Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Finding Lost Contest!

Hey all: Just a quick note that the first five people who got FLS6 orders in were Brooke Hall, Ian Malinski, Neil and Susan Andrews, Barb Weatherbee, and Lauren Seiler. I'll be contacting each of you shortly to arrange payment, and yours will be under the cheaper shipping regardless of what happens. Now, for everyone else, I'll be entering your names into a draw and while we wait to see if the books for the first 5 make it through the post office, one of you will get a book for free. :) I'm still taking preorders: just email me using the click-through, or email me at nikki_stafford@yahoo.com.

And to make this more interesting, I'll send ANOTHER free book to anyone who can send me a unique photo featuring any or all of the Finding Lost series of books. (Go here to see previous pics of my readers holding them up!) I'm looking for photos that make me laugh out loud, or unique takes on it. Perhaps you want to dress up as a character and pretend you're hanging out in the jungle, preparing to defend yourself against polar bears by using my books. Or if you don't want to be in it, try your photoshop skills to put the books in very strange locations. Whatever you want to do is up to you. Deadline for entries is September 30 (I was going to put it on the 22nd and make it the anniversary of the plane crash, but the more time we can have fun with this, the better)! I'm looking forward to posting your entries!

And for everyone out there who's been missing our Lost discussions, I've come up with an idea to keep the discussion going. Yes, folks, perhaps we can work together to get past our Lost withdrawal. Watch this space for a new segment I'll be introducing where we can chat about Lost... for all of you who (like me) refuse to let it go. ;)


  1. Woohoo! I'm one of the five. I am going to take a picture of me with all my LOST stuff soon and submit for the contest too!

  2. great. I just re-re-watched S6 and then listened to all 5 seasons of the music, and cannot get giacchino out of my head. I am going through some serious withdrawal!

  3. Great stuff Nikki!
    When is your book going to be released? (I'm in Australia but I'm going to buy it from Book Depository UK). Is the release date different for Canada, US, Europe etc? Thanks

  4. A way for us to get our LOST fix by coming here and chatting with you? Sign me up!

  5. Would love to hear more Doctor Who commentary soon!

  6. This looks like so much fun! I'm off to brainstorm :D


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