Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lost: How it Should Have Ended

I have had so many people forward this to me today... and I wasn't on my email. Thanks to everyone! Sorry to take so long to get it up! This is awesomely awesome.


  1. SenexMacDonald30 June 2010 at 23:32

    Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa.... .... hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!

    Lapidus. He's our man. Step back Jack! LOL

  2. Bwa hahaha! That was hi-larious.

  3. I like that he just wants to hug Hurley

  4. That was soo funny, loved Ben's lines.

  5. It’s funny (strange) that when I first saw this over at, all I did was smile and think it was weird. Might’ve been the voices that took a little getting-used-to. But seeing it again here, I was all sorts of giggles and LOLs. Love it!

    I think there are probably some fans who missed the short epilogue with Desmond, Richard and Ben. Because as soon as the credits start, they quit watching. If that’s you, be sure you stay to the very, very end!

  6. Stunning - and haven't we all had those thoughts about what could/should have happened.

    Love the bear !!!

  7. Tell me about it!

    Bahahahaha... just managed to check it and I Checked. It. Good. Not sure if that makes sense.



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