Thursday, May 20, 2010

"I'll Never Be Lost Again"

Thanks to JS for this link... This is a rap laid over Michael Giacchino's score for Lost... I thought this would be kind of amusing, but it's a blend of funny, sad, nostalgic, and a deep love for our favourite show. This is brilliant, from the LOLs at 2:30 (seriously, I laughed out loud) to the sadness I felt when I realized they were pretty much explaining exactly how I felt: "Just like Sawyer loved Juliet but had to let her go/ Man that’s sorta how I feel when I think about this show..."

A beautiful, beautiful job by njusticeleague.


  1. Oh my god! Nikki, I am boy, but you know, boy's can cry too...

  2. Wow... I'm not even a rap fan, but I have to admit this made me all misty.

  3. Ah, I'm a little embarrassed about how emotional I'm feeling about the end of the show! This was yet another video that mead me tear up!

  4. Very poetic. "Grown man can't cry over a TV show? Don't tell me what I can't do!"

    VW: micingu - missing you.

  5. After Sunday there will be a Lost shaped hole in my heart.

  6. This was wonderful; loved the underlying "official" LOST music. Gonna have to watch this one again, and this time remember the tissues. Great job.

  7. Yes, I was definitely ready to roll my eyes at this one, but they were full of tears......

  8. Love it....Love it....Love it.....


  10. I love this! Someone should make a compilation of all these great Lost tributes.

  11. I've watched it six or seven times already.

    DAMN, it feels good to be a gangsta.

  12. OMFG is there a way to get this on my iPod?

  13. they posted links to download the song on the youtube channel in the description.

  14. As I was watching FlashForward and trying to watching this video during commercials - there is a scene with Dominic "Charlie" in a room and they show a white rabbit in a globe and I immediately thought of LOST. :o)

  15. Oh dear. The sadness just doesn't stop, does it?

    This was awesome.

  16. The Question Mark20 May 2010 at 23:43

    Wow, this is really good stuff! Great use of the Giacchino music in the background.

  17. Fun. My favorite lines:

    "When it ends, like Christian Shephard, I'm gonna drink myself to death."

    "They can move the Island, but they can't move LOST's place in my heart."

    "They say a grown man can't cry, but don't tell me what I can't do."

    I loved the sample of Jack's "We have to go back!" Pretty cool.

  18. That was marvelous.... I'm choked up, and the last episode hasn't even started yet. Thank God we have the DVDs to watch if we ever get LOST. Thanks to everyone!

  19. Awesome video! Very nice job! Make the lyrics available as soon as possible, plz...

  20. WOW! I am not gonna make any friends by saying this, but I have never been a rap aficionado. HOWEVER, I DID LOVE THIS!!

    It was just very well done! The lyrics are fantastic. The Giacchino music just drives it homeward, and the video is just the final kick WE need. I admit to keeping a copy of the shortcut for this one!

    God, I am going to miss this show!

  21. "When the day finally comes and the screen turns black..."

    Can't get this out of my head. And now the day is here. :)



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