Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oh No... I'm Gonna Cry!

Thanks to Danielle for the link! :::sniffle:::


  1. Everyone keeps describing the ending as "beautiful"...I can't wait!!

  2. I watched this yesterday. Got me a bit weepy... But I feel really hopeful too! I think it's going to be FANTASTIC!

  3. If everyone remembers that I'm a relative Newbie here, you'll know I've never seen the end of a show with Nikki. After watching this I can see that she intends that my home not have one single tissue left in it when she's done with me. Does she do this every time? When Kate says, "I came in one person, and I'm going out another person" that was about all I needed before the tears started to well up. This is really going to be hard.

  4. I'm tearing up in anticipation of tearing up. how sad is that!?!?!?!
    Kathy T

  5. New 'Geronimo Jack's Beard' podcast is up, with special guest Henry Ian Cusick! Go-go-go, Nikki! Hear your beloved Des expound on the ontological complexities of your favorite show, and in his sultry true accent! As well as highlight his extraordinary fluency in Spanish. Not to be missed!

  6. All I can say is WOW.....Terry O'Quinn is right, LOST is like a great book you don't want to end but you know it will. LOST has changed my viewing habits forever. It will ALWAYS be the standard with which I'll judge ALL TV shows....

  7. I cannot freaking wait. But on the other hand, I am going to die a little bit inside when it's all over.

    Terry O'Quinn hit the nail on the head - it's EXACTLY like a good book that you don't want to end. So bittersweet.

  8. *sniffle*
    So bittersweet ... I can't wait to "get to the end of the book" ... but I don't want it to end.

  9. The Question Mark19 May 2010 at 17:48

    What a nice video. I really hope the Season 6 DVD has a featurette just like this, except longer than just a minute and a half. I'd like to hear the entire cast and crew speak in detail about their experiences, memories, and thoughts on being part of the phenomenon that is (and, starting Sunday, WAS) LOST.

    This reminds me of when i bought "Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows", and as i read I knew I was coming up on the end and I started getting really emotional! LoL

  10. "Lost" has done so much for television, storytelling, and me. It's the first show that I ever watched on a weekly basis, and it made me interested in writing and film-making. "Lost" is one of those shows that can never be copied, even though many will try (V, Flashforward, etc.). It deals with so many themes that other shows wouldn't dare tackle in their plots, and the characters all have a realism and complexity to them. "Lost" changed my life and it also changed television. Science-fiction is no longer ridiculed as cheesy or stupid, but can now be held in the same quality as shows like "The Wire" and "The Shield". "Lost" perfected the use of flashbacks in a narrative, and that plot device will never be used in a better way ever. I'll miss this show terribly, but I am SO happy that I stuck with it and that it kept its quality through six terrific years. People keep asking me if I'll be okay when "Lost" ends. I think about this, and say "Of course it's bittersweet that it's ending, but I am happy that it never went overboard or got lame or lost its creativity." I believe this series to be one of, if not THE most creative, original work of any medium ever. And when they ask me what I'll do when it's over, I simply respond "This is why I own the seasons on bluray." I plan on watching the series once or twice per year, and this show will ALWAYS have a place in my heart for being the series that showed me not only how entertaining storytelling can be, but also how important. I don't believe "Lost" will ever be surpassed in my mind, and I'm grateful to the endlessly talented cast and crew that brought this beautiful story into my life when I was just in the 8th grade. All I can say is that it's been the most entertaining six years of my life, and I can't even think of how my life was without "Lost". These characters have become a part of who I am, and I love them deeply. They say that whatever happened, happened, and thank God that "Lost" happened.

  11. I keep getting "An error occurred..."
    and can't see the video. Anyone else?

    VW: Thimple

    What the union of Blam's dimple and my thumb will henceforth be referred to as.

  12. Thanks for sharing Nikki...

    I've been feeling very melancholy all week about Lost ending. And my friends who don't watch are laughing at me for taking a show so seriously...

    Screw em!!! LOL

  13. Just Love that video.

    I have to add a personal story. A friend of mine had someone come up to her talking about Lost. She has never seen the show and the person who was talking is very reserved and doesn't talk much about anything but this show has him talking away. She had to tell him she was sorry but she has never seen the show but she was sure that if anyone owned all the DVD's it would be Rufus. She told me this then asked. So, what is Lost anyway? Is it similar to House? How about CSI Miami. I started to laugh and all I could say is that it was hard to describe the show's mix of physics, metaphysics, and the core, relationships. I couldn't think of any show that would be further away from Lost than House or CSI. I'm not saying bad things about House or CSI but they have never had the same heart as Lost has.

  14. I think we can all agree with Evangeline Lilly. We ALL came into "Lost" one way and came out another.

  15. I agree with Terry O'Quinn. The end of Lost is like the ending of a good book. You want to know what happens, but you don't want it to be over.

  16. They are sweet, aren't they, except Matthew Fox, who I like about as much as I like Jack. He always acts like he's doing you a favor.

    Nice reminder that Daniel isn't Jin, Josh isn't Sawyer (but he sure is sexy when he smiles!), and Naveen speaks the Queen's English. And Terry--he's just the soul of the show. I will miss them like old friends.

  17. I am going to be hopeful, proud and so sad. I will miss this show... :(

  18. That was great hearing the cast's view of their experience working on Lost. Wow! what a great laugh and smile Josh Hollaway has -- I think I'm in love!

    As others have said, Terry O'Quinn's example of Lost being like coming to the end of a good book is so true. We've waited so long to see how it ends, but now that it's here we realize how much we are going to miss it.

    @Joan: You can watch this video at if you can't get it to work here.

  19. In his blog yesterday, Marc Oromaner said (I'm paraphrasing) that we didn't find found us. He was right. He went on to add that most of us can probably remember the circumstances in which we were introduced to the show as well, proving what an indelible mark it left on us as a person.

    I can only imagine what the show must mean to those who actually made it. This video was a nice look into that, just a bit too short.

    As many of you pointed out, Terry O'Quinn compared LOST to a great book, and like any great book, it needs to be shared. This week I was teaching my students how to begin a story (because that's something low-performing kids ALWAYS struggle with, no matter how many times you teach it to them), so I decided to show them the first seven minutes of LOST. At first they groaned because they know how much I love the show and because it's not all that "cool" outside of geek circles. Yet, even my most hardcore students were pissed when I hit the STOP button. Then we had a great conversation about why this "introduction" was successful. These students (11th and 12th graders), whom I spent three weeks recently teaching subjects and verbs, too (with very small success) got it. Yesterday, they started writing, and the majority of them worked hard to create something exciting at the beginning of their stories (based on personal memory).

    I can happily report that at least three kids that day said they were going to start watching the show on-line. A few apologized for making fun of me for my obsession, and a couple even playfully threatened to hurt me if we didn't keep watching. LOST has even helped make me a better teacher.

    I'm going to miss the newness of each episode, but maybe my love for this show will be like a marriage; it will grow deeper now that I know everything about it.

  20. Totally teared up. I will need to stock up on tissues for Sunday.

  21. Oh my god, I can't believe it's ending. The realization that the finale is this Sunday hit me yesterday and I just couldn't believe it.

    I keep hearing so much talk about the final shot being really moving and really emotional, and about the characters, which is really exciting because I think that's what the heart of the show is and always should be.

    My sort of guess for the final scene is that they will all be together at the concert in sideways world, and then something in the island!universe will occur that triggers them to all remember at the same time, and then they'll all be standing in the museum just kind of looking around at eachother with realization and memory. Or SOMETHING like that.

  22. For me, LOST will forever have a place with all the books and movies I love best. I read favorite books over and over, and I’m sure I will rewatch LOST until I know it all by heart. That is what takes some of the sting out of “The End”, knowing that this story and these wonderful characters will be mine forever.


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