Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Day After the Day After...

Some more Lost media today. I did an interview with Associated Press yesterday, so variations on the same story will appear in papers who picked it off the wire yesterday. Here's one of them.
The Philadelphia Inquirer quoted my blog from yesterday (caps and all!) Haha! You can read that piece here, about reactions among fans.

Andrew Ryan of the Globe and Mail had some very nice words about me in today's paper that completely made my day.

My site had the single biggest hit count in its history yesterday (I always assumed the day after the series finale would be it!) so I was thrilled, and much of that was due to Lainey Liu linking to me from her gossip blog, which is always entertaining. She was on the CTV chat immediately following the show and was very funny and informed, just like her blog always is. Thanks, Lainey!

If you're new here, I'm the author of several guides to Lost, and you can order them by clicking through on the side! My season 6 guide is now available for pre-order from Amazon (plug plug...)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anybody else feeling especially empty today? PLD* really sucks.

    * - Post Lost Depression

  3. Great work in a busy week Nik... I'm sure that counter is indicative that your name is getting out there fast... that's awesome dude!

  4. Just a quick comment Nik, on the series finale of Law and Order last night, the police had to stop an attack on the students of.....John Locke High School in New York. SWEEEEEET!!!

    No such school exists here, but if it did I'd change careers in a heartbeat just to honor the great Mr. Locke.

  5. I'm sad. It's Tuesday and there's no new episode of LOST tonight. I honestly feel sort of depressed. Sigh...

  6. I watched it again last night and had the same emotional reactions. It just struck a deep, resonant chord that must have built up inside by taking the 6-year journey alongside the stranded passengers. I wept for them, finally finding escape and peace, and I wept for myself and the reflections I saw in my own life.

  7. Nikki - congrats - well deserved. I'm glad an expert is out there clarifying what we've seen. I've gotten lots of questions in my little coomunity on what exactly happened those last 15 min. I imagine it is x1000 for you.

    I hope you sell loads of books - we need them.

  8. Why are people so hung up on answers to things that, while not explicitly stated, can be inferred from what we've seen over the course of the series?

  9. I totally have PLD. I found that last ep so satisfying, but I can't get over the fact that it's OVER.

    Already ordered my copy of Season 6 Finding Lost!

    If you haven't read it, Doc Jensen's first recap of the finale is up at EW. He has some very good explanations of that final half hour.

  10. 1st Part
    Finally watched the finale after postponing it twice. I read a fanfic that haunted me & was tearing up again (not to mention that I read it the whole night, all 25 chapters, until morning then got a call to report to school) instead of keeping my mind off the Lost finale since reading the reviews & recaps I was tearing me up. More emotional than ever. I was like a zombie at work, couldn't wait to go home to watch the finale yet I don't want it to end. So when I got home, I decided to just sleep it off & watch it in the morning. But I barely slept & was restless the whole night. The fanfic I read was haunting me & all the things I've read about the Lost finale was also haunting me. So when morning came, I decided to postpone it to later in the afternoon. I watched something else instead.
    When I finally got to watch it, I was already biting the throw pillow I was holding (note to self: change beddings esp. pillow cases). I tear up every time someone tears up in the show. I cried on all the lovers recollection montage, screamed at Sawyer to hold & kiss Juliet while they were remembering their time together esp. when he held her in his arms as she was dying. I've always been a Skater fan from the beginning but along the journey that is Lost, I witnessed that Sawyer seemed more at peace, content & happy, truly happy when he was w/ Juliet (tearing up again). I remember how shocked I was when I found out that James & Juliet were together in Season5 and later noticed that James seemed to be a better man. I silently said to myself "I Hate you Darlton!" because James & Juliet were so happy & perfect & I loved them together & for ruining my fantasy of Sawyer & Kate being together in the end. Juliet brought out the best in James. Juliet made James a better man.
    Then Juliet died. So the whole summer hiatus while waiting for the fall TV shows to start, I kept saying to myself "Juliet died! Juliet died!!! Juliet died?" (it didn't help that EM will be headlining V). And when S6 started, Juliet died all over again! I felt so sorry for James, worried so much of him throughout the season. It seemed it didn't feel right that he & Kate should be together yet he needed someone to hold him. Ok, I know I'm babbling. I love reading the blogs & once in a blue moon leave a comment. I only do this when I read something that haunts me just so I could get it out of my system since there is no one here to share any of it. But in the last two days, I've been doing this, really have to get this out of my system, so please bear w/ me as I babble along my feelings & emotions (my mother started noticing about my puffy eyes while we were having dinner, she asked me if my allergies are acting up again & I just agreed). Why did I watched Lost before dinner? Ugh!

  11. 2nd Part - continuation
    So after dinner, I just laid on my bed, in total silence & parts of the episode started creeping up on me. Hugging the throw pillow (noticing part of it was wet since it was the only thing I was holding while I was crying) I started tearing up again. Wondering about the characters after The End. Did the 6 of them that left on the Ajira plane became so close & helped raised Aaron? Did Desmond and Penny w/ their son Charlie stayed close w/ the rest of them who made it out of the Island? Did they visit Ji Yeon? Did Hurley visit all the time & did sometimes Ben came along? Did Aaron, Ji Yeon & Charlie become best friends? How long did Hurley & Ben protected the Island? Was it until everyone they cared passed or long after they passed? Did Sawyer & Kate end-up together or w/ other people? So many things more came to mind. I think this was what Darlton want to leave us w/, to keep wondering & for me to find a more satisfying end in my own way. Maybe all those things happened & in the end they reunited & was w/ the person/s they truly belong w/ & in their case w/ the group as a family. I love everything about Lost. But I was more attached to the characters, their journey & was lost with them. I still am curious about the mythology but for me it was about the characters. After what they've been through, I wanted them just to be happy, at peace & still be together. And I think, for me, that was the finale was about.
    Planning to rewatch the entire series during the remaining summer break while waiting for the fall TV shows to start. Anyway, thanks to sites like these where I can just express myself. Feels good to let it all out. Maybe I won't be haunted as much tonight & get some well rested sleep.
    I still love reading blogs about the finale, some made me smile, laugh & teary-eyed again. But still enjoys it & hoping that it helps to keep my emotions in check. Thanks again Nikki. I might not comment much after this but will still be reading your blogs.

  12. I so appreciate your insight into the finale...was going a bit cross-eyed trying to wrap my head around it. It's beginning to make more sense, although it's no longer a rush to figure it out I guess; Erin is right, it IS Tuesday (I was trying to block it out)...i'm feeling a void and slightly sulky!

  13. First and last Lost post ever. These comments help get the closure I need. I liked the they all died point of view except that that left me wondering why they made six seasons in the first place? I liked the feeling of Christian's and Jack's talk which really only drew an emotional response that made me reflect on mortality and why I believe this show was epic, while at the same time not epic, because eventually it will got the way of Rome as well.

    My only point is that I am a simple man. McNulty faking death on the pool table made sense. Even in BSG, the ending made sense. Galen populated the British Isles, the rest populated other parts of the world and "what has happened before will happen again" was all you needed to know.

    Also, in the Wire and BSG the subplots were encapsulated into comprehendable pieces by season, or even gratuitiously like the Coup in BSG which was just two really good episodes of sci fi. I think Ronald Moore was right when he said Star Trek was not believable. Unfortunately, Lost suffers some of that same fate as the early temple scenes this season are not only not believable, but it's difficult to incorporate them into the bigger picture other than throw one guy's face in one world into another world. We all believe the flashback/flashforward/sideways world, but sometimes we never understood island world and we did not get satisfying answers for island world. A two episode story about how Hurley knew how to stay so well fed because he was lost for two days in boy scout camp and survived on his own in the flashback world would have been more satisfying to us laymen then some of the stories they bought time with.

    Good Luck


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