Friday, October 01, 2010

Finding Nikki

OK, so it's only my thumb, but here is a picture of me holding... the very first copy of Finding Lost: Season 6!!

The printer FedEx'd two copies to my publisher's office and I happened to be there today, and I was still squeeing over it (so big! so beautiful! such a perfect cover!) when the marketing person saw it and said they'll need those two copies this weekend at a rights fair. Instant sadness. Ah well, I got to hold it. And... it was heavy. REALLY heavy. So the shipping costs will be higher. But then again, I guess The End needs some heft, right? ;)


  1. YAY!!!!!! Congrats! A little melancholic, huh?

  2. I don't want to have to wait another month to read it. I guess I have to be patient.

  3. Terri: It really is. Right after my "Yay!" I hugged it to my chest and then said to my publicist, "I guess it's all over."


  4. Aw, don't be sad, Nik! Remember how you thought that you might not ever do another book when Buffy ended and your daughter was born. Look at all the wonderful things that have happened since then!

    Finishing the final chapter of this book in your life only allows you to free your hands for the next. Oh, the happiness that will be ours when you discover what it will be.

    ; ]

  5. Awesome! Congrats! I can't wait to read it! :-)

  6. Congrats on your new "baby," Nikki. Can't wait until I get my copy, which I pre-ordered.

    After I read it three or four times, I will pack it and your other volumes carefully in acid-free tissue and put them away for my grandchildren. When they are old enough, I can tell them the tale of "Grandma and Sawyer on the Lost Island"...and let them enjoy the books for themselves!

  7. Yippee! Hurray! Honestly, that book is a thing of beauty. Congratulations on a job (I'm sure) well done. Can't wait to have my very own copy!

  8. Nikki, it looks amazing! Can't wait to buy a copy, or moreso, read it. Congratulations!

  9. Waiting....Waiting.....Waiting......
    I really don't like waiting, but I don't like it when good things are over either! I guess the waiting will be over all too soon:(. I am so glad you were there at the right time though! Holding it, even just for a bit really makes it real

  10. Nikki, when is your book released? There are conflicting release dates. says November 1st but places like Book have it listed as December 16. Which one is it? Thanks!

  11. The Question Mark2 October 2010 at 20:58

    Buying heavy things makes me feel like I'm getting even more bang for my buck, like when you buy a DVD that has 2-discs and a lot of those little flyers & booklets inside. LoL

  12. The Question Mark2 October 2010 at 21:01

    Oh, and P.S.- Nikki, I vote that you be the one who writes the unofficial guides to Fringe for one simple reason: I saw one of your reviews of a Fringe episode, and one of the categories was "Where's Baldo?" I laughed so hard I almost peed myself :D

    VW: OUTIO- the ringmaster in a belly-button-themed circus.

  13. AAAHH! Seriously, I wish you knew how excited I am for this book! Once it arrives, I'm gonna pop in LA X and follow along!

  14. Awesome! Can't WAIT to get my eyes on one. Congratulations on the completion of such a terrific body of work. Nikki rocks!

  15. Question Mark: LOL! Here's the crazy thing: My husband and I were so behind on Fringe (I caught up on S1 at the beginning of S2, then watched most of S2 a few weeks behind when it was airing and finally finished it in the summer) and we ALWAYS called the Find the Observer Game "Where's Baldo" when we were watching it. I thought we were SOOOO clever, and then I went on to a Fringe Wiki site near the end of our watch and sure enough, turns out the publicity team at Fox had coined the phrase and had been using it since mid-season 1 or something. Dammit. I wish I'd started blogging on it at the beginning of season 1 and then I could take credit, but alas, someone else had the same idea.

    I still like using it, though. ;)


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