Sunday, June 27, 2010

Toronto Nik at Nite Meetup!

So back in May I had a meetup in NYC with a bunch of New York-area fans, and someone from the Toronto area sent me a note saying, "Why haven't you done one in Toronto?" Good question! It's not like I LIVE here or anything... ;) So! With Polaris looming in mid-July, I thought it would be a good idea to combine the two and have a meetup where we all have dinner and talk about Lost (or any other show that we want to... nah... let's talk about Lost). We can be nostalgic, or try to answer all of the questions, or begin writing our version of season 7. Har.

Polaris will be running from Friday, July 16 to Sunday, July 18. You can go here to view the details of Polaris. If you haven't registered to go to the con but are thinking about it, these two panels might entice you (I'm moderating one and speaking on the other):

Friday, July 16 at 8PM (the time is subject to change):
Lost: Series in Review
Description: Six seasons after the crash of Oceanic 815, Lost has finally come to an end. Throughout the years, the survivors have dealt with underground hatches, the numbers, polar bears, the "Others", time travel, an alternate dimension, and the smoke monster. Come join our panel of Lost experts and discuss the series as it has progressed throughout the years. Have all the Island's mysteries been revealed now that the show is over, or are there still questions to be answered?
Panelists: Jeffrey Tahmazian, Nikki Stafford (Moderator), Colleen Hillerup (a.k.a. redeem), Tony Pi, Cindy Mohareb (a.k.a. SenexMacDonald)

(You can tell the writeup for that one was posted before the finale, given that final line!)

Saturday, July 17 at 1PM (time subject to change)
Lost: Really? That's What It Meant?
Description: A post-series discussion of the mythology of Lost.
Panelists: Colleen Hillerup (M), David Nickle, Robert Smith?, Nikki Stafford, Lance Sibley

This one isn't as fleshed out, and the trick will be to make one panel different from the other, but I think they're pretty clearly different.

On Sunday I'll be doing a "reading" at 11AM but what I'll really be doing is what I've done in the past, and conducting a talk about Lost itself. I think rather than a presentation, however (since the one-time hourlong readings have now been reduced to 30 minutes) is discuss the biggest open-ended questions about Lost that haven't been covered in the panels already, and we could discuss as a group what we think the answers are -- or we could play a game where you fire questions at me and I will answer them DEFINITIVELY (who needs Damon and Carlton? Pfft.).

I'll be doing a book signing at 2PM that day.

So! What I'm thinking is Saturday night we could all get together at a nearby restaurant and meet up for dinner. You don't have to be registered at Polaris for this, you can just come in from wherever you are and go directly to the restaurant. Those at the conference can meet in the lobby and trek over to a nearby one (cue Giacchino's expedition music) and those not at the conference can meet us there.

So! If you're interested, please email me. Let's see how many Ontario Lost fans we can get to this thing! (And all are welcome! Batcabbage... wanna fly in from Australia to come to dinner with us?) ;) Oh, and if this helps entice anyone to come who might be on the fence, I do believe SonshineMusic, AchingHope and humanebean will all be there!! And in case Blam wants to have an even longer journey this time, I shall reserve some napkins and a pen for him. ;)


  1. The hotel is surrounded by restaurants. Just pick your type of poison and there's one nearby. :D

    Alas, one of your panels is opposite one of mine. I'll be talking to an empty room. LOL

  2. Thanks Chris! GoogleMaps sucks, then, because they don't list much nearby. I'll remove that line from the post. ;) Maybe we should combine our panels. ;)

  3. I don't watch lost, but if you ever wanted to do a Toronto Buffy meetup you could count me in. :)

  4. We have a monthly Buffy meetup in Toronto, Allison. Second Friday in the month. Nikki is more than welcome to come. :)

  5. I'll see what my schedule is like, but I think I can say with confidence, I can TOTALLY come!

  6. Oh great, another opportunity for me to be overcome with feelings of jealousy and sadness about being left out yet again. Sigh...

  7. Yes! Can't wait. This sounds like a blast. Only 3 weeks away!

  8. SenexMacDonald27 June 2010 at 17:07

    Nikki, since I am at Polaris and am on the first panel with you and Colleen (Redeem147), then I guess dinner is our way to continue the conversation. :)

    I had put in my name to be on the second panel but the Polaris gods did not let that happen. I will be in the audience however!!

    Fyi (and OT), for those attending Polaris - come and join me for the Children of Earth (Torchwood) panel on Saturday night at 11PM - after the dinner. This is the time of day for the more adult panels. If you know Torchwood... :) Nikki, if you are able to attend, that would also be great.

  9. Actually, the convention is July 16-18, not 18-20. The Friday to Sunday part is correct, however. :)

  10. WHEEEEEEEE!!!! I feel so lucky to get to attend TWO Nik at Nite meetups! Sweet! Can't wait... it's coming up SO soon!

  11. I am totally bummed out! I am going to Rochester, NY to visit my sister the weekend before this! I go home on the 12th. I dont know how far Toronto is from Rochester, but it doesn't look that far on the map. Wouldv'e loved to meet people. :(

  12. I would absolutely love to fly there to have dinner with you guys! But I have no money, and major airlines have yet to accept monopoly money or begging using the words 'Pretty please? I'll be your best friend!' in lieu of cash.

    Have fun, you guys. Totally jealous!

  13. Nikki, when are you going to swing by your neighbor to the south? I mean, Minnesota is practically Canada anyway... ;D

  14. Oh man, if only the student loan people would consider this outing as an acceptable use of the money they gave me... :( I don't suppose there's anyone else from London making the trip in?

  15. Road trip from Ottawa...

    by the way, do you have an actual link for Polaris? or I guess I can just find it by browsing right? I should be that resourceful...

  16. Benny: Ack! Thanks for that! I put a "you can go here" and then forgot to hyperlink it. It's now up. I would love for you to come from Ottawa!!

    There are a few people from the London area on here; I hope some of you can come!

  17. It's a tough call! I have some friends I can hang out with in T.O.. but Lewis Black is at Ottawa's Bluesfest on Saturday!

    But.... probably gonna make it up to Toronto!

  18. Visit this Cracked page and check #13...

  19. ummm... you say Saturday July 18th... that Saturday is actually the 17th... Sunday is the 18th (my b day is Monday the 19th... that's how I know... and I'll be in Stratford... ridiculously close to Toronto... be afraid, be very afraid...) so what day are you really talking about???

  20. Lance? Is that you?

    Proving once again that you do know everyone?

  21. @Nikki: What restaurant were you planning on going to?

  22. Have fun, those who are going. I've had to cancel my proposed trip to Land of Nice, so I will miss out on meeting the gang. Hope it's a blast and that I can see y'all again some other time. Enjoy!

  23. Wish I could have made it, but it looks like I'll be shopping for new tires for my car and shouldn't put it through the drive to Richmond Hill and back right now...oh the joys...


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