselves up for some failure, because there will never be an agreed upon answer for a meaning to life or a supernatural.

    Some haters who believe in a supernatural, may have thought that the creators of the show had an insight to the meaning of life and then were disappointed when there wasn't anything new. Well hold on to your hats cause here's the answer...

    ...there isn't one.

    The message of the show was to love, which I already knew was a good idea to do. Use love to fill that hole in your life, and don't blame a TV show for not doing it for you. It's only entertainment folks! Plus, why all the hate? Superb entertainment for 6 years and, in fact, I will go as far to say it was the greatest show ever!

    ACTION! LOVE! SEX! COMEDY! VIOLENCE! SCI-FI! SUPERNATURAL! BIRTH! DEATH! What other show has ever done all of these things combined together so well?

    Those looking for an answer to the scientific questions left unanswered please go rent The Matrix Reloaded, or even worse Star Wars: The Phantom Menace and hear their sorry explanations for the matrix and the force. Explaining the unexplainable doesn't go over very well.

  20. studiorose,
    Jack did die happy, seeing the plane fly off and knowing that he really 'fixed' everything. For him, that was heaven.

    Vincent being with him softened what would be the reality of it too.

    I just put in another thread a line I enjoyed said by a writer for Variety.

    "Lost wasn't about what I learned, it was about what I felt."

    If Lost was, to you, poetry, a beautiful painting hanging on the wall of a museum -- that is, if you think of Lost as art -- you understand that idea and nod your approval. If, instead, Lost to you was a complex mathematical equation in need of a solution, well, you're right buggered, aren't you?


  21. I don't think anyone should be making fun of those who loved 'The End' or those who hated it, or those who like me felt a little bit of both. I'm finding that some of those who loved it are suggesting that it took greater intelligence or sensitivity to appreciate it. I don't think that is necessarily true. I didn't want answers to all the puzzles; I like a bit of ambiguity. I was disappointed with what the sideways world turned out to be, that's all. I think we are proving on this blog that people had many different responses to this finale, and whether one loved it or loathed, I think that was what the intention was. Dalton wanted us to continue a debate - they gave us something to do with the rest of our lives!!!

    Even though I was a little disappointed I still dreamed about it last night. So it obviously made an impression and in that way, Dalton succeeded.

  22. I liked The End, but not even Darlton could write an ending that would satisfy everyone.

    But hey! Didn't we learn in the last 6 years to think for ourselves, and use our own imagination? I suggest that anybody that doesn't like the ending come up with their own ending - one that satisfies them, in their own minds.

    The only time I thought I wasn't going to like it was when they showed the plane wreckage at the end... then I thought "OH NO" Jack didn't just *imagine* the last 6 years did he? Then I realized that the he was wearing a suit in the Pilot; then I went back and looked at the pilot ep and sure enough the white shoe hanging in the tree was white and clean back then, but at the end it was old and dirty. And the wreckage on the beach looked like it had been there awhile... I think they just did that to create some nostalgia.

    As for shippers, I thought the same that Nikki said - Even tho it seems Kate and Jack were soulmates, I just figured Kate and Sawyer would end up together after they got off the Ageria plane. After all, they would be hard to find anybody else who could understand them.... I think they got married and had a couple of kids (in my head - of course)


    I mostly loved the ending, but some in my family did not. The last scene with Jack dying with Vincent beside him was poetic. The plane flying over was poetic. The fact that he died in the spot where he arrived on the island was poetic. His eye closing was poetic. I don't understand how people could say all that was not be beautiful. Explaining ALL the mysteries of the island would be like George Lucas explaining the force in star wars. Every time gorge lucas has done anything like that...everyone HATES it. The criticize what he says about it & say it cheapens the whole thing. That's b/c no explanation would be good enough. Some things can't be explained in a neat little package of information. I did not think this was existential nihilism. Their lives DID have purpose. The light was important. We know that. We don't know EXACTLY WHY - & the light is probably symbolism to some degree, but we know that by protecting the light they did something important. Killing the murderous smoke monster was also very important. Presumably, Hurley didn't have the people he may have brought to the island murdered by a monster! A big improvement. Hurley will be less self-centered than Jacob...that's for sure. Ben is a total commitment kind of guy. Maybe he's finally found a positive way to channel that for good & not evil. this is a work of fiction, people. did you really think they were going to be able to adequately explain time travel? or any of that stuff? Has any science fiction show ever done that? NO! Except to explain that they just know it. hmmmmm. Hey, it was certainly more "answers" than we ever got from "the X-files" & "Twin Peaks" - that's for sure.

  24. Personally, I loved the finale. I thought they found a good balance of what to answer and what not to answer. I can understand, however, that not everyone will feel the same. That said, it appears that some have misinterpreted the ending and that misinterpretation makes them unhappy. MY interpretation is: What happened, happened. The Island was real, what they did was real, what happened to them was real. The island was not a purgatory or anything like that. They did not die in the plane crash. Somehow, they put together the flash-sideways so that they could wait for each other and/or work through any remaining issues (Ana Lucia was not ready yet, neither was Ben) and then move on. To what, who knows. Maybe another island... But Charlie, Boone, Shannon, etc. died a couple of years before Jack, then the survivors died after some unknown period of time and then Hurley and Ben and... eventually everyone was dead and met up in the sideways universe (outside of time). Those who did not go together could go later (Ben, Ana Lucia, Alex, Miles, etc.). Of course, EVERYTHING on life is open to interpretation - his Dad wasn't the most honest person - why take his word for things now. So, I believe the above to be correct, but it might not be, but for those that are mad at the finale because you think it meant that they were dead all along and the Island was a purgatory, well, just choose to believe that what happened, happened and Darlton weren't lying when they said the Island was not purgatory. ;) I'm choosing the interpretation that makes me happiest! :)

  25. I loved and hated "The End." I loved multitude of emotions, the sadness at the death of Jack, the irony that he did accomplish "fixing things," and that he was not alone, but had Vincent at his side. It completed the circle. And I believe that the Ajira plane made it home and that the people on it lived out their lives.

    But I also loved aspects of the au - the positive changes in the "lives" of Ben, Locke, Sawyer, and Hugo, and especially the reunion between Sawyer and Juliet. I was rooting for them all along.

    I'm glad that the Island experience was real and that each Lostie found redemption either there or in the "limbo" that he or she created.

    But because the series was so rooted in science/sci-fi, I hated the fact that so many of those factors were just ignored and forgotten--the time travel, the DI, the mirror images, who or what was Eloise, what was up with Desmond in the au, and how did he get "home" from the Island, et al.

    And wouldn't it have been a great image if, when Des removed the rock/cork and the light (faith?, knowledge?, memory?, love?)went out and the Island started disintegrating, a small earthquake happened in LA (which is all in a day's work there) and THIS woke up the Losties to the reality or unreality of their situation? (I would have written a scene like that.)

    I was also really thinking (and hoping) that the au was the Losties reincarnated (since there were so many clues about reincarnation during the run of the show) and I was disappointed and saddened that it was, instead, limbo/death. But, maybe it is reincarnation after all. Who is to say it's not!

    In all, as so many others have noted, I feel kind of let down and depressed that the ending represented death (and I don't mean to denigrate anyone who found the faith-based conclusion beautiful and inspiring.)

    But I am thankful to have had the experience of watching such a great show for the last six years and to have found a community to discuss it with down to the nth degree.

  26. I just rewatched “The End”. I’m still torn on it. I neither loved it or hate it … I’m just somewhere in between. Like the final season, “The End” was very hit and miss, sometimes even intellectually insulting. It was a fitting end to this last season (and the characters) but it was not a proper end for the overall show.

    I’ll always think LOST was a missed opportunity story-wise. I didn't necessarily want answers (I'm a big David Lynch fan, so I'm fine with not being spoon-fed and love ambiguity) but the final two seasons just dropped and mismanaged too many potentially compelling storylines. You don't have to wrap up all the loose ends in a story, particularly one that is told as a progressive series, but offering heavy-handed emotion to try to disguise weak and abandoned plotlines is manipulative. As I said, I didn’t particularly want answers – but bring the story threads to some sort of conclusion, rather than just abandoning them.

    The creators chose to take the characters-only approach. I loved the characters but this show was always about story AND character. It would have been great had the final episode tried to tackle BOTH. MIB was defeated too quickly and easily, and most of that stuff in the subterranean passage with the cork was very weak (open to interpretation as a plot, sure, but it didn’t have the mysterious resonance to make it intriguing). I do believe they had this idea about the cork and evil and Jack/Desmond/MIB since at least Season 3 … but I think it was originally meant to be more complex (and possibly involving a volcano, based on the comments the writers made on “The Man Behind The Curtain”). In the end, it just felt rushed and ridiculously ill-conceived.

    I DID find the final shot of Jack on island to be very apt and very moving. It is a fitting final scene and one that was very powerful. It upset me emotionally and continues to. I also found *parts* of the Flash-Afterlife worked for me emotionally (particularly Juliet/Sawyer scene), and had me tearing up. But generally I found it forced – I am spiritual but the church scene did not work for me. (And don’t get me started on Shannon/Sayid – that was just very poor as we were always led to believe Nadja was Sayid’s true love!) Christian’s dialogue was well-written but very belaboured. The Flashsideways never really worked for me but I was always open to them despite feeling they were throwing up too many irrelevancies in the plot. The final reveal of their possible significance just made them even weaker … too much set-up with extraneous lost threads (David, etc.) that made them feel like a long-con with a weak pay-off. Going back and rewatching episodes like “What Kate Does” will not be more rewarding. Even if I put aside my objections to the Flashsideways and their afterlife reveal, there was no need for them to be included so much and so early on.

    I am happy so many people loved “The End” and I would never dismiss any person’s individual opinion of an episode or the show overall. LOST meant a lot to me these past few years. It was the only TV show I followed in a long time and it helped me through some tough times. I am glad the characters were redeemed and got happy endings. I’m just not happy with the way the focus changed this last season.

    Having said all that, I will try to not let my disappointment overshadow the rest of the show – I enjoyed the journey. I will rewatch the series, especially favourite episodes from Seasons 1 –3, and maybe one day I’ll make my peace with the final season and “let go” of my disappointment. (But I don’t like the heavy-handed injection from the writers that I should – it left a bad taste in my mouth.)

  27. Nikki - you had a good point about just being handed answers. I felt that was about the island whispers and how we found out what they were and it wasn't satisfying. If we had just had a check list of answers in the finale it would have been far less powerful.

  28. “‘Lost’ finale bonus footage on DVD”:

    In an interview with G4's "Attack of the Show," "Lost" Emmy award winner Michael Emerson revealed that there is an "epilogue, a lost scene" on the upcoming "Lost" DVD collection that was not part of the series finale this past Sunday.

    Emerson hinted that it will be around 14 minutes in length, and will explain more about what happened after Jack died on the island and Hurley and Ben took over as its protectors.

    We were given an idea in one of the final scenes that these two were on the island for a long period of time, in an exchange between the two characters while in purgatory, but this is the first time we've been told that we might actually see some footage of their time "in charge."

    It's unclear whether this footage will be part of the sixth season DVD set, or only in the full series set.


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