Saturday, May 01, 2010

Reason #40,678: Why I Love Joss Whedon

(Thanks to Elizabeth R. for the link!)


  1. shoot, as soon as I heard it I couldn't wait to get home to send it to you, and here it is. Awesomeness - Spoiler warning -- we're gonna pick, pick, pick, pick it apart....

  2. My favourite song from Commentary: The Musical (well, that and Nathan Fillion singing "I'm better than Neil".)

  3. This is absolutely brilliant, and too true!

  4. When Damon and Carlton see this, they'll want to join in on the chorus! Loved it!

  5. Joss is my hero--this is just awesome, and so truth-infested it's killing me. Thanks for posting, my day is significantly improved...

  6. I wonder if TV writers/producers look at Joss and think "sheesh, why do I even try..." Or do they think, instead, "Damn I'm glad networks have no f'ing scruples and audiences no taste, or else I'd never sell another show and TV would be one big Whedonverse!"

    Because they really should.


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