Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Me on Thursday

I'm going to be on CBC Radio's Q tomorrow at 10 (I have to be at the studio at 10, so it'll probably be a little after that). You can tune in to CBC Radio to hear, or go here and look for Q in the programming and listen live. The podcast will probably be posted in a day or two, so I can post it when it's ready. We'll be discussing the end of Lost, 24, and Law & Order (only one of those truly matters to me!)

Also, an article appeared in the Waterloo Chronicle today that featured me, which was so cool! I did the interview a few weeks ago, and it was fun to see it. You can go here to read the article.

And on Friday morning I'll be on CTV's Canada AM talking about Lost. Again, there will probably be a video segment put up online, but you can watch Canada AM and catch it. We'll be filming around 7:40, so it'll probably be around 8 or so.

And finally, I was filmed (while doing the Globe chat!) for CBC's The National for a segment about the end of Lost and the impact it's had, and that will air on Friday's edition of the show.

More to come! :)


  1. AHHHHH! Radio Q with Jian Ghomeshi! I listen to that almost every day! Such a great program - I think my head will explode when you two collide. So awesome!

  2. For all you British Lost fans out there, it has recently been announced by Sky 1 that the Lost series finale, The End, will air Monday 24th May at 5am in order to be in time for when the USA gets it aired.

    I nearly cried when I heard the news because before today I thought we would have to wait until Friday 28th but no, it's official, check Dark UFO and Lostpedia for comfirmation. Finally the Brits are getting an episode along with the USA.

    What an epic end to an epic series.

  3. I was right - it was awesome!


  4. Rock on, Nik!

    It's a Nikki Stafford World and we're all just LIVIN' in it.


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