Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lost - Censored

This made me laugh so hard I was in tears. This is Kimmel showing how silly censorship can be, and by bleeping certain words in Lost scenes, it makes them take on an ENTIRELY new meaning. This is SO hilarious...


  1. It made me laugh so hard too. I had to watch it multiple times.

  2. Oh my f---ing word! That was HIlarious!!! Nikki I LOVE your blog!!! Thanks for posting this!!!

  3. Missing Georgia22 May 2010 at 17:00 laugh I have had all week.

  4. The Question Mark22 May 2010 at 18:33

    Holy crap! I needed a tissue after all that laughing! This was f***ing gold!

  5. And now that scene between Jacob and Prim makes so much more sense since I couldn't figure out why Jacob was giving him bedroom eyes and come hither body language...

  6. shh... I *** your son's dog. wow, Locke! thanks for sharing this.

  7. So wrong, yet soooo right! Thank God for Jimmy Kimmel!

  8. Can I watch that show now? *giggle*

  9. Weird. I'll sound like a old prude but I didn't find that funny at all. Why should making characters sound like they're swearing and saying crude things be funny? Very poor.

  10. OMG Nikki! This is f***ing priceless!! LMAO!!! Oh my word! I haven't laughed that hard since.... um, well, I don't remember when. But I know Ihad to watch this three times to get through it! Thanks, Nikki, I needed that! LOL

    BTW: Do you know there are two "Lost Censured" things on YouTube? I'm only asking because I've seen them. I can tell you if you have not seen them, they are no way near as funny as this one, but you might want to look if you haven't seen them.

    Thanks again!


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