Sunday, May 02, 2010

As Our Obsession Comes to an End...

Check out these fan videos about how all Lost fans are part of a worldwide sadness as we embark on the final month of new Lost episodes (thanks to Patrick for the links!):


  1. I love that first video! It really shows how Lost fans incorporate the show into every day its been on the air. I'm so not ready for it to be over :(

  2. I like both of them. And I now the second one was a contender for the ABC lost promo (30 second limit), but one focused on the characters won. I like the obsession one.

    I wonder if Patrick and Ryan put in a bid. Their Season 6 "while you wait" promo's were amazing.

  3. Really good videos. I'm getting misty just listening to that haunting melody again. I especially think the first one is terrific -- I really enjoyed when the woman went to dump her laundry in the wash and felt as though she were staring into the Hatch. Priceless.

    Is it just me, or should ABC forego all corporate commercials during the finale and just show these fan videos during the breaks?

  4. Those videos made me incredibly sad :"( I DON'T WANT IT TO BE OVER!!!

  5. My sister has never watched Lost so I am hoping for a creepy re-birth through her. I am playin' it cool though; as soon as she starts going "Uh, yeah, you *really* get worked up about this don't you?" (instead of yelling "Have you suffered a head injury? Seriously, I'm asking.Like it? It's only the best thing that has ever existed! If* I get to Heaven and don't get to be Kate and hook up with Sayid, I'll be pissed beyond belief.") I say "Oh, yeah, no, it's pretty cool. This woman who likes Buffy a lot, like you, writes books on it. So, you know, it's not just me."

    I plan on wearing her down within the next 6 months. I will wait by the phone like a creep as she watches each episode and insist she calls me as soon as she is done.

    *Most likely I'll spend forever in Purgatory and be cast in the roll of Nikki and be stuck with Pa-oo-low - so close yet so far!

  6. I was in the grocery store the other day and the song 'Downtown' came on. In the middle of the store I started having flashbacks to Juliette!

    Ah, I'm going to be so sad when it's over!

  7. I wonder how many people around the world will end up in therapy as a result of this show coming to an end? While I don't think I will be in need, I'm sure there are others who won't quite know how to NOT look forward to the next Lost.

    On another note: I found a link on the web this weekend that I don't know if everyone is aware of. There has been much talk about running a timeline as the show would have played out if they had shown everything in order. This link does that, but only up to a certain point, and Rainier and I thoroughly enjoyed it. So I'm passing it along to my fellow bloggers. If you've already been there, just ignore it. But if you haven't, it's worth a watch. Absolutely NO spoilers involved.

  8. Oh my goodness. That just made me so ridiculously sad. ;_;

    It's a good thing I don't work until later on Mondays, 'cause I think it'll take me the whole morning just to get myself together enough to be seen in public after the finale.

    VW: billan - what the company be do-an to ya when they finish workan on your roof

  9. Love them both; the first one is absolutely brilliant. Nice to know the LOST references everywhere don't mean I'm crazy!

    Only problem with both of 'em: a singular lack of Sayid. :(

  10. @Ambivalentman: I left a post for you way back on "The Last Recruit" that I wondered if you'd ever seen. If interested, you should be able to find it easily by doing a search on those pages for your name. I think it's on the "Newer" page. Have a look see.

  11. @Gracie: the Death Clock is a website that proposes to calculate the day of your demise based on information you provide (eating habits, age, smoker, etc.) I put it on my website because I think it's funny to laugh at the inevitability of it all sometimes. The date has no meaning, though. I'm sure if I used the site again, I'd get a different result.

    I have a morbid sense of humor.

  12. those made me cry and im a 41 year old lost fanatic thanks for posting and long live nikki and lost!

  13. Wow, it's gotta be the beautiful music, but those video's bring a tear to this man's eyes!


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