Monday, October 04, 2010

Finding Jean

I've fallen behind on these, but here's a great pic I got from Jean Schubert, one of our devoted readers and commenters! I love the inclusion of the beach (we have to go baaaack!!) And I'm really jealous of that gorgeous pedicure. ;)

If you have a picture you'd like to send, please send it by the end of the day today, and I'll be announcing the winner of the contest to win a free copy of the book tomorrow! (P.S. I'm hoping to have my box o' books today!)


  1. Oh no! I've had my photo planned out for ages but just haven't taken it. Must get on that RIGHT. NOW.

  2. 4 toes is perfect for Lost. Nice touch!

  3. LOL!! OMG, I can't believe I didn't even pick up on that. Genius!!

  4. haha! Hi, mom!
    (yes, it's really my mom)

  5. Okay, my photos are sent! It's 3:50pm in BC! Hope it's not too late...

  6. Nicely done! 4 toes means good toes! This does seem to be turning into a 'Body Parts' exhibition, though. Nikki's thumb, Jean's toes, my cabbage, humane's.... bean.... I didn't think that through, did I?

  7. It was tough curling my pinky toe under the sand!

  8. You leave my bean outta this, Mr. Cabbage-of-the-Bat! You'll be hearing from my attorney!

    I mean, if ever GET an attorney, I'll tell him to give you a holler.

    You know, in case you guys want to get together for a beer sometime. ; ]


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