Friday, June 18, 2010

LOST: A Map of the Island

Thanks to Jim for this link. EW found this blog where someone has constructed a map of the island, which might help us figure out some of it a little better. This is pretty amazing.

You can see the original blog post here. And if the lighthouse really IS where the map says it is, it really does beg the question, how the HELL did they not see it before?? (Did anyone else realize that Hydra Island was so tiny in comparison to the main island?)


  1. Sweet... but some of these things don't seem quite right. I definitely want to check how they compiled it. Regardless, it's kinda cool...

    And they didn't find the Lighthouse because they weren't looking for it, just like the heart of the island! Right? Right?

  2. I love this map. My imagination is sparking like crazy poring over this thing. Even if it's not 100 percent accurate (is Hydra Island really that small?), I still love it.

  3. I love it! I wanna print up a giant copy and hang it up and compare it as I rewatch the entire thing to see if it actually adds up. *sniff sniff* REALLY missing Lost and all of you right now :*(

    VW: speding - the past tense of speeding

  4. That is weird that they never saw the lighthouse. How come Sayid didn't see it on his was to Rousseau's camp back in season 1?

  5. @Benny: some of these things don't seem quite right.

    The mapmaker has admitted to inconsistencies/judgment calls, based on the fact that the show was inconsistent, at times, for the sake of drama, in terms of how long it took people to get from point A to point B.

    In some episodes, it would take days to get from one location to another, and then in later episodes, they could go from the same place to the same place in hours.

    So there's some goofiness in the map as a result of that.

    And they didn't find the Lighthouse because they weren't looking for it, just like the heart of the island! Right? Right?

    That's always been my take on it. Didn't Hurley say as much in that episode, "we weren't looking for it", or something like that.

  6. @Teebore: There's more than just the show inconsistencies.

    I'm in no way criticizing the work, it is sweet and a testament to the work that's been put in and I couldn't have done a better job. Now that it's there I think the community can actually improve on it... just sayin'!

  7. @Benny: Now that it's there I think the community can actually improve on it... just sayin'!

    Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to suggest you were getting down on it or anything. I just wanted to point out the creator is aware that it can be improved on.

    Like Nikki, I was also surprised as to how small and close Hydra is to the main island, but it certainly makes the whole "it moves with the big island" thing a lot easier to accept.

  8. I KNEW if I checked back here a million times a day there would be SOMEthing about our show!!!
    Wow! I had to reallllly look for Hydra Island! I finally found it!
    Question~someone asked on here why Sayid didn't see it on the way to Rousseau's camp. I want to know why Charlie & Desmond didn't see it on the way to The Looking Glass Station! It's not like there were buildings in the way, dude!
    Perhaps only those actually taken to the Lighthouse saw it? Jacob made up all the rules, so maybe it was only visible to those brought there? That is the only theory that makes sense to me.
    As for the proximity of Hydra Island, you could actually see it from the main island. At least, you could when Mr.Clean & Sawyer were talking about Sawyer going over there. Did I hear them say it was something like a mile distance? I may just THINK I remember them saying that.
    Thanx for the map, Nikki! My mom & husband will love it! Give us more to ponder & theorize! YippeeSkippee!

  9. One more thing~there is a LOST Legends Tour on Oahu that sounds amazing! My husband & I are going to take the tour July 12! Is anyone else on here going to take the tour?
    I sure hope so! It would be cool to put some faces to the 'names'.
    If you want to see what it is all about, go to
    & click on LOST Legends Tour.
    Hope we see some of you!

  10. Teebore & Benny: Lostpedia has a section called "maps" which gives fan based maps of the island. Some are 3-D impressions, but no two are completely identical reflecting incomplete information based at various times.

    The showrunners did say once we saw the island mapped we would understand so much more. The only thing I could discern from the map is it seems a more realistic impression of the Peter Pan Board Game map (the board game map is a reverse of the Island map for LOST). The Peter Pan Map (see Wikipedia) is wildly distorted, but using point-mapping in an elementary form, it is possible to correlate various points from one map to the other. That said, the two maps still show distinctions between each other.

    I do like the idea the LOST island is based on the Peter Pan Map since LOST was under ABC and Disney, and some people have hinted at Disneyesque references to the island. For instance, Walt being a reference to Walt Disney himself. Sawyer says in the game of I Never that he's never been to Disneyland. From Season 2 DVD, the Swan's interior was inspired from Tomorrowland. Clearly there isn't a lot of such references or we'd see them splashed all over the internet.

    One rumour. In Stephen King's Under the Dome set a few years in the future, a character makes reference to a sequel to LOST, called "The Hunted." Ah, we can only hope, or like so many LOST-fans we are all so delusional with wish fulfilment.

  11. Re: the lighthouse. When Jack, the man of science and heightened observational powers, asked why they never saw it before, my take was because it wasn't there before.
    It appeard only when Jacob needed it to get inside Jack's head.

  12. Paleoblues~GREAT theory! That sounds logical!

  13. My daughter and I made a Lost map cake for the finale based on some online maps we found. I can't believe we forgot to put in the lighthouse.

  14. The Question Mark18 June 2010 at 21:09

    This is really cool. I lvoe maps and have always been curious as to what a map of the Island looks like. I wonder if this (or another incarnation of it) will appear in the official LOST Encyclopedia coming out this summer? (Of course, mighty though that book will be, it'll pale in caomparison to Finding LOST: Season 6).

    Also, I know I'm immature, but did anybody else snicker out loud when they read "Capsule Dump"?

  15. Sometimes when I see this image it reminds me of a mitochondrion, except this would have 2 matrixes inside it. I wonder if this is what Darlton had in mind, and if it isn't a side-joke to the midi-chlorian of Star Wars?

  16. I love this! And I love even more that is has started a dialogue up again about whether this is accurate, how it fits into the show, and best of all theories about elements that were perhaps not fully explained...oh, the joy of diving back into geekdom!

    @Fred: Sometimes when I see this image it reminds me of a mitochondrion, except this would have 2 matrixes inside it. I wonder if this is what Darlton had in mind, and if it isn't a side-joke to the midi-chlorian of Star Wars?

    I like the comparison to a mitochondrion - or perhaps a chloroplast? It does bear a rather striking resemblance, and could thus definitely be a reference to the midi-chlorian...

    I like this concept better than the Peter-Pan map, although I cannot deny that the two maps do have a lot in common. I can't really give a good reason for this preference, though maybe it goes back to my being a woman of science.

    @paleoblues: I, too, was under the impression that the lighthouse was not visible because they were not looking for it, but think that your idea is even stronger. They are not, of course, mutually exclusive, but I like the idea that Jacob has the power to actually call the lighthouse into existence at need. And it would be so in keeping with his character for him to invent the thing just to play mindgames with Jack.

  17. Very cool. And reminiscent of my fab LOST birthday cake last year...

  18. @Benny-but if the Lighthouse is where he says it is, Sayid, and then the 'camping'crew would've walked right past it on the way to the Looking Glass cable.

  19. Seeing how small Hydra Island is, makes the main island seem HUGE! Makes me question how long it really took them to go on their treks...hmm...

  20. @The Question Mark-"Also, I know I'm immature, but did anybody else snicker out loud when they read "Capsule Dump"?"

    Yeah, that was pretty funny, but succinct.

    @Rainier-yeah! I too have missed this...too much life getting in the way of Lost! But it's fun to be back. Thanks Nik!

  21. @Derek: I just happened to be watching "Solitary" tonight. It opens in a long shot of the coast with Sayid sitting on the beach just before he notices the cable. There is no lighthouse in the distance.

    Also, the lighthouse was on a cliff right on the shoreline. Sayid couldn't have missed it (if it was there at the time).

    I suppose some could argue that Jack and Hurley were talking about not seeing it before. This doesn't rule out the possibility someone else may have seen it. However, it seems unlikely, since we didn't hear anybody mention it.

    Lastly, we get a brief look at Rousseau's map as Sayid is escaping and everthing seems to be reversed, i.e. West coast on the right, East on the left.???

    Verf: ficet....if it's broke.

  22. where's the dharmaville/new otherton? wasn't it surrounded by a perimeter fence that kept smokey from getting in? what about jacob's cabin that was surrounded by white ash? place where the black smoke was lit? some escapes me right now...
    it's kind of cool though... thanks for this!

  23. Where's Jacob's Cabin?

  24. I would love to hear how they worked all this out. Very cool, or I'm just so starved for anything "Lost" I'm fascinated by any fragment of the island I see.

    I just saw a Loreal commercial with Evangeline Lilly and almost wept. I'm so pathetic.

  25. In "Every Man For Himself " Ben tells Sawyer the Hydra Island is roughly twice the size of Alcatraz.

  26. Check out this link if you are as fanatical about locations as I am:


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