Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lost Times Talk Live!

Well, after spending $13 for a ticket and taking extensive notes and writing it up, turns out the entire thing is now up for free. And it seems to be legitimately so. So for anyone who missed the Lost Times Talk, here it all is!

Part 5 (I can't embed this one)


  1. Nikki-I've only caught up w/your blog in season 6...but it's a great read. thanks for maintaining a great place for unapologetic Lost-nerds to congregate!

    Anyhoo, if you and your readers haven't seen this *EPIC* Lost hip-hop tribute , I thought I'd let ya's truly awesome. Happy finale watching and Namaste!

  2. As a theater-junkie, I still loved getting to see ANYTHING LOST-related in a cinema! And the clips they played looked FANTSTIC on the big screen! I wish they'd screen whole episodes... heck, I'd pay to watch the finale live in a theater even if it was simultaneously broadcast on TV...

  3. Thank you so much, Nikki, for sharing it! I'll watch it right now... :)
    Anyway I LOVED your review of the event (I already told you this on facebook), it made me feel like I was there, so thank you for taking the time and trouble to do it! :)

  4. I am ECSTATIC that this is available on Youtube; I'm downloading the whole thing right now, actually. I was hoping this would be put on a DVD somewhere down the line, but, heck, I'll take it now if it's available!

  5. Time for some grilling, a ceasar, a side of nachos and Lot Times Talk - UnLive

    Thanks for posting, and don't forget the Pilot Enhanced tonight, might actually be fun to check out.

  6. That would be a nice set of video to go into the DVD extras.

  7. Sagacious: I TOTALLY agree! I was saying that to someone afterwards, that I would LOVE to watch the finale on the big screen. Wouldn't that have been amazing?

  8. Niki,
    Thank you so much for posting this.
    Wonderful prelude to tomorrow night.

  9. Thanks Nikki!! This is wonderful - was so hoping this would make it out on youtube.

  10. @Nikki: I would just like to thank you for providing this to us here at the blog.

    I've finally heard all of "Times Talk Live". I think there was a lot for the fans to grab hold of in that, and even if you listen to it now, it's enlightening. Now that I've finally gotten all the way through it, I can see why Nikki and Teebore felt the cost was worth it. I enjoyed watching it, and I'm sure I would have enjoyed being there in a theater. (I would love to see the entire series of Lost on a big screen, and since I have a friend in the theater business, I'm going to see what he has to have to be able to do that. I think it would be fantastic.)

    They mention something about the Emmy's, I believe. (Honestly, I've been so many places in the past few days, I should say that I hope I heard that here.) I am going to be so disappointed if Fox, O'Quinn, and Emerson are not nominated, but I also think Carbonell put in an astounding performance in "Ab Aeterno". I hope there is some recognition forthcoming in a big way since it's the last season. The writing and the music I feel is already a winner, so that would just be shocking if it didn't actually happen.

    I don't know if I ever mentioned this before, and it might not be received with popularity, but as a viewer, I never cared for the character of John Locke. Not even in the Pilot. I think I felt from the beginning the same way Rose comes to feel about Locke later. I just never liked him or trusted him. Both Boone and Charlie, I think, said something about following him and/or trusting him, and I remember saying out loud, "No way!" I was familiar with O'Quinn, but I didn't like this particular character immediately. I DID appreciate the "redneck" character of Sawyer, though, which so many people seem to find unbelievable. (Although not everyone has his problems, I think everyone knows a "Sawyer" personally. A cocky, know-it-all, who thinks he's God gift to everybody?) I can only explain this by reasoning that O'Quinn's performance was always so good, that I just disliked him immediately. Definitely Emmy worthy.

    Nikki, I'm with you on the subject of Walt, but apparently, this is not "all said and done" yet. They specifically said we would see Walt before all is said and done. I have not seen Walt yet. Lost must be continuing somewhere then.

    I thought Cuse was very clear in his answer regarding Widmore, and I feel almost righteous in my denial of the character any means with which he could redeem himself. He lied. Again. He had ulterior motives. Again. Or at least that's what I took from what was said, and I'm going to stay with that. :o)

    Death of Charlie. I agree that once they set Desmond up with the story they had for his abilities, Charlie did have to die. Also, after Charlie died, I was more in line with where they wanted us to be i.e., that anyone could die at any time.

    The conversation between Miles and Hurley over time travel: During the season when this was on the TV about time travel, I was actually able to understand everything I saw as it played out in front of me. IMHO where it got confusing was later on when I was trying to remember what happened when, or in what order. Who was with whom in what timeline when? THAT was hard.

  11. Hey Nikki, thanks for posting these. I JUST found them YESTERDAY and got through half of them then when i came back today, YouTube took them down... of all the rotten luck! lol

    I'm so bummed cause no were theaters in my area were showing this and i can't seem find it online. Do you you know where else I can find these? Or do you know if they will at least be on the bonus features for season 6? Thanks for all your contributions to the greatest series ever made! I'm looking forward to checking out the new book!

  12. Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple

  13. Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.

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